How to be alone in life.
Many people think that no one in this world can stand being alone in life. Well, I beg to differ. There are many ways on how to be alone in life and how to enjoy being alone.
Firstly, be happy. Live a life of optimism. Happiness comes from within regardless of your situation, so don’t use any excuses, such as being alone. Being alone doesn't necessary lead to unhappiness.
Secondly, do everything you would normally do with a partner or friend by yourself. Many times it isn't the partner or friend you are missing, but the activities and hobbies you shared. Take yourself out for a date. For example, if you would have gone out to dinner or to a movie on a date, then take yourself out to a movie or to a nice restaurant. Don't hold yourself back.
Thirdly, learn something new. Learning is the most important aspect of living alone. It helps to keep loneliness away, and also gives you something to talk about when you do have to actually enter society. Learning isn't just exclusive to books (although they are a great source of knowledge). You can learn to do anything by just practicing. Enrolling in classes is fun and also helps with the social life - you will meet new people in your classes. If you're not so much into the meeting people, the Internet is a great way to learn pretty much everything.
Next, get a pet. Humans need affection, without it they become bitter and hate the world around them. Pets are always a source of affection and will give loads of it endlessly.
Pets also provide someone to talk to. No, it's not weird that you talk to your pet, it's weird if you don't. Just be cautious that your pet doesn't talk back. If so, seek professional help.
And lastly, go outside. It's a big world out there, and you're only seeing a small fraction of it. Forget the people, just enjoy what life has to offer. Once you do that, you will find that being alone isn't as bad as what people think.