9.帮助浏览器:(Help Browser) MATLAB为用户提供了方便快捷的帮助信息获取途径和图文并茂的帮助内容,获得帮助信息有下述多种方式: *帮助命令help; *帮助窗口; *MATLAB帮助界面; *打印在线帮助手册; *Math Works公司网站。 The MathWorks, Inc.网址: http://www.mathworks.com/products/new_prod...t_features.html (1)help 命令:在命令窗口输入help命令,也是MATLAB寻找在线帮助的一种方便而快捷的方式。(图示、操作演示) 例 1. help (列出主要的帮助主题) HELP topics: matlab\general - General purpose commands. matlab\ops - Operators and special characters. matlab\lang - Programming language constructs. matlab\elmat - Elementary matrices and matrix manipulation. matlab\elfun - Elementary math functions. matlab\specfun - Specialized math functions. matlab\matfun - Matrix functions - numerical linear algebra. matlab\datafun - Data analysis and Fourier transforms. matlab\audio - Audio support. matlab\polyfun - Interpolation and polynomials. matlab\funfun - Function functions and ODE solvers. matlab\sparfun - Sparse matrices. matlab\graph2d - Two dimensional graphs. matlab\graph3d - Three dimensional graphs. matlab\specgraph - Specialized graphs…. (2)帮助浏览器: MATLAB通过选择help可以获得各类帮助信息,通过勾选或删除勾选Desktop菜单中的Help选项可打开或关闭窗口中独立的交互式帮助浏览器。 例 2. help exp (列出指定主题下的函数说明) EXP Exponential. EXP(X) is the exponential of the elements of X, e to the X. For complex Z=X+i*Y, EXP(Z) = EXP(X)*(COS(Y)+i*SIN(Y)). See also LOG, LOG10, EXPM, EXPINT. Overloaded methods help sym/exp.m help fints/exp.m help demtseries/exp.m (3)lookfor 命令:(lookfor commend) 可以根据用户提供的完整或不完整的关键词,搜索出一组与之相关的命令或函数。(图示、操作演示) 例:lookfor integral ELLIPKE Complete elliptic integral. EXPINT Exponential integral function. DBLQUAD Numerically evaluate double integral. QUAD Numerically evaluate integral, adaptive Simpson quadrature. QUAD8 Numerically evaluate integral, higher order method. QUADL Numerically evaluate integral, adaptive Lobatto quadrature. COSINT Cosine integral function. SININT Sine integral function. ASSEMA Assembles area integral contributions in a PDE problem. COSINT Cosine integral function. FOURIER Fourier integral transform. IFOURIER Inverse Fourier integral transform. SININT Sine integral function. BLKPIDCON The output of the block is the sum of proportional, integral and