SeHarry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets begins as Harry spends a miserable summer with his only remaining family, theDursleys. During a dinner party given by Harry's aunt and uncle, Dobby, a house-elf pops into Harry's bedroom, warning Harry not to return to Hogwarts, telling him terrible things will happen if he does. Harry disregards the warning. Dobby wreaks havoc in the kitchen, infuriating the Dursleys, who angrily imprison Harry. Harry is rescued by his friend Ron Weasley and brothers Fred and George in their flying car, spending the summer at the Weasley home. Harry accidentally ends up in Diagon Alley in dark-arts Knockturn Alley. Fortunately, Hagrid (who is buying flesh-eating slug repellent) guides him safely to Diagon Alley to shop for school supplies.
In the company of the Weasleys, Harry encounters famous Gilderoy Lockhart, who informs everyone that he's the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, and demands to be in a photo shoot with Harry, immediately publicizing himself with him in order to increase his own fame. Soon after, the Weasleys depart with Harry to go to the train station. When Harry and Ron get to the train station, they inexplicably can't get through the secret entrance to Platform 9 ¾, so they decide to fly the Weasley's car to Hogwarts instead.
The next day, Molly Weasley sends a Howler to Ron, threatening to bring him home if he puts a toe out of line. Lockhart is an incompetent teacher, more concerned with personal accomplishment than teaching. On Halloween, the school caretaker's cat, Mrs. Norris, is petrified. On a wall "The Chamber of Secrets has been opened, enemies of the heir beware" is found scrawled in blood. Harry, Ron and Hermione Granger discover that one of Hogwarts' founders, Salazar Slytherin, secretly built the Chamber of Secrets, which is rumoured to contain a monster only Slytherin's heir can have under direct control.
In the novel, Dumbledore owns a pet bird known as a phoenix a famous mythological fire bird. In the novel, the tears of the bird contain healing properties.
Suspecting that Draco is the heir of Slytherin, the trio make Polyjuice Potion, a brew which allows them, for a period of time, to look like someone else, but making of the potion will take a month. While playing Quidditch, Harry is pursued by a rogue Bludger, which causes Harry's arm to be broken, but he still catches the snitch. Lockhart volunteers to heal the broken bones, but removes them instead. That night, as Harry lies mending in his hospital bed, Dobby appears and admits responsibility for the platform incident and the rogue Bludger, and begs Harry to leave Hogwarts, sensing that he is in a grave danger and likely will die if he doesn't comply with him.
Soon after, a first year student, Colin Creevey, is attacked and petrified. During the first meeting of Lockhart's new dueling club, Harry duels with Draco, who casts a spell in form of a snake. As the snake tries to attack a student, Harry unwittingly speaks Parseltongue which stops a snake from attacking a student. Harry's ability frightens everyone because Salazar Slytherin was also able to speak Parseltongue, and his heir would also have this ability, causing everybody in the school to think that Harry is actually Slytherin's heir.
Harry comes under further suspicion when he stumbles upon the petrified bodies of Justin Finch-Fletchley (the student who was almost attacked by the snake), and Nearly Headless Nick. At Christmas, Harry and Ron use the finished Polyjuice Potion to disguise themselves as Draco's dumb friends Crabbe and Goyle. Harry and Ron discover that Draco is not the heir of Slytherin, and that the Chamber was opened fifty years before. After a few quiet months, Harry finds a diary in a flooded bathroom. He writes in the diary, which responds in writing, showing Tom Riddle, a boy who 50 years before accused Hagrid, Hogwarts gatekeeper, of opening the Chamber of Secrets. Some time later, Harry's room is ransacked and the diary is taken. Hermione and a Ravenclaw girl, Penelope Clearwater, are petrified as well. Harry and Ron intend to question Hagrid, but before they can, he is accused of opening the Chamber of Secrets again, and is sentenced to Azkaban prison. Before Hagrid is led away, he secretly instructs the boys to "follow the spiders" into the Forbidden Forest. There they encounter Aragog who tells them the monster who killed the girl 50 years before was not a spider, that the girl's body was found in a bathroom, and that Hagrid is innocent. The boys escape a colony of giant spiders, who are instructed by Aragog to eat them, and realise that Moaning Myrtle, the ghost who haunts the bathroom where they made the Polyjuice Potion, must have been the girl Aragog is referring to.
The novel reveals that the "monster" in the Chamber of Secrets is the legendary reptile known as the Basilisk.
The trio discovers the entrance to the Chamber in Myrtle's bathroom, where Harry opens the chamber by speaking Parseltongue. Lockhart, brought along by the boys when caught trying to run away from Hogwarts, steals Ron's wand, and attempts a memory charm on them, revealing that he is actually a fraud and he fabricated the stories of other wizards, and that he erased their memories after hearing the stories and making them his own, and admits that the memory charm is the only one which he can do right. As he prepares to erase their memories, Ron's broken wand deflects the spell back at Lockhart, knocking him down and erasing all of his memory. Harry is forced to go on alone after a cave-in caused by Lockhart. Inside the chamber, Harry findsGinny's unconscious body, as well as the almost-physical form of Riddle. Riddle forced Ginny to enter the Chamber, and by possessing her soul, began to take physical form. Riddle reveals that Tom Marvolo Riddle is an anagram for I am Lord Voldemort. Just when it seems Harry will be killed by the Basilisk, Fawkes, Dumbledore's pet phoenix, appears and blinds the Basilisk. Fawkes carries the school Sorting Hat, from which Harry draws a sword and kills the Basilisk, but one of its fangs pierces Harry's arm. Harry is saved by Fawkes, as phoenix tears have immense healing powers. Harry then stabs the diary with a Basilisk fang, defeating Riddle and saving Ginny. The two then return with Ron and Lockhart to the school, where Ginny is reunited with her parents, and Harry and Ron are commended by Dumbledore. In the aftermath, Harry accuses school governor Lucius Malfoy (Draco's father) of putting the journal in Ginny's cauldron and later tricks him into freeing Dobby.
哈利波特与密室内容简介 英文
转眼间,哈利在霍格沃茨魔法学校第一年的学习顺利结束了,对于哈利而言,离开这个刚刚熟悉的魔法世界,回到女贞路的德斯礼家去,简直是件最痛苦的事情,他不得不去忍受一个暑假他刻薄的佩妮姨妈和蛮横的弗农姨夫喋喋不休的唠叨和监管。 也许是出于对哈利魔法的忌惮,整个暑假都快过去了,德斯礼一家除了不允许哈利做他的魔法作业外,几乎没有太为难他。但是哈利还是觉得很苦恼,因为他在霍格沃茨最好的两个朋友——赫敏和罗恩似乎已经把他忘记了,三个好朋友说好要在暑假写信保持联系,哈利不停地给两个朋友写信,但是直到现在,他却还没有接到一封回信。 就在假期马上要结束的时候,一个名叫多比的小精灵突然出现在哈利的卧室中,它警告哈利,回到霍格沃茨将会有可怕的事情降临,哈利会有生命危险!为了保全哈利的性命,多比截留了所有赫敏和罗恩给哈利的回信——它以为这样哈利就会出于对朋友的失望而不再返回霍格沃茨上学,可是哈利坚持要回到霍格沃茨去,为了阻止哈利,多比在甚至违轨在麻瓜世界使用了魔法大闹德斯礼一家,结果哈利耽误了返回霍格沃茨的专列,就在他心急如焚的时候,好朋友罗恩驾着一辆施了魔法的飞车来救驾了,费尽周折,他们终于得以在新学期开学典礼上赶回学校。 而此时,哈利上个学期击溃伏地魔的英雄行为已经在霍格沃茨和整个魔法世界广为传播,哈利突然成为了众人瞩目的中心,有个风吹草动,他就可能成为人们议论的话题,偏偏新上任的黑魔法防御课教授洛哈特(肯尼斯.布拉纳)也是个爱出风头的人物,尤其喜欢明里暗里地刁难一下哈利,然后把自己标榜成为霍格沃茨真正的大英雄。 果然和精灵多比预言的一样,新学期开始没多久,霍格沃茨就频频出现恐怖神秘的事件——几个落单的学生和守门人的猫受到某种可怕的力量的攻击而石化,而哈利的耳边,也时常有一个幽灵般声音响起,告诉他:霍格沃茨的密室之门被打开,邪恶力量的后嗣将会对学校里的泥巴种(即父母不是巫师的学生)进行报复…… 一时间霍格沃茨人心惶惶,由于能听得懂蛇的语言,哈利被怀疑是那个传说中邪恶力量的后嗣,围在身边的朋友们也纷纷开始置疑哈利,只有赫敏和罗恩,始终对哈利寄予着百分之百的信任,然后当有一天,赫敏也被遭到了神秘力量的攻击,一向热衷于自吹自擂的洛哈特教授显出懦夫的本性,临阵退缩,只有罗恩坚定地和哈利站在一起对抗着邪恶力量,哈利知道,为了保护他热爱的霍格沃茨学校,为了拯救和他生死与共的好朋友,也为了洗清加在自己头上的种种怀疑,他必须有所行动了,可是,他面对的敌人究竟是谁?他隐藏在哪里?他的目的又是什么?哈利陷入一团迷雾中…… 完成霍格华兹魔法校第一年课程的哈利波特返回水蜡街渡过暑假。12岁生日那天,小精灵多比突然出现,警告他:因黑暗势力存在,一旦返回魔法校就会受伤。新学年开始,校内接二连三发生意外,学生相继被石化,墙上被涂抹“密室已经打开。传人的仇敌们,当心了。”字迹。最后,哈利能否面对学校的邪恶势力?被石化的妙丽能否康复?神秘的日记是什么?消失的密室怎样打开? 哈利波特才刚要展开他在魔法世界中第二年的惊奇旅程,就碰上了飞车,殴人树浑拼柳和来自神秘家庭小精灵多比的警告。这一年在霍格华兹魔法学校,不仅有会说话的蜘蛛和会尖声大叫的咆哮信,同时哈利也因为具备与蛇类说话的〔爬说嘴〕能力而遭到所有人的质疑。从决斗社到惊险的搏格,哈利波特在霍格华兹充满刺激与危险的第二年,终于在墙上出现〔密室已经打开〕鲜血字迹后正式展开。 骑着扫帚横扫世界的小巫师的第二个故事隆重登场,它讲述了波特和赫敏们在学校里遇到的一段神秘,诡异,甚至有点恐怖的经历,那些五彩缤纷、奇妙丰富的想象继续在大银幕上全面开花,比如鬼魂们要开鬼日晚会、半透明状的冤魂——哭泣的桃金娘、庞然大物一般的巨型蜘蛛、伏地魔的阴魂不散的日记本、能让人在瞬间变成另外一个人的复方汤剂,当然还有紧张惊险的魁地奇赛事……可谓是诡谲离奇,但同时又不乏童趣童真,高潮不断的故事,令人叹为观止的特技,近三个小时的魔法历险给你从未有过的享受。 哈利(丹尼尔·瑞德弗利克)在霍格沃茨魔法学校的学习已经进入第二年了。就在他准备回到霍格沃茨继续魔法课程的时候,一个叫多比的家养小精灵劝告他不要再回到霍格沃茨去了,这会让他陷入极大的危险之中。而一心想回到学校重新和朋友们在一起的哈利不顾劝告,回到他想念了一个假期的学校里。在学校里他仍旧那么有名,仍旧不受斯奈普教授和其他斯莱特林们的欢迎,一切都跟上学期一样。但是很快奇怪的事情发生了:霍格沃茨的学生被石化了,没有人知道这是怎样一回事,而且哈利总能听到一种声音,一种好像从墙里面发出来的声音,他们在讲述一个关于密室的故事。据说,这个密室只有斯莱特林的人才能打开。它涉及到一个古老邪恶的秘密,年轻的伏地魔的秘密…… 魔法界的名人吉德罗·洛哈特夫(肯尼斯·布拉纳)来到霍格沃茨担任他们的黑魔法防御术老师,让哈利他们激动不已。哈利偶然间发现自己竟然能听懂蛇的语言,而蛇正是斯莱特林的标志,每个人都在想是不是哈利打开了密室,而这可是斯莱特林的特权啊!那这究竟是怎么回事呢?难道这就是多比所说的危险?密室究竟有什么秘密?
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哈利波特与魔法石,哈利波特与密室电影 英文内容简介
哈利波特与魔法石 In Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, one-year-old Harry Potter, after losing his parents, comes to his aunt's house and lives a very painful life. It wasn't until his eleventh birthday that Harry's fate changed. He received a mysterious letter and was invited to a fairy tale place, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Witchcraft. Harry finds magic everywhere. He finds friends, learns magic, rides a broomstick and plays Quidditch. He also gets an invisible clothes. He's enjoying his life here. But a magic stone appears. It will have a bearing on the present and future of the world. With the help of good friends Ron and Hermione, Harry broke through many difficulties, protected the Sorcerer's Stone and finally saved the world.
1 浏览1442019-08-15
Ever since Harry Potter had come home for the summer, the Dursleys had been so mean and hideous that all Harry wanted was to go back to the Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. But just as he's packing his bages, Harry receives a warning from a strange, impish creature who says that if Harry returns to Hogwarts, disaster will strike. And strike it
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets begins as Harry spends a miserable summer with his only remaining family, theDursleys. During a dinner party given by Harry's aunt and uncle, Dobby, a house-elf pops into Harry's bedroom, warning Harry not to return to Hogwarts, telling him terrible things will happen if he does. Harry disregards the warning. Dobby wreaks havoc in the kitchen, infuriating the Dursleys, who angrily imprison Harry. Harry is rescued by his friend Ron Weasley and brothers Fred and George in their flying car, spending the summer at the Weasley home. Harry accidentally ends up in Diagon Alley in dark-arts Knockturn Alley. Fortunately, Hagrid (who is buying flesh-eating slug repellent) guides him safely to Diagon Alley to shop for school supplies.
In the company of the Weasleys, Harry encounters famous Gilderoy Lockhart, who informs everyone that he's the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, and demands to be in a photo shoot with Harry, immediately publicizing himself with him in order to increase his own fame. Soon after, the Weasleys depart with Harry to go to the train station. When Harry and Ron get to the train station, they inexplicably can't get through the secret entrance to Platform 9 ¾, so they decide to fly the Weasley's car to Hogwarts instead.
The next day, Molly Weasley sends a Howler to Ron, threatening to bring him home if he puts a toe out of line. Lockhart is an incompetent teacher, more concerned with personal accomplishment than teaching. On Halloween, the school caretaker's cat, Mrs. Norris, is petrified. On a wall "The Chamber of Secrets has been opened, enemies of the heir beware" is found scrawled in blood. Harry, Ron and Hermione Granger discover that one of Hogwarts' founders, Salazar Slytherin, secretly built the Chamber of Secrets, which is rumoured to contain a monster only Slytherin's heir can have under direct control.
In the novel, Dumbledore owns a pet bird known as a phoenix a famous mythological fire bird. In the novel, the tears of the bird contain healing properties.
Suspecting that Draco is the heir of Slytherin, the trio make Polyjuice Potion, a brew which allows them, for a period of time, to look like someone else, but making of the potion will take a month. While playing Quidditch, Harry is pursued by a rogue Bludger, which causes Harry's arm to be broken, but he still catches the snitch. Lockhart volunteers to heal the broken bones, but removes them instead. That night, as Harry lies mending in his hospital bed, Dobby appears and admits responsibility for the platform incident and the rogue Bludger, and begs Harry to leave Hogwarts, sensing that he is in a grave danger and likely will die if he doesn't comply with him.
Soon after, a first year student, Colin Creevey, is attacked and petrified. During the first meeting of Lockhart's new dueling club, Harry duels with Draco, who casts a spell in form of a snake. As the snake tries to attack a student, Harry unwittingly speaks Parseltongue which stops a snake from attacking a student. Harry's ability frightens everyone because Salazar Slytherin was also able to speak Parseltongue, and his heir would also have this ability, causing everybody in the school to think that Harry is actually Slytherin's heir.
Harry comes under further suspicion when he stumbles upon the petrified bodies of Justin Finch-Fletchley (the student who was almost attacked by the snake), and Nearly Headless Nick. At Christmas, Harry and Ron use the finished Polyjuice Potion to disguise themselves as Draco's dumb friends Crabbe and Goyle. Harry and Ron discover that Draco is not the heir of Slytherin, and that the Chamber was opened fifty years before. After a few quiet months, Harry finds a diary in a flooded bathroom. He writes in the diary, which responds in writing, showing Tom Riddle, a boy who 50 years before accused Hagrid, Hogwarts gatekeeper, of opening the Chamber of Secrets. Some time later, Harry's room is ransacked and the diary is taken. Hermione and a Ravenclaw girl, Penelope Clearwater, are petrified as well. Harry and Ron intend to question Hagrid, but before they can, he is accused of opening the Chamber of Secrets again, and is sentenced to Azkaban prison. Before Hagrid is led away, he secretly instructs the boys to "follow the spiders" into the Forbidden Forest. There they encounter Aragog who tells them the monster who killed the girl 50 years before was not a spider, that the girl's body was found in a bathroom, and that Hagrid is innocent. The boys escape a colony of giant spiders, who are instructed by Aragog to eat them, and realise that Moaning Myrtle, the ghost who haunts the bathroom where they made the Polyjuice Potion, must have been the girl Aragog is referring to.
The novel reveals that the "monster" in the Chamber of Secrets is the legendary reptile known as the Basilisk.
The trio discovers the entrance to the Chamber in Myrtle's bathroom, where Harry opens the chamber by speaking Parseltongue. Lockhart, brought along by the boys when caught trying to run away from Hogwarts, steals Ron's wand, and attempts a memory charm on them, revealing that he is actually a fraud and he fabricated the stories of other wizards, and that he erased their memories after hearing the stories and making them his own, and admits that the memory charm is the only one which he can do right. As he prepares to erase their memories, Ron's broken wand deflects the spell back at Lockhart, knocking him down and erasing all of his memory. Harry is forced to go on alone after a cave-in caused by Lockhart. Inside the chamber, Harry findsGinny's unconscious body, as well as the almost-physical form of Riddle. Riddle forced Ginny to enter the Chamber, and by possessing her soul, began to take physical form. Riddle reveals that Tom Marvolo Riddle is an anagram for I am Lord Voldemort. Just when it seems Harry will be killed by the Basilisk, Fawkes, Dumbledore's pet phoenix, appears and blinds the Basilisk. Fawkes carries the school Sorting Hat, from which Harry draws a sword and kills the Basilisk, but one of its fangs pierces Harry's arm. Harry is saved by Fawkes, as phoenix tears have immense healing powers. Harry then stabs the diary with a Basilisk fang, defeating Riddle and saving Ginny. The two then return with Ron and Lockhart to the school, where Ginny is reunited with her parents, and Harry and Ron are commended by Dumbledore. In the aftermath, Harry accuses school governor Lucius Malfoy (Draco's father) of putting the journal in Ginny's cauldron and later tricks him into freeing Dobby.
Content abstract
"Harry Porter and the chamber of secrets" is "Harry Porter" series of the second. After making Harry Porter at Hogwarts school year, summer is starting. His aunt and uncle's home through the painful holiday. As he prepared to pack up and go to school, the elf came more than a warning: if Harry return to Hogwarts, disaster will befall.
Making but Harry threw back to Hogg Watts, Professor Girod Lohat to make grand gestures, let him nausea; Yu wandering in the girls wash ghost "room Moaning Myrtle" stirred him no peace; low grade girl Jin Ni for his caring often make him embarrassed; boy Colin Creevey "Starchaser" type of track and often make him be defeated and flee. Making but, all of this is just a prelude to disaster. As more than the predicted, Harry has suffered numerous hardships, experienced all kinds of danger, mystery again so that he rack one's brains: Hogg Watts students one after another turned into stone. All of this is the moral corruption of the student Neldrak Malfoy orchestrated a masterpiece? Or the honest good Hagrid careless blunders? Or otherwise people will create greater conspiracy at Hogwarts? All these are related to the legend of the chamber of secrets? Harry is determined to uncover the mystery......
Harry finished a year of study, back home in the summer vacation. Dobby the house elf suddenly appeared in front of Harry and warns Harry, there will be danger comes back to hogwarts. More than the use of magic to stop Harry returned to school, Harry's good friend Ron drove in a magic flying effortlessly return to school. The school has a evil against him and his friends. As the school room mystery unveiled, Harry also broke into Tom Liddell's old diary in trying to understand the truth. In the closet, he and the young Lord Voldemort face-to-face combat, and together with Ron, a sister of Ron gold.