
2024-11-09 02:57:43

第四十七回 庞统献连环 …… 却说曹操连得二书,心中疑惑不定,聚众谋士商议曰:"江左甘宁,被周瑜所辱,愿为内应;黄盖受责,令阚泽来纳降:俱未可深信。谁敢直入周瑜寨中,探听实信?"蒋干进曰:"某前日空往东吴,未得成功,深怀惭愧。今愿舍身再往,务得实信,回报丞相。"操姿御弊大喜,即时令蒋干上船。 Meanwhile, Cao Cao, having received the 2 letters in succession, couldn’t make up his mind. He summoned his advisers. “Gan Ning of the Southland,” Cao began, “disgraced by Zhou Yu, has decided to collaborate with us. Huang Gai, punished by Zhou Yu, has sent Kan Ze to negotiate his surrender. I have my doubt about both defectors. Can anyone here has the courage to get into Zhou Yu’s camp and find out what’s really going on?” Jiang Gan proposed, “I still feel a sting of shame for the failure of my last visit to Southland. I’d like to try again now, by all means, to bring some solid information back to Your Excellency.” Delighted,Cao Caosent Jiang Gan off with a boat. 干驾小舟,径到江南水寨边,便使人传报。周瑜听得干又到,大喜曰:"吾之成功,只在此人身上!"遂嘱付鲁肃:"请庞士元来,为我如此如此。" Jiang Gan reached the camp on the river’s southern shore and sent someone to announce him. Having heard of this, Zhou Yu was overjoyed. “This man will bring me success again,” he said. Zhou Yu also told Lu Su: “Now I want to see Pang Tong…”迹族 原来襄阳庞统,字士元,因避乱寓居江东,鲁肃曾荐之于周瑜。统未及往见,瑜先使肃问计于统曰:"破曹当用何策?"统密谓肃曰:"欲破曹兵,须用火攻;但大江面上,一船着火,余船四散;除非献连环计,教他钉作一处,然后功可成也。" Pang Tong (Shiyuan), originally from Xiangyang, had earlier come south to escape the disorders in the north, and Lu Su had recommended him to Zhou Yu. Though Pang Tong had not yet presented himself, Zhou Yu, through Lu Su, had asked Pang’s advice on how to defeatCao Cao.“You must use fire,” Pang Tong had privately told Lu Su. “拆野But on the river if one boat burns, the others will scatter unless someone can convince Cao to connect up his ships—you know, the ‘boat-connecting scheme’, then, they are doomed.” …… 既至操寨,干先入见,备述前事。操闻凤雏先生来,亲自出帐迎入,分宾主坐定,问曰:"周瑜年幼,恃才欺众,不用良谋。操久闻先生大名,今得惠顾,乞不吝教诲。"统曰:"某素闻丞相用兵有法,今愿一睹军容。"操教备马,先邀统同观旱寨。 At the northerners’ camp, Jiang Gan went in first to sawCao Cao, related what had happened in his trip. WhenCao Caoheard that Young Phoenix had come, he went out his tent to receive Pang Tong personally, then invited the master in his camp sat down as guest and host.Cao Caoasked Pang Tong for advice, “Zhou Yu, a brat, who is conceited, bully others and rejects all their fine advice. You, sir, your fame has been long known to me, and now I have been blessed to have you on my side. Please, by all means, throw me some ideas.” “I, too, know well that you are a master of military strategy,” Pang Tong replied, “If I may, Prime Minister, I would like to see your forces’ bearings.”Cao Caoordered horses to be prepared, and they rode out to inspect the land camp. 统与操并马登高而望。统曰:"傍山依林,前后顾盼,出入有门,进退曲折,虽孙、吴再生,穰苴复出,亦不过此矣。"操曰:"先生勿得过誉,尚望指教。"于是又与同观水寨。见向南分二十四座门,皆有艨艟战舰,列为城郭,中藏小船,往来有巷,起伏有序,统笑曰:"丞相用兵如此,名不虚传!"因指江南而言曰:"周郎,周郎!克期必亡!" Cao Cao and Pang Tong rode side by side. They ascended a hill whence they looked down. Pang Tong remarked, “Neither Wu Qi the great general, nor Sun Wu the great strategist could not do better, even if they came to life again. All accords with the precepts. The camps are beside hills and flanked by forests. The front and rear are within sight of each other. Gates of egress and ingress are provided, and the roads of advance and retreat are zigzag.”Cao Caomade his modest comment, “Master, do not over-praise me, I desire your suggestions,” Then they went to the naval camp, where 24 gates were facing south. The cruisers and the battleships were all lined up as walls to protect the lighter crafts which harbored inside them. There were channels to pass through and up-and-downs in order. With a smile, Pang Tong exalted, “The way of warfare is really fitting your reputation, Your Excellency.” Then pointing to the south of the river, he went on, “Zhou Yu! Kid! You are doomed.” 操大喜。回寨,请入帐中,置酒共饮,同说兵机。统高谈雄辩,应答如流。操深敬服,殷勤相待。统佯醉曰:"敢问军中有良医否?"操问何用。统曰:"水军多疾,须用良医治之。" Immensely pleased, Cao returned to camp and invited Pang Tong into his tent to share his wine and talk of military machinations. Pang Tong spoke with profundity and eloquence.Cao Caofelt his admiration and respect deepen, and treated his guest with solicitous hospitality. Feigning intoxication, Pang Tong said, “You have good medical services for the troops, I believe?” Cao asked why the troops needed them. “There is much illness among the sailors,” responded Pang Tong, “and good physicians are needed to cure them.” 时操军因不服水土,俱生呕吐之疾,多有死者,操正虑此事;忽闻统言,如何不问?统曰:"丞相教练水军之法甚妙,但可惜不全。"操再三请问。统曰:"某有一策,使大小水军,并无疾病,安稳成功。"操大喜,请问妙策。 The truth was that at the time Cao’s men, unable to adjust to the southern clime, had been seized with nausea and vomiting, and many had died.Cao Caowas preoccupied with the problem, so when he heard Pang Tong’s remark, he asked the man for advice instantly. “Your Excellency,” Pang Tong went on, “your methods for training a navy are superb—only, unfortunately, something is missing.”Cao Caoasked him repeatedly until Pang Tong replied, “There is a way to free the sailors of their ailments, to make them steady and capable of success.”Cao Caowas delighted and inquired the plan. 统曰:"大江之中,潮生潮落,风浪不息;北兵不惯乘舟,受此颠播,便生疾病。若以大船小船各皆配搭,或三十为一排,或五十为一排,首尾用铁环连锁,上铺阔板,休言人可渡,马亦可走矣,乘此而行,任他风浪潮水上下,复何惧哉?"曹操下席而谢曰:"非先生良谋,安能破东吴耶!"统曰:"愚浅之见,丞相自裁之。"操即时传令,唤军中铁匠,连夜打造连环大钉,锁住船只。诸军闻之,俱各喜悦。 “On theGreatRiverthe tide swells and recedes,” Pang Tong continued, “and the wind and the waves never subside. These northern troops unaccustomed to shipboard, suffer from the pitching and rolling. This is the cause of their ailment. Reorganize your small and large vessels: marshal them in groups of30or50and make them fast with iron hoops, stem to stem and stern to stern. Then, if wide planks are laid so that horses as well as men can cross from ship to ship, however rough the waves or steep the swells, what will you have to fear?”Cao Caoquit his seat to express his deep gratitude: “But for your sound advice, master, I could never defeat Southland.” “My uninformed views,” responded Pang Tong, “are for Your Excellency to use as he sees fit.”Cao Caoissued an immediate order for all blacksmiths in the army to manufacture hoops and large nails to bind the boats. The news cheered the soldiers.


