1、The entire plant flower bud differentiation order is the top first, after branching.整个植株的花芽分化顺序是,先顶端,后分枝。
2、This 5 petal flower looks very, very beautiful, and it may be easily cultivated.它的5瓣花非常优美、精致,同时它也很容易栽植。
3、A single flower does not make the spring独花不成春。
4、The inner packing there is a little bit of flower design is best on our market.内包装上带一点花卉图案,这样最适合我们的市场需要。
5、Fold sense organ full of girls retro Black Flower Girl Dresses atmosphere.折叠给人的感觉就像是穿着复古裙装拿着花的女孩那种气氛。
6、Equinox flower solitude, collected many tears from the people.彼岸花的孤寂,收集了多少离人的眼泪。
7、I said farewell to the hippopotamus uncle, swim to the river, saw the flower soon withered flowers.我告别了河马大叔,游到河边,看见了一朵快要枯萎的花。