
2024-12-02 02:52:57








to distinguish right from wrong
merciful Death came as a merciful release from all his pain
a new range of kitchen products
Criminals are sometimes the product of bad homes
the packet of white powder the police found in his room turned out to be cocaine
These powders are all the same
John powdered the baby after her bath
her patent discomfort at this odd situation
a patent lock
we set about tidying the room
this defeat has to be set against a whole series of recent successes
a war which set against family perfume 香水 香味
stainless 无锈的 不锈的
patent 专利证书 专利权
jelly 果冻 果冻状物 jelly and ice cream
apply jelly 苹果酱
cube 立方体 立方 the cube of 3 is 27
cubic 立方的
abrupt 突然的 意外的 the train came to an abrupt halt(停止 暂停)
convenient 便利的 就近的 our house is very convenient for the shops
caution 小心 谨慎 you must exercise great caution when operating the machine
caution (v0 告诫 警告
expectation 预料 期待 期望 Contrary to to expectation it was john who failed the exam
passive 被动的 消极的 被动语态的 hi passive acceeptance of his fate
merry愉快的 高兴的 微醉的 we got a merry at the party merrily 高兴地 思想糊涂地 you can not just go on merrily ignoring your debt ,you know
seize 抓住 夺 she seized hold of the child and pulled it away from the road
large quantities of drugs were seized by the police
anti-goverment forces seized the televison station ]
recogonition she hoped to avoid recognition by wearing dark glasses and a hat
the new government has not yet received recognition from other countries 认出 认可 承认 criterion 评判的标准尺度 what criterion do you use when judying a student is work
claim 要求 声称 主张 old people are able to claim a special heaing allowance (津贴)from the government
she put in a claim for her travelling expenses
valid 有效地 确凿的 I hope you have a valid excuse foe arriving late at work youir train ticket is valid goe three months
file 文件 档案 文件夹 提交 将 we keep a file on each student is progress
he has filed (提交an application for planning permission
she id filing for divorce
ripe a filed of ripe corn land ripe for industrial development
string 线绳子 一串 she tied the parcel up with string
a bal of string this keys are hanging on a string
she wore a string opf perarls a string of onions the company paid forme to do the course with no strings attached
glue 粘贴 粘和he sat glued to the televison all afternoon she glued the two pieces together again
rod 杆 棒 to go fishing with rod and line
freezing greengrocer 果蔬商 蔬菜水果店 i got the onions at the greengrocer is on the corner identification 鉴定 辨认 确定 身份鉴明
his only means of identification was his passport
directory 电话簿 商行名录 dial 拨
innocent 清白的 无罪的 天真的 不同 he protested he was innocent of the crime the bomb exploded injuring dozens of innocent people
an innocent remark a trusting and innocent young child
lantern bear bore borne bear born borne htis last disappointment was almost more than I could bear jam 阻塞 果酱 a liitle pot of strawberry jam a traffic jam microphone spak into the microphone or the people at the back won not be able to hear yo
麦克风 话筒 forehead 额头 forehead beaten track 被踩出来的的路 常规 惯例 a plate made of beaten gold we followed a well beaten path through the forest off the beaten track evert year they go camping sowewhere off the beaten track ]
occasionally occasionally dive into 迅速把手伸入 一心投入
dynamic 充满活力的 精神充沛的 动态的 发展变化的 a dynamic executive a dynamic period in history dynamic energy set out to be multiple 多种的 多样的 多了性的 倍数 他和driver of the crashed car received multipile injuries 12 is a multiple of 3
dot 点 以小圆点标出 分散
鸥鸟他和对哦他 the thre o clock train arrived on the dot
a lack be dotted with boats
tap 请打 水龙头 i tapped on the window to announce my arrivsl she tapped her fingers impatiently on the desk could yopu turn off the tap wire 金属线电线 a wire fence the string was not strong enoughh so we used wire connect the blue wires together plug 插头
straw 稻草 麦秆gan 引来哦习惯 a staw hat sha drank the juice through a staw reproduce some tropical热带的fish reproduce by laying eggs 啊排尿厅thAT REPRODUCE EVERY DETAIL OF THE SCENE
current电流 先下载的 that word ids no longer in current use
the current is strongest in the middlie of the river hot air currents helicopter helicopter
他热爱凝固了traigle triangle stable 稳固的 安定的 阿 stable relationship invaluable物价的阿试试哦此阿特associate 来你喜爱那个 联系 同伴 和he associates with some very strange people i an not associated with any political group she associated summer with holidays just abusiness associatepractib practical 世界爱你的 we have got to be practical and buy only what we can afford a ver political practical little table that fold up out of the way wheni t is not nedded
refrigerator 冰箱 热风日光而阿图哦人 凑如图 he appeared inc ourt tody charged with attempted murder slience in court take someone to court extension 戴安划分及 kuodam yanshen kuoda yanshen the extension of the copyright laws to cover recorde material we plan to build an extension onto the house hang on me a minute buguaduan shaodeng out of order his interuption was ruled to be out of order get through shefalianxisahng zuowan tongguo t don no get through to my office i can not get through to hi mringback huifudainhua ringoff 挂断待年华ersion miaoshu shuofa money patinted many differern verdsiond s of the flowers in his garden a film version of rthe book competence 能力圣人笨霖 笨霖 本领 competent jeeppersonal personnel army personnel new personnel are needed for our aoprationd in the adaption 适应性 改编本classic caption 萨活命文字 字幕 标题 题目plot 情节 阴谋 聘任哦份额试试哦人 phonetic pho net ic colonel上下铺 上校 fatefulwhistle the refree blew his whistle for a free kick whristle whistle ewhistle garment the garment shoule be hang washed a wollen coat hesitate unconfort troublesome wallet outcome xiaoguohanfkerchief disguise 伪装 遮掩 设第三归色调herself as as man hwas disguised as a football supporter wa disguise the fact that busines id bad mistaken if you thought she intended to be rude you were mistaken brilliant 光辉参考兰德 杰出的 才华横溢的 a brilliant ble sky brilliant light whales are classified as mammals not fiah remarl 言论谈淡 评论betray 显露出原来面目背叛 和白鹅潭人阿爷道他和 paln to a rival copmpany her face betrayed her nervousness the upper part of the body extraodinary extraordinary condemn 谴责 使 注定 错哦你的美女 ciolence oof any sort gutter 排水沟
帕森斯哦方法氨水 they tried to pass the painting off as a genuine he passed himself off as a doctor duchess 公爵夫人 ambasaddor ambassador acquaintance 相识 了解 熟人 acqu i have somee acquiantance acquaintance with the language makeake acquaintanve handful she picked up a hangdful of pebbles and threw then intoin amzement fortune he made a fortune on the sock exchang stock gumiao make you fortune a smallfortune autehentic authentic 真实的 可靠的 可信的 根而阿里来源speaking使他图书status 身份 地位 职位 调和油think giving a big car gives them status for some people pedigre e dog is more of a status sumbol thana apet superior superior优秀的 上级的 he is superior to me at work this is superior wool in terms of 就是 较高的 你不死呢实施胎儿模式 disapprove rob antique musical instrument a rather stocking he is a greast believer in the benefits of exercise buddhism 佛教 buddhism buddhist buddha 佛owel vowel 元音 cookie 特阿婆他 cream 奶油 面霜have some crweam cream a whipped cream sour cream face cream put some of this cream on that buen nial指甲 钉子 维尔亩水田 nail up the windows of the old house as show in了;ingjin wax 蜡 蜂蜜 圣桑拉 第三款 wax disk shbby破旧的 寒酸的cuesty curtsy compromise妥协 这种 ssettle argument by compromise not with threats compromise yourself horrible laundry bathtub son啜泣 抽噎 是哦标兵inthe错哦让女儿是哦标兵额度海尔色狼分痛殴岁了阿片 nasty slim waist bur t too big round waist vest背心 衬衣 第三故事厅 heartilt heartily 热心地 i am heartily sick of your question overlook俯视 忽视 不理会 偶然日哦吗our room overlooked the sea i overlooked thje dangers involved when i planned thistrip alphabet effective hopes of a peace agsettlement are now fading fade out 淡出 逐渐模糊 i identified the coat at alternative archaeologyarchaeology archaeologyarchae archaeologist archaeological archaeology starvationmstarvation star vation starvation tentt tentative tentative tentative 试探性的 不确定的 维尔have妈的tentative plans for a hoplida a tentative smile accuracy accuracy excavate the planto to excavate excavate excavat e excavate excavate excavate excavate a large hole putting in the foundation excavation archaeological archeological archaeological archae archaeologicalarchaeoloiacal excavationm excavation make a point aute acute 有观察力的 敏锐的 严重的 深刻的 设瓦斯年阿粗特【排尿 abn acute lack og food an acute analudse o fht epolitical situation have anacute sense of smellassume假死的那个热嘎然动了手术 regardless they signed the contracr mat quikt quikt quikt quilt beast野兽 a beast of a job a couplr of sharpen 削尖 杀人盆儿sharpener cut uo 切碎 粗体into索马里兰撇测试 和瓦斯热阿里来源粗图片whenhidwife瓦斯的阿斗scrape擦净 削平 磨光 use a knife to scrape that dry paint off the washbasin shrperner i scarped my leg he scraped his chiar against th e wall i hate the sound of fingernails scraping on th ep as i child i kept getting into scrapes ample a garden of ample proportion messy she id primitive in primitivee socia in primitive societies tools were made from sharp stones and animal bones their living conditions are some ehawhat primitive thire is norunning water for a start bead zhuzishuifiddddd she wasw wearing a string og green beads bead so f sweat botany botany 植物学botany botanical botannicl analysis snslysis seashell seashell ripen categorycategory category category 种类 类别 范畴 significance significance the discovery of oil is of reat significance to somehow 不着则么的systematic ssystematic systematic th epolice made a sysmatic search of the roomspit spat spit snhe spat onthe ground spitting blood delete删除delete delete from album album 相册 相片是擦人提出 scartch people scratch stract scratch scratch scratch academy receptionist receptionist kindergarten kibnfergarten skateboard fad up yogurt酸乳 酸奶 radioactive分割 分界线 佛人们所他和edivision白鹅潭巍峨摁他和wrinkle wrinkle皱纹 他和哦五日内快乐的法测偶发他和哦欧蓝德曼普绿色 pulse the doctor frowned as he toolk my pause pulse pulse 脉搏 einvein vein血管 静脉 阿皮皮鲁阿达applaud 赞同 咯哦卡阿和阿呆look ahead 向前看 weijianglaizauodasuan好哦网络 howlthe wind howled in the treesaccelerate acceleratea plan to accelerate the growth of tourism spear arrest arrest one attention dizzy dizzy eyebrow raise youe eyebrowdismissal cheekbonecheekbonearrarrowheadjiantou axe hammer gay skillfulpunctuation puncupunctuationworshiphis admires woreshippesd at his feet they worshipcraftsman craftsman craftsman 技艺 手艺 经过哦品尼高习作精工细作


长短不一选4d ,

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