People s Mark Twain (Mark Twain ,1835-1910) is a famous American novelist, and his many works. 他擅长使用幽默和讽刺,针砭时弊时一针见血,毫不留情,其创作将现实主义的刻画和浪漫主义的抒情和谐地统一。 He specializes in using humor and irony, point out problems when sharply, relentless, its creation will be realistic characterizations and lyrical romanticism harmonious unity. 他的作品对后来的美国文学产生了深远的影响,人们普遍认为马克·吐温是美国文学史上的一大里程碑。 His work on the later American literature had a profound impact, it is generally considered the history of American literature Mark Twain is a major milestone.