select * from table where rownum<=10;
oracle 分页的几种常见方法
minus差分页 select * from table where rownum<=10 minus select * from table where rownum<=5
rownum伪列select * from (select rownum tid,t.* from table t where rownum<=10) where tid<=10 and tid>=5
notin相反select * from table where id not in(select id from table where rownum<=5) and rownum<=5
前题是id排序的select * from table where id>(select max(id) from table where rownum<=5) and rownum<=5
排序后。 select top(10)
select * from table1 where rownum<=10
.......俺来回答吧,这么点问题 都木人回答对。
select * from table_Name where rownum<=10 order by column_Name desc