
2024-12-03 20:09:56

小杰克聪明吗? 史密斯先生的院子里有一颗芒果树。一天,他怀疑邻居家的孩子们会爬树摘那些熟了的好吃的果子,于是就把他的宠物猴子留在树上看着这棵树。这使得孩子们无法靠近这棵树——至少是大部分孩子。然而这并没有难倒小杰克,他想了一个好主意拿到史密斯先生的芒果。他用石头扔猴子,猴子变得很生气,于是它用芒果回击小杰克。 Is Little Jack Clever ? There was a mango tree in Mr Smith 's yard . One day , suspecting thechildren in the neighborhood would try to climb his tree for those deliciousripe fruits , he left his pet monkey out in the tree to guard it . This keptthe children away from the tree ----at least , most of the children . However,it did not bother little Jack . He thought of a good idea to get Mr Smith 'smangoes . He threw stones at the monkey , who became very angry and threwmangoes back at little Jack .