Declaration on the import of goods, packaging and consistency problems, the supplier's shipping documents provided by the information must be detailed and accurate, if the information is not accurate, once the customs commodity inspection department finds that the penalties will be severe, it will result in Division I in Customs and Excise Department to reduce the credibility and increase the future chances of customs inspection, and even make me stop production risks faced by the Secretary.
之前已经多次要求各供应商,现再次要求如下: Repeated requests before the operators are once again the following:
1,进口货物避免使用实木托盘,尽量使用复合托盘。 1, imports of goods to avoid the use of wood pallets, make full use of composite tray.
2,如果使用实木托盘或实木包装,请必须进行熏蒸热处理”中心温度达到56摄氏度以上,时间30分钟以上”,同时托盘上要注明熏蒸热处理和IPPC标识, 2, if you use wood pallets or wood packaging must be fumigated please heat treatment "center temperature reaches 56 degrees Celsius or higher for more than 30 minutes," while pallet heat treatment and fumigation should be indicated on the IPPC logo,
3, 若货物使用托盘包装,单据上务必注明托盘的材质(实木托盘、复合托盘、塑料托盘、纸托盘)。 3, if the goods to use tray packaging, documentation must indicate on the tray material (wood pallets, composite trays, plastic tray, paper tray).
以上,请各供应商协助,如果再次发生”进口的货物包装与申报不符”,造成的经济处罚全部由供应商承担。 Above, and invites suppliers to assist, if from happening again, "packaging and declaration of goods imported does not match", resulting in all of the economic penalties borne by the supplier.
此答案只拱参考 有一些不会、不对
Concerning import the goods packing with declare the consistency problem, the information of the supplier a shipment for providing voucher musts be detailed with accurate, if the information is not accurate once drive maritime customs company the 检 section detection will suffer the scathing punishment, would also result in I take charge of the prestige in maritime customs lowers, the enlargement is from now on the maritime customs inspects several rates, even will make me taking charge of to face to stop production danger.
Have requested each supplier many times before, request again now as follows:
1, import goods avoid the solid wood in usage tray, using the compound tray to the best.
2, if solid wood in usage tray or solid woods pack, pleasing must proceed to fume to steam the heat handles" the center temperature attains more than 56,30 minutes in time are above", the tray ascends to to note to fume to steam at the same time the heat handles with the marking of IPPC,
3, if the goods usage tray packs, must note the material of the tray on the voucher.( solid wood tray, compound tray, plastics tray, paper tray)
Above, ask each supplier to help, if take place again" goods that import packing out of accordance with declare", the economic punishment that result in be undertaken by supplier all.
Concerning import goods packing with declare a consistency problem, the supplier provide of shipment voucher of the information must be detailed of with accurate of, if the information prohibit indeed once drive maritime customs company check section detection will be subjected to scathing of punishment, would even result in I department the prestige in maritime customs lower, enlargement aftertime inspect of maritime customs several rate, even will make I department face to stop production dangerous.
Previous already many times each supplier of request, now again request as follows:
1, import the goods avoid an usage solid wood tray, as far as possible usage compound tray.
2, if usage solid wood tray or solid wood packing, please have to carry on smoked steam hot processing"the center temperature attain 56 Celsius degrees above, time 30 minutes above", in the meantime tray top want to note smoked steam hot processing and IPPC marking,
3, if the tray packing of the goods usage, must note the material of tray on the voucher.(solid wood tray, compound tray, plastics tray, paper tray)
Above, please each supplier help, if again "import of goods packing with declare to not agree with" happen, result in of economy all of the punishment be undertake by the supplier.
算是个人见解 希望对你有帮助
The consistency issue about the pack and declaration of imported goods,the information of shipping bills offered by supplier must be detailed and veracious.We will be severely punished if the inaccuracy of the information once be discovered by the commodity inspection department of the customs.What's more,it will cause the drop of credit of our company and increase the probability of customs from now on and even make our company face the danger of stopping production.
I have required all the suppliers many times before,now I put forward the requests again below.
1.It should be avoided to use wooden tray to the imported goods and use composite material pallet as much as possible.
2.If there is a usage of wooden tray or wooden pack,please remember to have suffocating heat treatment(the center temperature is up to 56 centi degree and a dacades of more than thirty minutes).At the same time,it is required to give clear indication of suffocating heat treatment and the IPPC mark.
3.If the goods use pallet packing,the trays'materials should be give clear indication on the receipts.(wooden tray,Composite material pallet,plastic tray,paper tray)
All above,all the supplier aid us please.If the inconsistency between the imported goods'pack and declaration happen again,the economic punishment cause by it should all be burdened by supplier.
Concerning import goods packing with declare consistencily problem, the supplier provide of shipment voucher of the information must be detailed of with accurating, if the information prohibit indeed once drive maritime customs company check section detection will be subjected to scathing of punishment,it would even result in my department the prestige lower in maritime customs, enlargement aftertime inspect of maritime customs several rate, even will make my department face to the danger of non-production .
we had already talked to each supplier many times of request Previously, now note the request again as follows:
1, You should avoid using solid wood tray when import the goods,and use compound tray as possible.
2, if you usage solid wood tray or solid wood packing, please carry on smoked steam hot processing"the center temperature attain 56 Celsius degrees above, and time for 30 minutes above", in the meantime tray top want to note smoked steam hot processing and IPPC marking,
3, if the tray packing of the goods usage, must note the material of tray on the voucher.(solid wood tray, compound tray, plastics tray, paper tray)
Above, every supplier do a favor on it,please, if the matter of"import of goods packing with declare to not agree with" happen again , the supplier would undertake what result in all of the punishment of economy by yourself.