New York City Greenwood High School的学生到你们学校参观,希望了解你校学生的课外活动,请你根据下面表中的内容用英语写一篇发言稿,介绍你校学生的课外活动情况。
每天下午 活动内容 最喜欢的项目 希望与建议
4:20-5:20 、体育、唱歌、微机、学科小组
体育、微机 减少作业,增加活动时间,多组织参观、旅游活动
I feel it an honour to have the chance to tell you something about our
activities at school after class. We have one hour of activities from
4:20 to 5:20 in the afternoon. Some students read books in the reading -
room; some have sports on the playground; some sing songs in the
theatre hall. some learn to operate computers in the lab and others take
part in their group work about different subjects. The majority are
most interested in sports and computers.
We hope that we can have less homework and more time to join in the
activities. We are also looking forward to more visits and tour trips.
Thank you.