
2024-12-01 14:06:49

1.select * from xs where jg="江苏" and xb='女'
2.select xdh,xb,count(*) as 人数 from xs group by xdh,xb
3.select b.kcdh,b.kcm,avg(a.cj) as 平均分 from cj a,kc b where a.kcdh=b.kcdh group by b.kcdh,b.kcm order by 平均分 DESC
4.select xh,avg(cj) as 平均分,min(cj) as 最低分 from cj group by xh into CURSOR t1
select a.xh,b.xm,a.平均人,a.最低分 from t1 a,xs b where a.xh=b.xh and 平均分>85 and 最低分>=75


1.select * from 学生表 where jg="江苏"
2.select xsb,xb,count(*) as 人数 from 学生表 group by xb
3.select avg(cj) as pjf,kcdh from cj group by kcdh into dbf ls
select kc.kcm,kc.kcdh,ls.pjf from kc,ls where kc.kcdh=ls.kcdh order by ls.pjf desc