1.莎士比亚的是34回 34、莫小贝受邀赴衡山,为情困秀才抱错人 因为经济状况已经有所改观,小贝的师兄陆一鸣从衡山赶来,邀请小贝一起回衡上创业。小贝贪吃贪玩,自然愿意出去看看。佟掌柜百般劝阻,却无法动摇小贝贪吃贪玩的花花心思。为了挽留小贝,佟掌柜带领客栈众人想尽一起办法,但皆终告失败。因为小贝素来惧怕小郭,掌柜的又生一计:让无双伴成小郭的样子吓唬小贝。 不过,计谋尚未正式开始实施,秀才在错误的时间出现在错误的场合,把无双看成了真正的小郭,说了错误的话。刚刚进入暧昧状态的秀才和无双,也就在这个阴差阳错下,宣告分手。但小贝却认为此事起因在她,不能逃避责任,所以决定留下。佟掌柜总结:“塞翁失马,焉知非福”。 本集精彩时刻:约第21分钟时,为了引起屋中小贝的注意,秀才背诵大段的英文莎士比亚名著《哈姆雷特》的台词:“To Be Or Not To Be,that is a problem 2.第20回 泼皮侯三搅和客栈 女侠芙蓉操办过年 白展堂:这有啥的,子曾经曰过 吕秀才:I'm wrong I'm really wrong from the beginning. If I don't married my husband will never die, if my husband were not die I... 白展堂:等会儿,乱糟儿的说啥呢这是 李大嘴:不知道 佟湘玉:额错了,额真的错了,额从一开始就不应该嫁过来,如果额不嫁过来额的夫君也不会死,如果额的夫君… 白展堂:你咋知道是这句呢 佟湘玉:因为额这句台词嘚啵嘚啵最经典,排山倒海!(把秀才排到后院) 众人:(扭捏状)嫂子~~~ 佟湘玉:到此为止补:To be,or not to be--that is the question:whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outageous fortune or to take arms against a sea of troubles,and by opposing end them.To die--to sleep--no more,and by a sleep to say we end the heartache,and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to.'Tis a consummation devoutly to be wish'd.To die--to sleep.I’m wrong ,I’m really wrong ,I would not get married from the beginning, if I would not get married ,my husband would be never died, if my husband had never died, I would not be here. http://www.xici.net/b367334/d40929924.htm
恩 就是以上的集 还有一些 说的人听不懂的地方