
2025-03-19 05:26:40

摘要:煤矿企业是社会主义市场经济的组成部分,企业在安全生产、制定经营管理策略时要搞好内部思想政治工作建设,营造和谐的企业氛围才能实现安全生产。与时俱进科学展观的先进思想,针对这一点,本文分析了煤矿企业开展职工安全思想政治工作的有效途径,并提出对策。关键词:煤矿职工安全;思想政治工作探讨Abstract: the coal enterprise is a component part of the socialist market economy, enterprises in the production safety, formulate management strategies to improve the internal construction of Ideological and political work, and create a harmonious atmosphere in order to achieve the enterprise safety production. Advanced ideology of scientific development view, aiming at this point, this paper analyses the effective way to carry out the safety of workers and staff of Ideological and political work of coal enterprise, and puts forward the countermeasures. Keywords: coal mine safety; on the ideological and political work 中图分类号:G621文献标识码:A 文章编号:2095-2104(2012对于煤矿企业来说,安全工作是各项工作的重中之重,没有安全作保障,其它一切工作都将无从谈起。(剩余3445字)