
2025-02-07 11:42:51

With the development of market economy and China's accession to the WTO, intellectual property infringement dispute cases have increased, to enjoy the protection of intellectual property copyrights, trademarks, patents and other intellectual property rights from infringement, set against the civil liability of intellectual property rights should be adopted to the Select the principle of intellectual property rights is not just theoretical circles the center of controversy one of the problems, but also the focus of judicial practice departments asked
That one. Properly identify the principle of attribution of responsibility for infringement of intellectual property rights, can not only promote China's IPR violations of the establishment and improvement, China's intellectual property rights is to promote justice and raising the level of administrative law enforcement.
This article from the five parts On the principle of attribution of intellectual property rights infringement
The first part introduces the principle of attribution of intellectual property rights become a hot spot and outlined the background of intellectual property rights infringement liability doctrine
The second part focused on IPR violations attributed to the principle of doctrine out. Details on the fault liability principle, the principle of no-fault liability and mixed the principle of the responsibility.
The third part is mainly on the principle of attribution of the Western intellectual property rights related provisions. They described Japan, Germany, the United States and Britain. Liangdafaji the principle of attribution of the intellectual property of the relevant provisions. Whether that is in civil law countries or the common law countries, legislation on intellectual property rights infringement liability for damages and more-fault liability principles, not a no-fault principles of the results.
Part IV is China's intellectual property rights infringement on the principle of attribution. China's civil law legislation and also the fault of the principle of the responsibility for the violations identified by the basic principle of attribution. From the "General Principles of Civil Law" and the relevant provisions of the practice of justice, the presumption of fault could be applied to various types of special infringement行为. Based on China's "General Principles of Civil Law" Section 106, paragraph 3, provides that only a special provision in the law of the occasion, to apply the principle of liability without fault.
Also I think that the fair can serve as an independent responsibility to the application of the principle of attribution.
Fifth through elaborate on that part of China's IPR violations and apply the principle of no-fault fault the principle of attribution of the dual system of the conclusions.


Avec le développement de l'économie de marché et l'adhésion de la Chine à l'OMC, la violation de la propriété intellectuelle différend cas ont augmenté, de jouir de la protection de la propriété intellectuelle droits d'auteur, marques, brevets et autres droits de propriété intellectuelle de l'infraction, définie par rapport à la responsabilité civile des droits de propriété intellectuelle devraient être adoptées pour la Sélectionnez le principe des droits de propriété intellectuelle n'est pas seulement théorique cercles centre de la controverse un des problèmes, mais également l'objet de la pratique judiciaire a demandé départements
Celui-là. Identifier correctement le principe de l'attribution de la responsabilité pour la violation des droits de propriété intellectuelle, ne peut que promouvoir la Chine violations des droits de propriété intellectuelle de l'établissement et l'amélioration, la Chine des droits de propriété intellectuelle est de promouvoir la justice et à élever le niveau de l'application de la loi administrative.
Cet article de cinq pièces sur le principe de l'attribution de droits de propriété intellectuelle infraction
La première partie introduit le principe de l'attribution de droits de propriété intellectuelle devenir un point chaud et a présenté l'arrière-plan des droits de propriété intellectuelle infraction responsabilité doctrine
La deuxième partie centrée sur les violations des droits de propriété intellectuelle attribué au principe de la doctrine. Détails sur le principe de la responsabilité pour faute, le principe de non-responsabilité pour faute et mixtes le principe de la responsabilité.
La troisième partie est essentiellement sur le principe de l'attribution de l'Ouest droits de propriété intellectuelle les dispositions connexes. Ils ont décrit le Japon, l'Allemagne, des États-Unis et la Grande-Bretagne. Liangdafaji le principe de l'attribution de la propriété intellectuelle des dispositions pertinentes. Que ce soit qui est en pays de droit civil ou les pays de common law, la législation sur les droits de propriété intellectuelle infraction la responsabilité en dommages-intérêts et plus-responsabilité pour faute principes, pas un sans faute principes des résultats.
Partie IV est de la Chine des droits de propriété intellectuelle infraction sur le principe de l'attribution. La Chine la législation sur le droit civil et également la faute du principe de la responsabilité de déterminer les violations du principe fondamental de l'attribution. De la «General Principles of Civil Law» et les dispositions pertinentes de la pratique de la justice, la présomption de faute pourrait être appliqué à divers types d'infraction de行为. Sur la base de la Chine "General Principles of Civil Law» L'article 106, paragraphe 3, prévoit que seules une disposition spéciale dans la loi de l'occasion, d'appliquer le principe de la responsabilité sans faute.
Je pense aussi que la juste peut servir comme une responsabilité indépendante de l'application du principe de l'attribution.
Cinquième à élaborer sur cette partie de la Chine de violations des droits de propriété intellectuelle et d'appliquer le principe de non-faute faute le principe de l'attribution du double système des conclusions.


Along with the market economy development with China's being WTO entry, the intellectual property rights right infringement dispute case increases day by day, enjoys intellectual property rights and so on the copyright, trademark, patent for the protection intellectual property rights person does not receive violates, determined the violation intellectual property rights the civil liability must use He Zhonggui the responsibility principle, is not merely one of intellectual property rights theorists debate crucial questions, also is the judicial practice department's focal point asks
one of topics.Determined the good intellectual property rights right infringement responsibility turns over to the responsibility principle, not only may promote our country intellectual property rights right infringement theory establishment and the consummation, promoted our country intellectual property rights judicature and the administrative law enforcement level enhancement.
This article comes from five parts to discuss the intellectual property rights right infringement to turn over to the responsibility principle
first part of main introduction intellectual property rights shallowly to turn over to the responsibility principle to become the hot spot the background as well as the summary introduction intellectual property rights right infringement responsibility theory
second part key turns over to the responsibility principle theory to the intellectual property rights right infringement to carry on analyzes.Introduced the mistake responsibility principle in detail, non-mistake responsibility principle and mix responsibility principle.
The third part mainly is introduced the West intellectual property rights turn over to the responsibility principle correlation stipulation.Introduced Japan separately, Germany, US and England.Two big legal systems turn over to the responsibility principle regarding the intellectual property rights the correlation stipulation.Obtains regardless of is in the mainland legal system country or the British and American legal system country, the intellectual property rights
legislation has picked the mistake file responsibility principle to the right infringement damage compensate responsibility, has not appeared the non-mistake principle stipulation the result. The fourth part is elaborates our country intellectual property rights right infringement to turn over to the responsibility principle.Our country civil law legislation and the theory also the mistake responsibility in principle determined most basic turns over to the responsibility principle for the abuse of authority law. The related article stipulation as well as our country judicature trial practice looked from "the General provisions of the civil law" that, the mistake estimates suitably in each kind of special abuse of authority.Based on our country "General provisions of the civil law" 106th 3rd section stipulation, only then has the special regulation situation in the law, can be suitable the non-mistake responsibility principle.
Moreover myself thought the fair responsibility may take an item independent turns over to the responsibility principle to be suitable.
The fifth part obtains our country intellectual property rights right infringement through the detailed elaboration to be suitable the mistake principle and the non-mistake principle dual turns over to the responsibility system the conclusion.

Key word: The intellectual property rights right infringement turns over to the responsibility principle mistake estimation


With the development of market economy and China's accession to the WTO, intellectual property infringement dispute cases have increased, to enjoy the protection of intellectual property copyrights, trademarks, patents and other intellectual property rights from infringement, set against the civil liability of intellectual property rights should be adopted to the Select the principle of intellectual property rights is not just theoretical circles the center of controversy one of the problems, but also the focus of judicial practice departments asked
That one. Properly identify the principle of attribution of responsibility for infringement of intellectual property rights, can not only promote China's IPR violations of the establishment and improvement, China's intellectual property rights is to promote justice and raising the level of administrative law enforcement.
This article from the five parts On the principle of attribution of intellectual property rights infringement
The first part introduces the principle of attribution of intellectual property rights become a hot spot and outlined the background of intellectual property rights infringement liability doctrine
The second part focused on IPR violations attributed to the principle of doctrine out. Details on the fault liability principle, the principle of no-fault liability and mixed the principle of the responsibility.
The third part is mainly on the principle of attribution of the Western intellectual property rights related provisions. They described Japan, Germany, the United States and Britain. Liangdafaji the principle of attribution of the intellectual property of the relevant provisions. Whether that is in civil law countries or the common law countries, legislation on intellectual property rights infringement liability for damages and more-fault liability principles, not a no-fault principles of the results.
Part IV is China's intellectual property rights infringement on the principle of attribution. China's civil law legislation and also the fault of the principle of the responsibility for determining violations of the basic principle of attribution. From the "General Principles of Civil Law" and the relevant provisions of the practice of justice, the presumption of fault could be applied to various types of special infringement行为. Based on China's "General Principles of Civil Law" Section 106, paragraph 3, provides that only a special provision in the law of the occasion, to apply the principle of liability without fault.
Also I think that the fair can serve as an independent responsibility to the application of the principle of attribution.
Fifth through elaborate on that part of China's IPR violations and apply the principle of no-fault fault the principle of attribution of the dual system of the conclusions.

Key words: intellectual property rights infringement liability principles presumption of fault


Along with market economy's development with China's being WTO entry, the intellectual property rights right infringement dispute case increases day by day, enjoys intellectual property rights and so on copyright, trademark, patent for the protection intellectual property rights person not to receive violates, determined that the violation intellectual property rights the civil liability must use He Zhonggui the responsibility principle, is not only one of intellectual property rights theorists debate's crucial questions, is also the judicial practice department's focal point asks one of topics. Determined that the good intellectual property rights right infringement responsibility turns over to the responsibility principle, not only may promote our country intellectual property rights right infringement theory establishment and the consummation, promoted our country intellectual property rights judicature and the administrative law enforcement level enhancement. this article comes from five parts to discuss the intellectual property rights right infringement to turn over to responsibility principle shallowly the first part of main introduction intellectual property rights to turn over to the responsibility principle to become the hot spot the background as well as summary introduction intellectual property rights right infringement responsibility theory the second part key turns over to the responsibility principle theory to the intellectual property rights right infringement to carry on analyzes. Introduced the mistake responsibility principle in detail, non-mistake responsibility principle and mix responsibility principle. the third part is mainly introduced that the West intellectual property rights turn over to the responsibility principle related stipulation. Introduced Japan separately, Germany, the US and Britain. Two big legal systems turn over to the responsibility principle regarding the intellectual property rights the related stipulation. Obtains regardless in the mainland legal system country or the UK-US legal system country, the intellectual property rights legislation has picked the mistake file responsibility principle to the right infringement damage compensate responsibility, has not presented the non-mistake principle stipulation the result. the fourth part is elaborates our country intellectual property rights right infringement to turn over to the responsibility principle. Our country civil law legislation and the theory also the mistake responsibility in principle determined that most basic turns over to the responsibility principle for the abuse of authority law. Looking from "the General provisions of the civil law" the related article's stipulation as well as our country judicature trial's practice, the mistake estimates suitably in each kind of special abuse of authority. Based on our country "General provisions of the civil law" the 106th 3rd article of stipulation, only then has the special regulation situation in the law, can be suitable the non-mistake responsibility principle. seperately myself thought that the fair responsibility may take one item independently to turn over to the responsibility principle to be suitable. the fifth part obtains our country intellectual property rights right infringement through the detailed elaboration to be suitable the mistake principle and the non-mistake principle dual turns over to the responsibility system's conclusion.

key word: The intellectual property rights right infringement turns over to the responsibility principle mistake estimation


Along with market economy's development with China's being WTO entry, the intellectual property rights right infringement dispute case increases day by day, enjoys intellectual property rights and so on copyright, trademark, patent for the protection intellectual property rights person not to receive violates, determined that the violation intellectual property rights the civil liability must use He Zhonggui the responsibility principle, is not only one of intellectual property rights theorists debate's crucial questions, is also the judicial practice department's focal point asks one of topics. Determined that the good intellectual property rights right infringement responsibility turns over to the responsibility principle, not only may promote our country intellectual property rights right infringement theory establishment and the consummation, promoted our country intellectual property rights judicature and the administrative law enforcement level enhancement. this article comes from five parts to discuss the intellectual property rights right infringement to turn over to responsibility principle shallowly the first part of main introduction intellectual property rights to turn over to the responsibility principle to become the hot spot the background as well as summary introduction intellectual property rights right infringement responsibility theory the second part key turns over to the responsibility principle theory to the intellectual property rights right infringement to carry on analyzes. Introduced the mistake responsibility principle in detail, non-mistake responsibility principle and mix responsibility principle. the third part is mainly introduced that the West intellectual property rights turn over to the responsibility principle related stipulation. Introduced Japan separately, Germany, the US and Britain. Two big legal systems turn over to the responsibility principle regarding the intellectual property rights the related stipulation. Obtains regardless in the mainland legal system country or the UK-US legal system country, the intellectual property rights legislation has picked the mistake file responsibility principle to the right infringement damage compensate responsibility, has not presented the non-mistake principle stipulation the result. the fourth part is elaborates our country intellectual property rights right infringement to turn over to the responsibility principle. Our country civil law legislation and the theory also the mistake responsibility in principle determined that most basic turns over to the responsibility principle for the abuse of authority law. Looking from "the General provisions of the civil law" the related article's stipulation as well as our country judicature trial's practice, the mistake estimates suitably in each kind of special abuse of authority. Based on our country "General provisions of the civil law" the 106th 3rd article of stipulation, only then has the special regulation situation in the law, can be suitable the non-mistake responsibility principle. seperately myself thought that the fair responsibility may take one item independently to turn over to the responsibility principle to be suitable. the fifth part obtains our country intellectual property rights right infringement through the detailed elaboration to be suitable the mistake principle and the non-mistake principle dual turns over to the responsibility system's conclusion. key word: The intellectual property rights right infringement turns over to the responsibility principle mistake estimation



With the development of market economy and China's accession to the WTO, intellectual property infringement dispute cases have increased, to enjoy the protection of intellectual property copyrights, trademarks, patents and other intellectual property rights from infringement, set against the civil liability of intellectual property rights should be adopted to the Select the principle of intellectual property rights is not just theoretical circles the center of controversy one of the problems, but also the focus of judicial practice departments asked
That one. Properly identify the principle of attribution of responsibility for infringement of intellectual property rights, can not only promote China's IPR violations of the establishment and improvement, China's intellectual property rights is to promote justice and raising the level of administrative law enforcement.
This article from the five parts On the principle of attribution of intellectual property rights infringement
The first part introduces the principle of attribution of intellectual property rights become a hot spot and outlined the background of intellectual property rights infringement liability doctrine
The second part focused on IPR violations attributed to the principle of doctrine out. Details on the fault liability principle, the principle of no-fault liability and mixed the principle of the responsibility.
The third part is mainly on the principle of attribution of the Western intellectual property rights related provisions. They described Japan, Germany, the United States and Britain. Liangdafaji the principle of attribution of the intellectual property of the relevant provisions. Whether that is in civil law countries or the common law countries, legislation on intellectual property rights infringement liability for damages and more-fault liability principles, not a no-fault principles of the results.
Part IV is China's intellectual property rights infringement on the principle of attribution. China's civil law legislation and also the fault of the principle of the responsibility for determining violations of the basic principle of attribution. From the "General Principles of Civil Law" and the relevant provisions of the practice of justice, the presumption of fault could be applied to various types of special infringement行为. Based on China's "General Principles of Civil Law" Section 106, paragraph 3, provides that only a special provision in the law of the occasion, to apply the principle of liability without fault.
Also I think that the fair can serve as an independent responsibility to the application of the principle of attribution.
Fifth through elaborate on that part of China's IPR violations and apply the principle of no-fault fault the principle of attribution of the dual system of the conclusions.

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