气象广播稿 浙江省气象台9月11日11点发布的台风紧急警报、全省天气预报:台风紧急警报今年第15号台风“卡努”今天10时的中心位置在我省温岭东南方向大约130公里的海面上,也就是在北纬27.5度,东经122.3度,中心气压945百帕,近中心最大风力12级以上(50米/秒)。目前台风中心正以每小时25公里左右的速度向西北方向移动。预计台风中心未来继续向西北方向移动,将于今天下午到傍晚在浙江玉环到象山一带沿海登陆。受其影响,今天明天浙江沿海海面有12级或12级以上大风;浙江沿海地区有10-12级大风,台风中心经过的附近地方有12级以上大风,内陆平原和杭州湾等江湖水面有8-10级大风。今天到明天浙江东部地区有大雨到暴雨,部分大暴雨,其中温州北部、台州、宁波、绍兴、察哪汪舟山地区和金华东部地区、嘉兴东部地区局部有特大暴雨。建议: 1、今天明天我省部分地区将出现较强的集中降水,目前许多地方土壤水分接近饱和,地质结构疏松,因此地质灾害隐患点和强降水地区要严密预防山体滑坡、崩塌、泥石流等次生灾害,严防小流域洪灾。各地要做好危险地区人员的安全工作,确保在校学生安全。 2、由于目前水库水位普遍较高,堤坝长时间高水位浸泡,要注意水库安全,特别是病险水库要加强巡查。 3、进一步做好海上和沿海的防台工作,出海船舶应紧急回港避风,禁止民众去海边等危险地带活动。 4、沿海地区的电力通讯设施、建筑工地、广告牌等应进行加固,防止大风灾害。 全省天气预报:今天中午到夜里:浙东地区缓搜阴有大雨到暴雨,部分大暴雨,其中温州北部、台州、宁波、绍兴、舟山地区和金华东部地区、嘉兴东部地区局部有特大暴雨;其它地区阴有大雨,部分暴雨,其中天目山区局部有大暴雨。明天:浙北地区阴有大雨到暴雨,局部大暴雨;其它地区阴有中到大雨,局部暴雨。后天:全省阴到多云,局部有阵雨。 明天早晨最低温度:全省:21-23度。 明天白天最高温度:全省:26-28度。 今天中午到明天中午沿海风力:浙江北部沿海海面:偏东风,夜里起转东到东南风,风力都是10-12级或12级以上。浙江中部南部沿海海面:东北风,下午到傍晚起转偏南风,风力败仔都是10-12级或12级以上。明天偏南风9- 11级;杭州湾水面:偏东风,夜里起转东到东南风,风力都是9-11级或11级以上。
Broadcasting is issued on the 15th typhoon card slaves Zhejiang Meteorological Observatory at 11:00 on September 11 issued emergency typhoon warnings Forecast : province emergency alarm on the 15th typhoon this year, Typhoon "Kanu" at the center of today's 10:00 in Wenling southeastern province about 1 30 km on the sea, which is 27.5 degrees north latitude and 122.3 degrees east longitude, the central pressure of 945 hPa. the center of the storm above the level of 12 (50 ms). The center of the typhoon is currently at the speed of about 25 kilometers per hour to move northwest. The center of the typhoon is expected to continue to move northwest. Yuhuan in Zhejiang Province this afternoon to the evening to land in coastal Xiangshan. Under its impact, 12 off the coast of Zhejiang Province today, tomorrow or above the level of 12 windy; Zhejiang coastal 10-12 storm hit an area near the 12 level after strong winds Hangzhou Bay and the inland basins of the ring surface is 8-10 happen. Today and tomorrow to eastern Zhejiang rain storms, some rain, the northern part of Wenzhou, Taizhou, Ningbo, Shaoxing, Zhoushan region and the eastern region Jinhua, Jiaxing, east locally heavy rainfall. : 1, in some parts of the province today, tomorrow there will be a strong focus on precipitation, soil moisture in many areas is nearing saturation, geological structure of osteoporosis, the hidden danger of geological disasters in the region heavy rainfall and point to close to prevent mountain landslides, collapsed. secondary disasters such as mud-rock flows, prevent small valley floods. The security personnel around dangerous areas of work to do to ensure the safety of students in schools. 2, due to a higher water level in reservoirs, dams prolonged high level of immersion, we should pay attention to the safety of reservoirs. particularly risky reservoirs to step up inspections. 3, further improve the prevention work at sea and the coast, sea vessels to return to Hong Kong to receive emergency. people go to the beach or other dangerous activities prohibited zone. 4, electricity and communications facilities in the coastal areas, construction sites, such as billboards should be reinforced to prevent storm disasters. At noon today, the province's weather : overcast with heavy rain at night : Heavy rain in eastern Zhejiang region, some rain, the northern part of Wenzhou. Taizhou, Ningbo, Shaoxing, Jinhua and Zhoushan eastern region, the eastern region Jiaxing Locally heavy rainfall; other regions overcast with heavy rain, some heavy rain, locally heavy rain Tianmu Mountain region. Tomorrow : overcast with heavy rain in northern Zhejiang rainstorm, local heavy rain; Overcast with heavy rain to other parts of China, local heavy rain. Acquired : overcast to cloudy province, local drizzle. Tomorrow morning : the lowest temperature : 21-23 degrees province. Tomorrow : daytime maximum temperature : 26-28 degrees province. At noon today until noon tomorrow : the northern coastal areas of Zhejiang coastal waters : the east wind, turn east to southeasterly winds up the night. Wind is 10-12 or 12 and above. Zhejiang, central and southern coastal waters : the northeast from 2002 to southerly winds that evening, Wind is 10-12 or 12 and above. Tomorrow southerly wind 9- 11 level; Surface : the east of Hangzhou Bay, turn east to southeasterly winds up the night. wind are 9-11 or 11 and above.
Dear XiaoMing
Glad to hear from you,XiaoMing.Your letter let me recall our meet during "hand-in-hand"activity,so delighted to meet you there.
In your letter,you asked me how to study English,now i introduce some experiment to you.
first.In some sense,English is a kind of ability,we had better speak and listen more,it differs from our tradtional english study,which we write more to deal with allk kinds of exams.On the other hand,reading can be a great help too,which can enlarge our vocabulary.Third,putting our heart into studying is the most important factor,we must pay attention to it seriously.Of course ,besides these,writing is also important,after all we have to face English exams,If dont know how to write,we cannot pass the exams .
Above is some of my opinions of English learning,if you feel they are helpful for you,take them please.
yours sincerely