-- 生成orderproduct表
create table orderproduct(orderid char(11) primary key,productid varchar(255));
-- product表
create table product(productid varchar(10) primary key,productname varchar(50));
-- 向订单表插入数据
insert into orderproduct values
-- 向产品表插入数据
insert into product values
select * from orderproduct;
select * from product;
-- 返回第一问的SQL语句
select a.orderid,min(a.productid) as productid,
group_concat(b.productname) as productname
from orderproduct a,product b
where b.productname in ('运动水壶','珠宝台历','越南小面包')
and instr(a.productid,b.productid)>0
group by a.orderid;
-- 返回第二问的SQL语句
select a.orderid,min(a.productid) as productid,
group_concat(b.productname) as productname
from orderproduct a,product b
where b.productname in ('立顿牌绿茶','护手霜')
and instr(a.productid,b.productid)>0
group by a.orderid;
先把购买商品代码字段根据‘,’分割split() 。然后再取数据