作文标题: 2009高考英语作文试题与范文(十七)
关 键 词: 高考 高中高三 3850字
字 数: 3850字作文
本文适合: 高中高三
作文来源: https://Zw.liuxue86.com
Talking about a Book
Helen: Henry!
Henry: Ummm...just a moment.
Helen: What are you reading?
Henry: The Travel of Marco Polo. It’s fascinating!
Helen: Let me have a look at it. Oh! What lovely pictures!
Henry: Yes. Look, this is Venice . It’s a beautiful old town in Italy.
Helen: Oh, yes. That’s where Marco Polo was born, isn’t it?
Henry: That’s right. He left Italy in 1271 and arrived in China in 1275.
Helen: What a long journey!
Henry: So it was. He travelled first by sea, and then by land along the famous“ Silk Road. ” The jounney took him four years.
Helen: How long did he stay in China?
Henry: Seventeen years.
Helen: That’s to say, he left China in...1292? And who wrote the book?
Henry: Rustichello. The book’s in about one hundred different languages now.
Helen: Oh, really? Can I borrow it when you finish it?
Henry: All right.
Helen: Thanks!
71、根据下面的提示,以“Start up a Conversation”为题,编写一段70字左右的对话:
搞研究工作的Snow先生在某大学校园散步时遇到了中国学生李平。他与李平进行了交谈。他先从天气说起,然后问李平是不是日本人。李平回答说他是中国人,是学习化学的。他曾学过三年英语,英语讲得一般。 Snow先生对此却很赞赏。
Start up a Conversation
Mr. Snow: Lovely day, isn’t it?
Li Ping: Yes, it is.
Mr. Snow: Are you from Japan ?
Li Ping: No, I’m from China.
Mr. Snow: Are you here to study?
Li Ping: Yes, I’m studying chemistry. Do you teach here?
Mr. Snow: No, I don’t teach, but I do research here. By the way, how long have you been learning English?
Li Ping: For three years now.
Mr. Snow: Three years? Oh, your English is very good.
Li Ping: Oh, it’s very kind of you to say so, but there’s still a lot for me to learn yet.
72、根据下列提示,编写一段题为“Giving a Gift”的对话(50个字左右):
(1) 圣诞节, Xiao Chen拜访了 Elizabeth,并送给她一件礼物。礼物是一只漂亮的竹
(2) Elizabeth当场打开了礼物。她非常高兴,说这正是她所喜欢的,并再次感谢小陈。
Giving a Gift
Elizabeth: Hello, Xiao Chen! Merry Christmas!
Xiao Chen: Merry Christmas, Elizabeth. This is a small gift for you.
Elizabeth: Oh, thank you so much. May I open it now?
Xiao Chen: Sure. I hope you like it. (after opening the gift)
Elizabeth: My! What a beautiful bamboo basket! This is exactly what I like! It’s so nice of you, Xiao Chen. Thank you again.
73、 黄 先生夫妇请琼(Joan)到家里吃晚饭。 黄 太太做了冷鸡、蘑菇(mushrooms)、鱼、 虾(shrimp)、蛋卷(egg roll)和豆腐(Doufu)等菜招待客人。席间主人频频劝客人吃菜,客人称赞 黄 太太烧的菜非常可口。最后,客人向主人致谢告别。
请根据上述内容,编写一段题为“At the Dinner Table”的对话,字数在120字左右。
At the Dinner Table
Mrs. Huang: Help yourself to some more mushrooms, Joan.
Joan: No, thank you. But could you pass me the plate of cold chicken? -Thank you.
Mr. Huang: Would you care for a piece of fish?
Joan: Yes. please. -Oh, it’s nice!
Mrs. Huang: Have another piece?
Joan: No, thanks. I haven’t finished this one yet.
-May I have some more Doufu? I love it.
Mr. Huang: Can I get you some more shrimps or egg rolls?
Joan: No, thanks. I just couldn’t take any more.
-Well, Mr. and Mrs. Huang, I’m afraid I must be going now. Thank you very much for such a wonderful meal, which is one of the best I’ve ever had.
Mrs. Huang: I’m glad you like the food, Joan. It’s so nice to have you with us tonight. Please come whenever you have time.
Joan: Yes, I will. Good-bye.
Mr. & Mrs. Huang: Good-bye.
Alfred因喉痛( a sore throat)和咳嗽去看病。医生检查后说他得了流行性感冒(the flu),给他开了药方(prescription),要他每四小时服一次药。医生还问他是否抽烟。他说抽烟。医生劝他将烟戒掉。
Visiting the Doctor
Alfred: Good morning, doctor.
Doctor: Good morning. What’s your trouble?
Alfred: I’m not feeling well. I’ve got a sore throat and a terrible cough.
Doctor: I see. Well. let me check your throat. Open your mouth and say “Ah-” .
Alfred: Aaaah.
Doctor: Ummm. I should say you’ve got the flu. Now, here’s your prescription. Take the medicine every four hours and drink more hot water. By the way, do you smoke?
Alfred: Yes, I do.
Doctor: Oh, that’s bad for your health, you know, especially when you have a cough. Why not take this good chance to give it up?
Alfred: Thank you for your advice, doctor. I’ll try. Good-bye!
Doctor: Good-bye!
Asking the Way
Mrs. Green: Excuse me, but could you tell me the way to the museum?
Policeman: Certainly. Just go up this street and turn left at the second crossing. The third building from the corner is the museum. You can’t miss it.
Mrs. Green: Oh, let me see. Go down this street, turn left at the second crossing. and the museum is the third building from the corner. Am I right?
Policeman: Yes, that’s right.
Mrs. Green: Thank you very much. Bye-bye.
Policeman: You are welcome. Bye-bye.
Mary Brown上课迟到了二十分钟。她向Green小姐表示歉意,并对迟到原因作了说明。
原来,她上学的路上在公共汽车站等车时,站在不远处的一位老人忽然昏倒在地。她起先不知道怎么办才好,后来猜想老人一定是犯了心脏病(heart attack),于是就给附近的警察局打了电话,让他们把老人送往医院。
Green小姐听后,弄清了情况,夸奖了Mary Brown。
Apologizing and Giving Explanations
Miss Green: Mary, what happened to you? You are twenty minutes late today. We all worry about
you, you know.
Mary Brown: Sorry, Miss Green. But can I explain what happened?
Miss Green: Yes, please.
Mary Brown: OK. I was waiting for the bus at the bus stop when an old man standing nearby fell to the ground suddenly and lost his senses. I was so surprised that I didn’t know what to do at first. Then I guessed that he must have had a heart attack. So I called the nearby police station.
Miss Green: Did they come?
Mary Brown: Yes, they soon came over and sent the old man to hospital.
Miss Green: Good. Now I see what happened. You are a good girl, Mary.
77、假如你叫陈明,在杭州外国语学校学习。原来你校每星期五下午放映英语电影,同学们都感兴趣。但从本学期起,你校每天下午加课。这不但影响了你们看电影,还影响了你们的体育活动和休息。你认为这对同学们的学习和健康是不利的。为此,你特地给《中国日报》(China Daily)的主编写信,反映情况,请求支持。该报地址:北京金台西路2号。
(1) 字数在120个左右;
(2) 发信地址是杭州人民路234号;
(3) 写信日期为 2009年2月27日 。
A Letter to a Newspaper
234 Renmin Road
Feb. 27, 2009
The Managing Editor,
China Daily
2 Jintai Xilu, Beijing
Dear Sir,
I am a student of the Foreign Language School . Every Friday afternoon, after the second class, we used to have time to see an English film, which we all took interest in . But from this term , it seems that we are having more and more classes in the afternoon, which makes it impossible for us to see the English films regularly. What is more, we have less time for rest or sports. I am sure it will do harm to our health as well as our study.
Would you please give us some support to stop this?
Yours sincerely,
Chen Ming
(1) 出通知的目的:把即将做的某件事告诉大家。
(2) 通知的形式:口头通知和书面通知。
(3) 写通知的要求:简单明了。
(4) 通知的内容:谁做、做什么、何地、何时、怎样做。
(1) 题目:How to Make an Announcement。
(2) 文体:说明文。
(3) 字数:60—80。
How to Make an Announcement
At times we have to announce some event we are going to have. Our announcement, which may be an oral one or a written one, has to be easy to understand.
In general it must contain four W’s and one H, which are Who, What, Where, When and How. These are important items to which attention is to be paid. How we arrange these things is entirely up to us.
(1) 时间比金钱更宝贵。
(2) 要珍惜时间,因为时间一去不复返。
(3) 要充分利用时间。
(4) 浪费时间就是浪费生命。
(5) 养成珍惜时间的良好习惯。
(1) 题目:Time Is More Valuable Than Money
(2) 字数:120—140。
Time Is More Valuable Than Money
People often say, “Time is money,” But in fact time is more valuable than money. Why? Because when money is spent, we can earn it back. However, when time is lost, it will never return. This is the reason why we must value time.
The time we have is limited. Every second is precious. We should make full use of our time. But there are a lot of people who do not know the importance of time. They kill away their time chatting, smoking, drinking or gambling, They do not realize that wasting time is simply wasting their valuable life.
In a word, we should get into the good habit of saving time. Do not leave what can be done today until tomorrow. Laziness will not only bring us failure but also lead us to the road of poverty.