
2025-01-20 20:57:03

1. One finger cannot life a small stone.爱尔兰谚语:独木难支。或:团结就是力量。(Meaning: Great things are achieved collectively) 来源:http://www.hafan.org/newsletters.htm
2、When an ant says“ocean”,he is talking about a small pool.井底之蛙。
3、It is less of a problem to be poor than to be dishonest.宁穷勿贱。
4、Be careful of the person who does not talk, and the dog that does not bark.明抢易挡,暗箭难防。
5、You can’t wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.真人不露相。
6、Tell me and I’ll forget. Show me, and I may not remember. Let me try, and I’ll understand.只有亲身体验才能明白其中的道理。
7、Don’t let yesterday use up too much of today.过去的就让它过去吧。
8、He who would do great things should not attempt them all along.一个好汉三个帮。


1. 团结就是力量
2. 井底之蛙
3. 贫穷不是问题,最重要的是诚实 (以诚为本)
4. 咬人的狗不叫 (明枪易挡,暗箭难防)
5. 你叫不醒装睡的人 (真人不露相)
6. 实践出真知
7. 今日事,今日毕
8. 一个人难以成就大事 (一个好汉三个帮)