英文是:Twenty eight stars
Dallas Stars达拉斯星;达拉斯星队;达拉斯明星
28星宿 28 the stars
角 宿 Horn Mansion
星官 星名 Asterism Star name
角 Horn
平道 Flat road
天田 Celestial farmland
周鼎 Tripod of the ZHOU
进贤 Recommending virtuous man
天门 Celestial gate
平 Judging
库楼 Arsenal
柱 Pillars
衡 Railings
南门 Southern gate
亢 宿 Neck Mansion
星官 星名 Asterism Star name
亢 Neck
大角 Great horn
左摄提 Right conductor
右摄提 Left conductor
折威 Executions
顿顽 Trials
阳门 Gate of YANG
氐 宿 Root Mansion
星官 星名 Asterism Star name
氐 Root
亢池 Boats and lake
帝席 Mattress of the emperor
梗河 Celestial lance
招摇 Twinkling indicator
天乳 Celestial milk
天辐 Celestial spokes
阵车 Battle chariots
车骑 Chariots and cavalry
骑阵将军 Chariot and Cavalry general
骑官 Imperial guards
房 宿 Room Mansion
星官 星名 Asterism Star name
房 Room
钩钤 Lock
键闭 Door bolt
罚 Punishment
东咸 Eastern door
西咸 Western door
日 Sun
从官 Retinue
心 宿 Heart Mansion
星官 星名 Asterism Star name
心 Heart
积卒 Group of soldiers
尾 宿 Tail Mansion
星官 星名 Asterism Star name
尾 Tail
神宫 Changing room
天江 Celestial river
鱼 Fish
龟 Tortoise
箕 宿 Winnowing-basket Mansion
星官 星名 Asterism Star name
箕 Winnowing basket
糠 Chaff
杵 Pestle
斗 宿 Dipper Mansion
星官 星名 Asterism Star name
斗 Dipper
天龠 Celestial keyhole
天弁 Market officer
建 Establishment
天鸡 Celestial cock
狗 Dog
狗国 Territory of dogs
天渊 Celestial spring
农丈人 Peasant
鳖 River turtle
牛 宿 Ox Mansion
星官 星名 Asterism Star name
牛 Ox
天桴 Celestial drumstick
河鼓 Drum at the river
左旗 Left flag
右旗 Right flag
织女 Weaving girl
渐台 Clepsydra terrace
辇道 Imperial passageway
罗堰 Networks of dykes
天田 Celestial farmland
九坎 Nine water wells
女 宿 Girl Mansion
星官 星名 Asterism Star name
女 Girl
离珠 Pearls on ladies' wear
败瓜 Rotten gourd
瓠瓜 Good gourd
天津 Celestial ford
扶筐 Basket for mulberry leaves
虚 宿 Emptiness Mansion
星官 星名 Asterism Star name
虚 Emptiness
司命 Deified judge of life
司禄 Deified judge of rank
司危 Deified judge of disaster
and good fortune
司非 Deified judge of right and wrong
哭 Crying
泣 Weeping
璃瑜 Jade ornament on ladies' wear
天垒城 Celestial ramparts
败臼 Decayed Mortar
危 宿 Rooftop Mansion
星官 星名 Asterism Star name
危 Rooftop
坟墓 Tomb
盖屋 Roofing
虚梁 Temple
天钱 Celestial money
人 Humans
杵 Pestle
臼 Mortar
车府 Big yard for chariots
天钩 Celestial hook
室 宿 Encampment Mansion
星官 星名 Asterism Star name
室 Encampment
离宫 Resting palace
螣蛇 Flying serpent
雷电 Thunder and lightning
土公吏 Official for materials supply
垒壁阵 The line of ramparts
羽林军 Palace guard
天纲 Materials for Making Tents
北落师门 North gate of the military camp
鈇钺 Axe
八魁 Net for catching birds
壁 宿 Wall Mansion
星官 星名 Asterism Star name
壁 Wall
天厩 Celestial stable
土公 Official for earthworks
and buildings
霹雳 Thunderbolt
云雨 Cloud and rain
鈇鑕 Sickle
奎 宿 Legs Mansion
星官 星名 Asterism Star name
奎 Legs
策 Whip
附路 Auxiliary road
军南门 Southern military gate
阁道 Flying corridor
外屏 Outer fence
天溷 Celestial pigsty
土司空 Master of constructions
娄 宿 Bond Mansion
星官 星名 Asterism Star name
娄 Bond
天大将军 Great general of the heaven
左更 Official in charge of forest
右更 Official in charge of pasturing
天仓 Square celestial granary
天庾 Ricks of grain
胃 宿 Stomach Mansion
星官 星名 Asterism Star name
胃 Stomach
大陵 Mausoleum
积尸 Heaps of corpses
天船 Celestial boat
积水 Stored water
天廪 Celestial foodstuffs
天囷 Circular celestial granary
昴 宿 Hairy Head Mansion
星官 星名 Asterism Star name
昴 Hairy head
天阿 Celestial river
月 Moon
卷舌 Rolled tongue
天谗 Celestial slander
砺石 Whetstone
天阴 Celestial YIN force
刍蒿 Hay
天苑 Celestial meadows
毕 宿 Net Mansion
星官 星名 Asterism Star name
毕 Net
附耳 Whisper
天街 Celestial street
天高 Celestial high terrace
诸王 Feudal kings
五车 Five chariots
柱 Pillars
威池 Pool of harmony
天潢 Celestial pier
天关 Celestial gate
天节 Celestial tally
九州殊口 Interpreters of nine dialects
参旗 Banner of three stars
九斿 Imperial military flag
天园 Celestial orchard
觜 宿 Turtle Beak Mansion
星官 星名 Asterism Star name
觜 Turtle beak
司怪 Deity in charge of monsters
座旗 Seat flags
参 宿 Three Stars Mansion
星官 星名 Asterism Star name
参 Three stars
伐 Punishment
玉井 Jade well
军井 Military well
屏 Screen
厕 Toilet
屎 Excrement
井 宿 Well Mansion
星官 星名 Asterism Star name
井 Well
钺 Battle axe
水府 Official for irrigation
天樽 Celestial wine cup
五诸侯 Five feudal kings
北河 North river
积水 Accumulated water
积薪 Pile of firewood
水位 Water level
南河 South river
四渎 Four channels
阙丘 Palace gate
军市 Market for the soldiers
野鸡 Wild cockerel
天狼 Celestial wolf
丈人 Grandfather
子 Son
孙 Grandson
老人 Old man
弧矢 Bow and arrow
鬼宿 Ghosts Mansion
星官 星名 Asterism Star name
鬼 Ghosts
积尸 Cumulative corpses
爟 Beacon fire
外厨 Outer kitchen
天记 Judge to estimate the age of animals
天狗 Celestial dog
天社 Celestial earth god' s temple
柳 宿 Willow Mansion
星官 星名 Asterism Star name
柳 Willow
酒旗 Banner of wine shop
星 宿 Star Mansion
星官 星名 Asterism Star name
星 Star
天相 Celestial premier
天稷 Celestial cereals
御女 Maids-in-waiting
内平 High judge
张 宿 Extended Net Mansion
星官 星名 Asterism Star name
张 Extended net
天庙 Celestial Temple
翼宿 Wings Mansion
星官 星名 Asterism Star name
翼 Wings
轸宿 Chariot Mansion
星官 星名 Asterism Star name
轸 Chariot
左辖 Left linchpin
右辖 Right linchpin
青丘 Green hill
军门 Military Gate
土司空 Master of Construction
器府 House for Musical Instruments
比较累..实际上也没有什么英文名..不过就是星座名加上希腊字母而已..比如天狼星就是α CMa..
twenty-eight stars