对外贸易的英文文献 及翻译

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我国服务业总量不足,在国民经济中比重偏低。2001年我国服务业增加值32254亿元,占GDP的比重为33. 6%。与中等收入国家的46%—56%、高收入国家的59%—65%相比,还有很大的差距。服务业落后使我国服务贸易的发展受到很大的制约。2002年我国服务贸易总额为660亿美元,占全球服务贸易总额的2.3%。而同期美国服务贸易总额占全球的16.5%,是我国的7倍多。从总体上看,除旅游等少数行业外,多数服务贸易领域处于逆差状态。加入WTO后,服务贸易逆差有可能进一步扩大.
1995—2002年,我国服务出口总额中,旅游服务一直居于首位,其比重由27. 6%升至36. 5%:金融服务所占比重一直在19%左右;运输服务的比重有所下降,由27. 1%降为19%。而以信息技术为基础的新兴服务业则是明显的弱项,1995年这类产业在服务进口额中所占比重为22. 9%,2001年剧增为52. 4%,是使我国服务贸易逆差日益增大的重要因素。

China's service trade development and Countermeasures

Abstract: Trade in services is becoming the focus of global economic competition. Join the WTO, China's service trade was a certain amount of development, but there are some problems. Only the development of effective measures to promote China's service trade development.
Keywords: services trade; the status quo; Strategy

Since the end of last century, global economic competition is the focus shift from trade in services trade in goods, services advanced degree to become an important symbol to measure the level of modernization. At present, China has entered the development stage of building a moderately prosperous society, we must vigorously develop the service industry, and to expand services to the outside world as China's greater participation in international competition, an important part of integration into economic globalization.
I. Development of China's service trade
In recent years, China's service industry to achieve sustained, stable and healthy development of service industries to promote the growth of trade in services. 1989, China's service trade import and export volume in the world ranked 30, 2000 increased to 12. However, due to the low level of trade in services, infrastructure is poor, there is still a big gap compared with developed countries, mainly in:
1, the overall level of trade in services poor
My total lack of services, the low proportion in the national economy. In 2001 the added value of 3.2254 trillion yuan of Service, the proportion of GDP, is 33.6%. And middle-income countries, 46% -56%, high-income countries compared to 59% -65%, there is a great difference. Services behind the development of our country trade in services under great constraints. China's service trade in 2002 totaled 66 billion U.S. dollars, accounting for global service trade volume of 2.3%. The same period, total U.S. trade in services accounted for 16.5% of the world is China's 7 percent. Overall, in addition to tourism and a few industries, most trade in services in a deficit state. Join the WTO, the service trade deficit may be further expanded.
2, the internal structure of trade in services is unreasonable
1995-2002, China's total exports of services, tourism services has been at the top, its share from the 27.6 percent rise to 36.5 percent: the proportion of financial services have been around 19%; decline in the proportion of transportation services, by the 27.1% reduced 19%. The information technology-based emerging service industries is obvious weaknesses in the service of this industry in 1995, the proportion of imports to 22.9 percent in 2001 soared to 52.4 percent, making China's service trade an important factor in the increasing deficit.
3, management of trade in services lagged
As the service sector is composed of many related industries industry groups, industries involved in international trade in services scope, the international community requires a State to carry out their domestic services sector overall coordination and management. At present, China's foreign trade in services management system has many defects, such as central and local foreign trade policy and regulations in the service sector there are still some differences, long service management, and those policies or issues of mutual constraints has not been fully resolved, Services statistics are not norms, industry standards and so many do not comply with international practice.
4, trade in services legislation is not perfect
Over the years, lagged far behind China's service trade legislation, although enacted in recent years, "Commercial Bank Law", "Insurance Law", "Maritime" and so on, but a wide range of content and services, trade and development requirements of international trade in services, there are many less than . At present, China still does not have a general law on the service have been the main performance of the provisions of the regulations for the various functional departments and internal documents, not only the legislation is quite low, and the lack of coordination, which affects the unity of China's service trade legislation and transparency.
Second, join the WTO impact on China Trade in Services
China's accession to WTO, the services market will further expand the basis of the original opening, which will bring China's service trade development profound impact.
1, the service trade market to further accelerate the process of
Deregulation, open markets are key to the development of trade in services. Join the WTO, market access in some service sectors, will not only control by the domestic authorities, but to the implementation of our government's commitment to the WTO, which will help break the monopoly of some domestic industries, is conducive to the domestic industry learn foreign advanced experience, to improve service quality and level of services in China to further promote the development and improvement of international competitiveness.
2, will help to improve the investment environment in China
Investment environment is not only reflected in the road, communication, power supply and other hardware is good or bad, more and more reflected in the financial, distribution, professional services and other production services such as the completeness and quality. China's service sector generally backward, more backward, producer services, which is Chinese and foreign investors, an important reason for our market. Services of opening travel, will attract more foreign capital into the services sector, which will effectively promote the service sector, in particular the rapid development of producer services, improve the soft investment environment in China, in order to stimulate the development of the domestic economy as a whole.
3, will help introduce new types of services
Behind our services to a large extent the performance of the types of services, lack of variety, many services need to fill "the gaps." Division of the World Trade Organization's 143 industries, our commercial tax services, poll services, credit inquiries, etc., is basically a blank. In many industries, specific services, there are still large gaps in service varieties. Service market opening and entry of foreign capital, will make up a considerable extent, the various gaps in the service industry to meet the domestic economic development and people's living needs.
4, is conducive to a deeper level the restructuring of the world economy
The promotion of economic globalization, global services are brewing around the world adjusted. Join the WTO, will help China to shift to overseas countries by labor-intensive, capital-intensive service industry the opportunity to attract foreign investment, improve the internal structure of our services; also help our service providers to enter the international market, "going out "strategy to expand trade in services exports.
Third, enhance the competitiveness of China's service trade, the main measures
1, optimization services industry structure
Vigorously develop modern services sector, focusing on the development of information, technology, consulting, legal and other industries to bring the overall level of service increase. Actively develop new service industries, such as real estate, property management, tourism, education and training, culture, sports, etc. to form a new economic growth point. Reorganization of the transformation of traditional industries, the use of modern management methods and services technology, focusing on transforming flow of commerce, transportation, catering and other industries, technological level and operational efficiency.
2, relaxation of market access for services
Monopoly in some sectors to change the serious, too restrictive market access conditions, the main qualification to market and service standards, and gradually form an open and transparent and standardized management of the market access system. Accelerate the reform of management system of monopoly industries, relax qualifications in some sectors market access conditions, encouraging non-state participation in the broader field of service industry. Market access, reform of administrative approval system, reduce administrative examination and approval.
3, multi-channel input to increase services
Central and local levels of government, appropriate arrangements should be a number of investment as a guide to speed up the development of the service sector, mainly for the service sector construction projects encouraged by the state as discount or subsidy to attract more bank credit funds and social input. Censoring banks in the basis of independent active service to meet the loan conditions of loans to enterprises and their projects. Encourage qualified enterprises to enter the capital market financing services.
4, to strengthen organization and leadership services
Further change the concept of unity of thinking, raise awareness, the service placed with agriculture, industry, equally important position. Governments at all levels must perform their duties, in order to accelerate the development of services to create a good environment. Develop and improve the standard of the main services market behavior and market order, laws and regulations to provide legal protection for the service industry.


(一) 电子商务的内涵与特点1
(二) 电子商务对国际贸易的影响6
(二) 存在的问题12
(三) 中国对外贸易的重新定位15
(一) 电子商务在出口贸易中的效益体现17


摘 要
电子商务(Electronic Commence)是一种以电子数据交换EDI和Internet网上交易为主要内容的全新商务模式。其体现的开放性、全球性、地域性、低成本和高效率等内在特征,在符合商业经济内在要求的同时,还使其超越了作为一种新的贸易形式所具有的价值。它不仅改变了企业本身的生产、经营、管理,而且对传统的贸易方式带来冲击。其最明显的标志就是增加了贸易机会、降低贸易成本、提高贸易效益。在带动经济结构变革的同时,对整个现代经济生活产生了巨大而且深远的影响。
关键词 电子商务 数据交换 因特网 国际贸易
In the shifting to information economy, traditional commerce is out of the steps of time because of its lot shortcomings. As the direct result from the development of cyber internet technology, EC (Electronic Commerce) is the new direction of future business.
EC includes EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) and business on web. It is a definitely new business model. Its inner nature such as global, regional, low cost and high efficiency make it more valuable than its virtual value as a new business model. At the same time, it is also accord with demands from business. EC not only changes producing, management, but impact on traditional commerce model. The most obvious symbol is increase business opportunities, decrease of trading cost, and getting more business profits. It leads profound affection to the whole economic life when it changes economic structure.
China wants to be a great developing trading nation. It is necessary to act activity. We need making strategy to face EC, to face the impact, the pressure and chances in order to control our foreign business policies.
Justify by us in order to follow EC steps in developing. That is the right way for us to challenge with other developed countries.

Key word Electronic Commerce Electronic Data Interchange Internet
International trading

中国的贸易必须在世界贸易从传统贸易向国际网络贸易转化中重新为自己定位,就是使中国贸易从传统贸易转化为网络贸易。为此,我们要积极推进中国贸易从传统贸易向国际网络贸易的革命性的转化,这一推进要通过市场与政府有效结合的方式来进行。值得指出的是,中国已经初步地“尝到了网络贸易的甜头”,1998年1~5月份,中国的出口本来应该受亚洲货币金融危机的影响而有较大幅度的下降,但是,1998年1~5月份中国的外贸进出口却保持着增长,据海关统计,1998年1~5月份,中国外贸进出口总值达1 236.9亿美元,比去年同期增长5.4%,其中出口711.1亿美元,增长8.6%,进口525.8%亿美元,增长1.5%,其中一个重要的决定因素就是,中国在1998年的春季广交会上,利用互联网向全球2 000多家外商发出了电子邮件,这使得在东南亚金融危机后的这次广交会的出席人数达6.5万人,为历年广交会人数最多的一次。在这次广交会上,中国同东南亚和韩国达成的交易额下降了60%,而同欧洲、美洲、中东、非洲的交易额则增长20%~30%。占中国出口四成的本次广交会出口成交额比上年增长10%以上。据海关统计,1998年1~4月份,中国对亚洲出口增长4.8%,对亚洲出口的比重比去年同期下降了4.6%,而对欧洲、美国、非洲、南美的出口却分别增长了29.6%、22.7%、33.9%、40.1%,它们占中国外贸出口的比重也有一定幅度的增加,很显然,中国外贸的这一变化是与对国际互联网电子邮件利用密切相关的。中国外经贸部宣布“中国商品市场”已于1998年7月8日正式进入因特网,它将成为目前因特网上最大的中国商品数据库,向外商展示中国商品信息,这为许多企业进入网络,提供了新机会。这一“中国商品市场”就利用网络发布信息这一形式而言,与中国已有的在网络上建立站点发布信息的企业一样。很明显,对于它们都有或将有从发布信息,深化到销售产品和以网络为基础的企业业务往来、企业间培训、客户培训、售后服务等商务活动的必要。这也是应该挖掘网络收益的一个取向,既要利用网络来捕捉更多的贸易机会,扩大市场的范围,又要通过网络来使得比较优势和竞争优势升级。另外,一定要注意网络安全问题。还有,也是至关重要的,中国应对网络贸易立法,且对已存在的对外贸易法进行修改。有理由相信,随着中国外贸逐步地从传统贸易转化为网络贸易,中国网络贸易的发展必然使中国的贸易呈现出一种新的局面.

With economic development and the progress of the times, people of the original concept of marriage constantly being challenged, while the concept of legal system is further strengthened. Due to various reasons, divorce cases each year are on the rise, the husband and wife in a divorce case and deal with common property that has become increasingly difficult, reflected by the status of more and more important, it has a bearing on social stability and unity, and economic construction can proceed smoothly. Debt Settlement of joint processing and housing is dealt with divorce, division of property compared the two main issues, the 2001 Marriage Law, promulgated and implemented the new sound of the old Marriage Law of the many deficiencies, but its institutional division of property in a divorce there are still some shortcomings. Therefore, the perfect family property system and properly handle the divorce, division of matrimonial property has strong practical significance.

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