天涯海角风景区位于三亚市区约23公里的天涯镇下马岭山脚下,前海后山,风景独特。步入游览区,沙滩上那一对拔地而起的高10多米,长60多米的青灰色巨石赫然入目。两石分别刻有“天涯”和“海角”字样,意为天之边缘,海之尽头。“天涯海角”就是由此得名。奇石“天涯海角”和“南天一柱”各都流传着一个动人的故事。 这里融碧水、蓝天于一色,烟波浩瀚,帆影点点。椰林婆娑,奇石林立,如诗如画。那刻有“天涯”、“海角”、“南天一柱”、“海判南天”的巨石雄峙南海之滨,为海南一绝。
Las Vegas is not like other cities. No city in history has so explicitly valued the needs of visitors above those of its own population. All its growth has been fueled by tourism, but the tourists haven't spoiled the "real" city; there is no real city. Las Vegas doesn't have fascinating little-known neighborhoods, and it's not a place where visitors can go off the beaten track to have more authentic experiences. Instead, the whole thing is completely self-referential; the reason Las Vegas boasts the vast majority of the world's largest hotels is that around thirty-seven million tourists each year come to see the hotels themselves.
Each of these monsters is much more than a mere hotel, and more too than the casino that invariably lies at its core. They're extraordinary places, self-contained fantasylands of high camp and genuine excitement that can stretch as much as a mile from end to end. Each holds its own flamboyant permutation of showrooms and swimming pools, luxurious guest quarters and restaurants, high-tech rides and attractions.
The casinos want you to gamble, and they'll do almost anything to lure you in; thus the huge moving walkways that pluck you from the Strip sidewalk, almost against your will, and sweep you into places like Caesars Palace. Once you're inside, on the other hand, the last thing they want is for you to leave. Whatever you came in for, you won't be able to do it without crisscrossing the casino floor innumerable times; as for finding your way out, that can be virtually impossible. The action keeps going day and night, and in this windowless – and clock-free – environment you rapidly lose track of which is which.
"Little emphasis is placed on the gambling clubs No cheap and easily parodied slogans have been adopted to publicize Las Vegas, no attempt has been made to introduce pseudo-romantic architectural themes or to give artificial glamour or gaiety."
Generally speaking, the population dense area is called the city, generally has included the residential district, the industrial district and the business district, and has the administrative jurisdiction function. The urban administrative jurisdiction function possibly involves compares an itself more widespread region. In the city has the building, the street and the park and so on public utility.