Ⅰ. Introduction
The car wash will be based in China. This area has a number of benefits in terms of the market that it will provide for the business. Over 40% of households in the immediate neighborhood earn over ¥70,000 annually.
Soap bubble will have 20% market share of the hand car wash business in the neighborhood by the end of year three, and it aims to convert a larger percentage of people away from machine car washes, which damage a car's finish. Soap bubble will maintain a 95% gross profit margin and make 11% net profit margin after 12 months of operation.
Sales Forecast
Sales Forecast
2003 2004 2005
Individuals ¥76,086 ¥123,033 ¥165,662
Businesses ¥6,431 ¥8,776 ¥9,988
Total Sales ¥82,517 ¥131,809 ¥175,650
Direct Cost of Sales 2003 2004 2005
Individuals ¥3,804 ¥6,152 ¥8,283
Businesses ¥322 ¥439 ¥499
Subtotal Direct Cost of Sales ¥4,126 ¥6,590 ¥8,783
Ⅱ.Product description
Soap bubble is a prominent hand car wash serving China community. Soap bubble will be run by the prominent family. The Song family has been serving the broad area with a car repair business and property development /management for over 30 years. Song will be leveraging the incredible good will and brand recognition of the Song family name to quickly gain market penetration.
Ⅲ. Target market
A. Market Demographics
The profile for Soap bubble' target customer consists of the following geographic, demographic, and behavior factors:
B. Geographic
• The immediate geographic target is the city of China
• A 25 mile radius is in need of services, however, 87% of the business will be from a seven mile radius.
• The total targeted population is just over 43,000.
C. Demographics
• Male: female- 63%: 37%. The reason for this discrepancy in the male to female ratio is generally explained by the fact that men typically care more about their automobiles. Men are more likely to spend money on their cars with accessories and are more likely to buy a car as a reward for some accomplishment as a treat for themselves. Women tend to view cars more so as an object of utility. Using this line of reasoning, women are more likely to use the automatic car wash as they are less concerned about preserving their "precious" car.
• 40% of the households have an income exceeding ¥70,000.
• 73% of the target population have an undergraduate degree, 39% have a graduate degree.
D. Behavior Factors
• 43% of the target customers lease their cars.
• Individual and family image is personified by the type and condition of the automobile that they have.
Ⅳ. Competition analysis
There is one other hand car wash shop. It is quite new and is trying to compete with automatic car washes by offering low prices. However, it is not targeting the customers who seek quality cleaning.
The customers who Soap bubble is targeting have their cars washed based on the quality of the job. They do not mind spending a little more each week to have their car washed and waxed in order to keep the paint work in excellent shape. The businesses of Soap bubble targets will be more cost conscious, so prices will be approximately 30% less for these customers to promote volume usage.
Ⅵ. Segment summary
Soap bubble segments its customers by a type of car ownership. SR believes that the type of car that a person owns says volumes about their driving, and, therefore their car washing and detailing requirements.
1. New car owners: Owners of newer cars are most likely to use a hand car washing service. These owners take great pride in their cars and will bring them often to the wash and detail service. The goal with these customers is to promote regular use of the wash and detail service. The aim is to inform these customers that Soap bubble will keep their car looking as good as it did the day they drove it off the lot.
2. Older luxury car owners: These people have either owned their high-end luxury cars for several years or are unable to afford the expense of a new luxury car but want the feel of relaxed driving. Both of these groups want to keep their cars in the best shape possible. Those who have bought second-hand cars will often spend main China hours in their cars and will place high importance on keeping their cars looking good. These owners will bring their cars in for regular washes and occasional details.
3. Sports car owners: These people are often younger or middle-aged men and will regard the look of their car as important. They will also pride themselves on the look of their car and will have their car hand washed (at least) weekly. These drivers will have an occasional detail, but will keep their cars so clean the detail will not be necessary very often.
4. Lifetime owners: Most people of this area have owned their cars for more than five or six years, and is more likely to be women. They are attached to their cars as friends and though it may be more sensible for them to purchase a new car, they will bring their car in for a wash occasionally, just when the car is dirty. They like their cars to look presentable, and want to keep it in good shape but are not tied up in the look of their car. For this reason, they will not have a detail carried out on their car unless they are selling it.
5. Dealerships: There are five new and used car dealerships within three miles of the proposed location of Soap bubble. These dealerships often use outside car wash services to detail their vehicles before they are put up for sale. In addition, there are fifteen other car dealerships within a seven-mile radius of Soap bubble.
6. Local businesses: Some local businesses have fleets of cars and small vans that must be kept clean to maintain their company image. These businesses will be looking for a cost effective, efficient car washing service to perform this service, and will prefer to use a car wash service during the week rather than during weekends, like the general public.
Ⅶ. Promotion strategy
The single objective is to position Soap bubble as the premier automobile hand washing in the area, steady increasing market share. The marketing strategy
will seek to first create customer awareness, develop a customer base, and work toward building customer loyalty.
The message that SR will seek to communicate is that their hand washes are superior to the machine washed alternatives that can actually cause harm to cars. This message will be communicated through several different methods. The first method is the placement of advertisements in the local newspaper. The local paper, The
Islander, is well read and will reach a high portion of the target market segment.
The second method will be networking. Song will leverage the equity already earned by his family from years of local business dealings. The networking will be a good source of customers as Song's family has developed significant trust relationships with main China within their community.
The last method of communication for SR's marketing pyramid is the use of coupons within The Islander. The use of coupons will likely introduce people who are not yet familiar with Song's family to SR and the services that they offer.
Ⅷ. Financial statements
This section will offer a financial overview of Soap bubble as it relates to the marketing activities. SR will address Break-even Analysis, sales forecasts, expense forecasts, and how they relate to the marketing effort.
Break-even Analysis
The break-even analysis indicates that ¥9,122 is needed in monthly revenue to break-even.
Break-even Analysis
Break-even Analysis
Break-even Analysis
Monthly Revenue Break-even ¥7,508
Average Percent Variable Cost 5%
Estimated Monthly Fixed Cost ¥7,500
Ⅸ. Financial resource requirements
The business will be initially financed by a ¥30,000 investment by Song family and will finance growth through cash flow. This will mean that the company will grow more slowly than it could, but it will ensure that Song retains control over the direction of the company. In year three, it is hoped that the company will be able to open a second location. It is envisioned that an outside loan or equity funding will be sought at that time.
Sales are seasonal in this industry, tending to be higher in the warmer summer months, and to drop off in the winter. However, SR will aim to flatten sales across the sales cycle by targeting segments that will want to keep their cars clean and looking good year round.
Ⅹ. Personnel requirements
Since car washing is a seasonal business, with business increasing in the warm summer months, and being busier on the weekends than during the week, Soap bubble will rely on both temporary and part-time help. The company will hire one full-time car wash/detail specialist and one full-time car wash specialist when it opens for business. Although it will rely on temporary and part-time help, quality will not be compromised, since all washers and detailers will receive thorough training. The company will also hire an administrative assistant who will assist Song with paperwork and act as a receptionist
Personnel Plan
FY 2002 FY 2003 FY 2004
Owner ¥18,000 ¥30,000 ¥40,000
Car Washers ¥30,240 ¥43,312 ¥51,174
Admin/Sales ¥13,440 ¥15,000 ¥22,000
Total People 0 0 0
Total Payroll ¥61,680 ¥88,312 ¥113,174
Ⅺ. Security issues
Soap bubble is still in the speculative stages as a start-up organization. Its critical issues are:
• Continue to take a modest fiscal approach, expand at a reasonable rate, not for the sake of expansion in itself, but because it is economically wise to.
• Build brand awareness, increasing the customer base and developing brand equity.
• Establish Soap bubble as the premier hand car wash service provider in the East Meadow area.
• The need for reliance on outside investors.
• The learning curve associated with entering an industry without direct prior experience.
• The need to have a fairly constant volume of business to support the necessary service staff.
• Future/ potential competition from a franchised firm.
• A slump in the economy, reducing discretionary spending.
• The perception that there is not a difference in quality between a hand and machine wash.
Difficulties and Risks
• Problems generating visibility.
• Overly aggressive and debilitating actions by competitors.
Worst Case Risks May Include
• Determining that the business cannot support itself on an ongoing basis.
• Having to liquidate equipment to cover liabilities.
Ⅻ. Marketing plan summary
Soap bubble will be providing customers with three services: exterior car washing, , interior cleaning, and detailing. Soap bubble has no true competitors that are trying to offer a high quality service for a reasonable rate. Most are trying to compete on price alone. Soap bubble' ability to provide a high quality service, both in regards to the actual washing as well as customer service is all based on their ability to find the best employees. Hiring the best employees is cost effective because it decreases HR costs associated with turnover and other employee costs. Hiring the best employees and making sure that they are well taken care of ensures that they in turn take care of the customers. Study after study proves that a happy employee is far more likely to provide the highest level of customer service compared to an employee who is not happy and feels that they are being taken advantage of.
Soap bubble will target three main groups of customers: individual car owner and leasers, car dealerships, and local businesses. The surrounding area is quite affluent, 40% of the residents earn over ¥70,000 a year. Consequently, they have nice cars and want them to look nice. There are five different car dealerships within a three-mile radius which will require car washing services for the various fleets. Lastly, there are main China different local businesses that have company cars and that require clean appearances.
The objectives for Soap bubble Car Wash and Detail Service are:
1. To be viewed as a premium car wash and detail service in East Meadow.
2. Maintain a gross profit margin of over 95%.
3. Maintain a net profit margin of 10-15%.
4. Expand to two locations after third year of operation.
The mission of Soapy Ride is to provide top-quality washing and detail service for luxury car owners in China, Soap bubble will work to keep employees satisfied in order to maintain impeccable customer service.