如果是口语的话,“Oh my”或者OMG
稍微词儿多一点的是“I'm freaked out”or“You scared me”
sth scares me . it scares me .
you scared shit out of me.标准美式
1、You scared me!你吓死我了!
2、I am freaked out!吓死我了!
3、I am frightened out of my wits!我的魂都被吓飞了!
4、That nearly scared me to death!我差点被吓死!
5、Spiders scare me stiff。蜘蛛把我吓坏了。
6、You did give me a good scare!你着实吓了我一跳。
7、That sudden scream in the middle of night scared the daylights out of me。半夜那突如其来的一声尖叫把我给吓得魂飞魄散。
8、What a scare you gave me,disappearing like that!你那样突然失踪,可真把我吓了一跳!
9、The ghost story frightened the pants off me。这个鬼故事把我吓得够呛。
10、Have such thing unexpectedly?Frighten me to jump!居然有这样的事?吓我一跳!