《越狱》的精彩在于它存在于一个封闭的容器,所有的外部条件都准备好了,就等着放一堆各色的人进去,让他们产生化学反应。 《Prison break》 , "the best is that it exists in a closed container, all the external conditions are ready, waiting to put on a pile of different colors of people into, so that they produce a chemical reaction. Foxriver其实就是个副本。 Foxriver in fact is a copy. 智商极高的法师Michael因为有幸拿到了内测帐号,对副本内部十分熟悉。 Mage high IQ because Michael had the honor to get a least one account, for a copy of the internal very familiar with. 他哥LB是个傻大个战士,因为卖点卡骗G给弟弟买马,导致全服通辑,最后被关押进高级副本Foxriver。 LB he is a brother of Saddam fighters, because the selling points to his brother G card cheat bet on horse races, resulting in full-service wanted, the last being held into the senior copy Foxriver. MS为了救哥哥,只身单刷Foxriver。 MS in order to save his brother, alone, single brush Foxriver. 凭着他对路线的熟悉和游戏规则的了解,策划了一个完美的营救计划。 With him on the route of the familiar and understanding the rules of the game, planning a perfect rescue plan.
但Foxriver不是一个好玩的地方。 But Foxriver is not a fun place. Boss Belik皮厚,心狠,长得又丑,还是有两把刷子的。 Boss Belik thick skin,心狠look ugly again, or the有两把刷子. 不过大Boss Warden这个老胖子心慈手软,私底下居然有求于MS。 However large the old Boss Warden softhearted fat, even in private in order to have MS. 让MS在FR副本里的气焰顿时嚣张起来。 Let a copy of MS in FR's arrogance arrogance up immediately.
要成功越狱,单刷是不智的,所以MS通过各种手段组织了一个小团队。 To be successful prison break, single brush is not wise, so through various means MS organized a small team. 主要的成员除了LB,还有Abu,t-bag,Sucre,C-note,Hiphop小偷等等。 Apart from the main members of LB, there is Abu, t-bag, Sucre, C-note, Hiphop thief and so on.
大个子Abu虽然形象伟岸,实际是个外强中干的家伙。 Although the image of Abu big man in physical stature, the actual guy is a forcible-feeble. 而且后来还假模假式的信仰圣光,由此可见,此人是个标准的圣骑士。 And later type false false beliefs modulus Light, we can see that this person is a standard Paladin. 这厮在团队中的价值一开始比较大,因为他是劳改工人的头头,有权有势,后来显示出控制技能不足的问题,出副本后连承诺的飞机都没能提供,直接导致了第2季垃圾公路逃亡篇的产生。这厮in the team started to compare the value of one large labor camp because he was a leader of workers, the powerful, and later shown to control the problem of inadequate skills, a copy of the commitment even after the aircraft failed to offer a direct result of the first Rubbish highway quarter 2 for selecting the articles to flee. 所以后来没有利用价值了,所以后来就死了。 Later, so did not take advantage of value, and so later he died. 此人是圣骑士的最大佐证是,曾经与盗贼t-bag决斗。 This people are the greatest support of Paladin, the Rogue once and t-bag duel. t-bag隐身,割裂,照他脖子就来个放血。 t-bag stealth, fragmented, according to his neck on to a bloodletting. 眼看贼胜利在望,结果小强来个无敌+炉石,直接就去了医院,过了几天居然活蹦鲜跳的回来了,嘛事没有嘴里还嚷嚷着:以圣光的名义! Seeing thieves win in sight, the result Xiaoqiang to个Invincible + furnace slag and go directly to the hospital, actually live a few days of fresh hop hop back, why do not mouth also talking about: the name to Light! 。 . 。 . 。 . NND,真趟不牢! NND, really unsound times!
盗贼T-bag绝对是一个压倒性成功的形象! Rogue T-bag is a image of the overwhelming success! 地球上很少有一个反派角色如此受到观众的追捧的。 The Earth has a few villain roles so sought after by the audience. 相比t-bag,MS简直就是唐僧,除了小白脸毫无可取之处。 Compared to t-bag, MS simply Tang, apart from a small white face no merit. 我真不知道所谓MS勾人的眼神是怎么发掘出来的,虽然我也曾断背过,但MS对我真的没有产生化学! I really do not know the so-called MS hook people how eyes are uncovered, although I did Brokeback, but I really do not have MS on the chemical! ! ! ! ! 而t-bag凌厉的眼神,变态的走路姿式,杀人不眨眼的本性,感染力可以打十分! And t-bag fierce eyes, abnormal walking posture, murderous nature, can play a very appealing! t-bag比起Abu最大优势在于智商(乱伦胎,嗯。。。)他总是先走一步。 t-bag compared to the greatest advantage lies in Abu IQ (incest, child, ah...) He's always taking a step. 别人吃到果子时,他已经在吐核了。 Others eat fruit, he has been spit out of nuclear. 作为一个人人讨厌的人,他可以轻易的在团队占据一席之地,其对利益制衡的把握,是里面最强的之一。 Everyone, as a nasty person, he can easily take place in the team, and its grasp on the benefits of checks and balances, which are one of the strongest.
说到不速之客,c-note也是一个。 Speaking of uninvited guests, c-note is a. 谁都知道猎人副本组队难,MS组队的时候根本没把c-note放进去。 Everyone knows that hunters to team up hard copy, MS team did not put the time c-note in a bag. 生存猎人c-note是硬生生把把自己送入团队的。 C-note for survival hunters are direct religious ties, to send their own team. 这也是我觉得c-note比MS更适合当Leader的原因。 This is also a c-note I think that MS is more suitable than when the Leader of the reasons. 此人是个背景良好的军士,含冤入狱,逼上梁山。 This person is a good background of non-commissioned officers, wronged in jail, driven to revolt. 在整个FR上百上千囚犯中,c-note是唯一一个不知情并靠敏锐的观察力发现MS们在策划越狱的。 FR hundreds of thousands throughout the prisoners, c-note was the only one's knowledge and keen sense of observation was found by MS were in the planning of the prison break. 人才啊,考虑到猎人的野外生存能力,c-note比MS更适合在第2季当RL。 Ah talent, taking into account the viability of the wild hunter, c-note is more suitable than MS in the first quarter of 2 when RL. 事实上,MS在第2季明显技穷了,他双手抱头的招牌动作越来越少,说明他已经无计可施。 In fact, MS in the first quarter of 2 apparent poor skills, and he moves双手抱头fewer and fewer signs that he has not do anything. 法师在野外就是活动荣誉。 Events Mage is honor in the field. 加油啊,小C,向着夕阳奔跑吧! Ah come on, small C, it ran toward the setting sun! 希望你在第2季发挥更大的作用。 I hope you in the first quarter of 2 to play a greater role. 事实上,第7集里的挖出来美元就是c-note开出来的,红酥手哇! In fact, 7 set in the U.S. dug up c-note is opened out, red crisp hand-wow! 由引可见,PB编剧们也对c-note充满了期望。 By the primers can be seen, PB writers are also on the c-note full of expectations. 。 . 。 . 唯一的缺憾是他是个黑人。 The only shortcoming is that he is black. 。 . 。 . 嗯。 Ah. 。 . 。 . 在LB这个除了长得像坎通纳一无是处不用嘲讽不会破甲的小白战士牛比起来之前,我还是力挺c-note的。 In LB Cantona looks like this except without merit ridicule the white soldiers would not破甲cow than before, I still support of the c-note. 。 . 。 .
Sucre,一个辅助角色。 Sucre, a supporting role. 他最大的功用就是在MS晚上挖洞的时候给他拉旗子挡视线(岗哨图腾),所以,我打赌Sucre是萨满。 The biggest function of him is when MS dig evening to pull him the flag block line of sight (sentry totem), so, I bet Sucre are Shaman. 这个多情小黑男本来一直安份守己。 The black man would have been sentimental status. 但是计穷的编剧们在第7集里貌似要拿他开刀了。 But the writer of the poor in the first 7 years seems set to bring him the surgery. 结尾时他背叛了团队,接下来他要干什么? At the end, he betrayed the team, followed him to do? 很多人从善意的角度看待他的举动,但是我觉得,这人离死不远了! A lot of good people from the perspective of his act, but I think that this person far away from the die!
Hiphop小偷Tweener一开始似乎是个若有若无的小角色,虽然被Belik精神控制了一把,但因为实力有限,没有给PB团队造成什么大麻烦。 Hiphop thief Tweener seems to be the beginning of one若有若无small role, although the spirit of control Belik 1, but because the strength is limited, not to the PB team what big trouble. 但是MS因为小偷帮他偷过表,觉得欠他人情就硬生生把他拉上贼船。 However, MS to help him because thieves stole table that owed him favors direct religious ties, put him up on the pirate ship. 这一点我觉得MS不厚道。 This point I feel that MS is not the desire. 人家不过是小小的偷窃罪,你倒让他跟你越狱,惹上一身骚。 But others are little theft, you倒让prison break him with you, get involved in a show. 可能MS还是看中Hiphop是德鲁伊这个稀有职业。 MS may still see Hiphop Druid are the rare career. 到了第2季,小德果然辉煌了一把,先是在村庄时使用战复技能,帮团队恢复了补给。 2 to the first quarter, small Tak was a brilliant one, first used in warfare in the village rehabilitation skills to help team to restore the supply. 后来第2次想战复时因为CD时间未到,再加上仇恨大,被敌对bug术士Mahone擒拿。 Later, the 2nd want war because CD time when rehabilitation is yet to come, coupled with hatred, and by hostile bug healers grappling Mahone. 整个PB里面就Hiphop死得最值,彻底扭转其无脑小青年的形象,整个一美国王二小,不但为敌人做了错误的导向,还在临死前向心爱的Motel girl精彩道别。 Hiphop on the inside of the PB to die the most value, a fundamental reversal of its no-brain image of a small youth throughout the United States Wang a small one, not only for the enemy to do the wrong direction, also died before the beloved Motel girl wonderful farewell. 生亦何哀,死亦何苦,这样死真的不错咧。 Health亦何sorrow, why die also, so that die child's cry is really good.
还有副本里的外援女牧师Sara。 There are copies of foreign aid in the female pastor Sara. 这个角色,理论上的第一女主角,本人非常的不喜欢。 This role, in theory, the first heroine, I very much dislike. 编剧对这个角色的定位也是煞费苦心,铁着心让她与MS玩速配。 Writer of this role is also gone to great pains to iron a heart for her to play with the MS match. 她是当地州长的女儿,为了让她形象更立体,编剧非让这个女医生有一段吸毒史。 She is the daughter of the local governor, in order to allow her image more three-dimensional, non-writers to let this female doctors have a period of drug addiction history. 可怜Sara的演技太差,演吸毒那段像在演贵妃醉酒。 Poor Sara bad acting, like his drug use that in his drunken beauty. 再加上其外形比较死板,和美国小唐僧MS倒也确实配对,但可惜了东欧妓女Nika。 Coupled with its relatively rigid shape, and the United States Small Tang MS was also true matching, but unfortunately, the Eastern European prostitute Nika. Nika只是个小角色,充其量只是个魅魔。 Nika is only a small role, at best, only a magic enchantment. 但她为MS出生入死,数次的冒险相救都没有打动MS。 However, MS for her life, saved a number of adventures have not touched MS. 而MS更是无情地当着Nika的面给Sara打电话,还动情哭诉。 And MS is the presence of mercilessly Nika face call to Sara, but also emotional tears. 太伤Nika的心鸟~所以Nika后来举枪威胁MS带她走,居然被小白防战LB来了个缴械。 Nika's heart is too wounded bird ~ so Nika was raised a gun to take the threat of MS with her, even by white anti-war to a disarmed LB. 编剧们明显是力挺Sara的。 Writer who obviously support of Sara's. 由此可见,PB完全是一部主旋律电视剧。 It can be seen, PB is a main theme of drama entirely. 主旋律哇主旋律,一百遍啊一百遍。 Wow the theme the main theme, one hundred times one hundred times ah. 。 . 。 .
DB Cooper,副本里的传奇NPC。 DB Cooper, a copy of the legendary Village NPC. 这个头上带感叹号的老家伙有着埋着一个巨大的秘密。 The head with an exclamation point buried the old guy has a huge secret. 护送任务最后没有完成。 Finally the escort mission is not yet complete. 死在副本口的DB临死前说出五百万的下落。 Die in a copy of the DB I was dying to say the fate of five million. 第2季的最大推动力。 Season 2 of the most powerful incentive. 当之无愧的PB最具挖掘性老男人。 The most well-deserved PB excavation of the old Man. 终身成就奖。 Lifetime Achievement Award.
除了副本里的团队,副本外的政府荣誉收割队一直在追杀着三个人:JB的儿子,命歹男Nick以及克夫女Veronica。 Apart from a copy in the team, a copy of the Government of honor outside the harvest team has been hunted down with three individuals: JB's son, Nick, as well as male life evil female quebracho Veronica. 唯一值得一提的就是V了,这女人简直是地球上最不受欢迎的正派女角了。 The only one worth mentioning is the V, and this woman is simply the Earth's most unpopular upright angle of the female. 人笨,钻牛角尖,长得又欠抽,老一副苦大仇深的表情,更要命的是感情过于丰沛,先是LB的女朋友,后来又想跟MS好(明显脑子缺根弦),后来又有了个未婚夫,最后又差不多和Nick产生感情。 Stupid people, go to a dead end, look also owes pumping, old苦大仇深a pair of expression, even worse are the feelings of over-abundant, first girlfriend LB, then MS would like to tell a good (obviously brain missing string), which was later have a fiance, and Nick finally almost have feelings. 这倒也没什么,问题在于,这几个男人前2个饱受监狱及追杀之苦,后2个直接就被她克死了! This倒也没what the problem is that these two men suffering from the former prison and kill the pain directly after the two were dead, she grams! 我真想打开她的命盘看看她婚神星与冥王星的相位。 I really wanted to open her life to see her plate Juno and Pluto phase. 由于她太不受欢迎了,所以第2季一开始就挂了。 Because she was too unpopular, and therefore the beginning of Q2 one hung up. 我怀疑这确实是观众们施加的压力所致。 I suspect that this is indeed the audience due to the pressure. 因为她死得确实十分仓促+不值,显示了她的低智商。 To die because she is really a very hasty + worth, showing her low IQ.