
2025-03-22 06:48:05


中小企业:Small scaled enterprises
利税总额:Benefit tax total amount
企业总产值Total production value
出口总额Total export volume
城镇就业机会Town employment opportunity
国民经济national economy

According to the stat. currently, the small scaled enterprises run up to 29.30 million in China and present 95 percent of the total enterprises. And the total production value, the benefit tax total amount, and the total export volume of small scaled enterprises respectively present 60, 40, and 60 percent of that of the total enterprises, and produced 75 percent of town employment opportunitys. Chinese small scaled enterprises have been an important and lively part of national economy, and have strategic effect on economical development. However, difficult capital has been the "bottle-neck" of further development. It's our urgent task to solve the capital problem of small scaled enterprises .