22寻求专业翻译 句子中翻英 拜托了 !!! 以下句子急需要翻成英文 不要翻译软体 !!!

2024-11-30 10:10:56

真的非常感伤 今天帮孩子所做的每件事 都是最後一次了

今天早上 因为我的老师必须要跟其他班上的孩子们 一起出去
要中午才会回来 所以请了另一位代替老师来帮忙照顾孩子
这个早上有些稍微忙碌 因为代替老师对我们班上孩子的不熟悉
所以我要帮忙我的另一位老师很多事情 例如当我们让孩子换上外套和雪裤时
我必须让其他已经穿著完毕的孩子 在旁边乖乖坐好 不要让他们到处跑来跑去的
後来我们让全部孩子著装完毕之後 我们就带著他们出去 去公园散步了
因为今天比较早出来 所以时间很充裕,所以我们就带他们在公园里逗留以及散步比较多时间

後来时间差不多了 我们就返回幼儿去了
後来当我们在准备午餐时 我的老师和其他外出的孩子们就都回来了

後来下午叫醒孩子们起床之後 我们就准备要让孩子们吃点心了
但我没想到的是 老师竟然准备了一个他自己做的蛋糕 上面写了祝福我的字
要来跟孩子们一起为我今天最後一天的实习 做个庆祝 并且和我说再见
我真的好感动好惊喜 谢谢老师们特别花了时间帮我做的蛋糕

孩子们吃到蛋糕都好开心 因为他们已经很久没用吃到蛋糕了
我趁著孩子们在吃蛋糕时 特别把说想说的话以及感谢的话告诉我的老师
他们都很高兴 也为我祝福

我也经过了他们的同意 为孩子们照相 留给我做纪念
今天真的是个很棒的一天 我的老师们让我的最後一个实习做了一个很完美的结束


放心我从来都是人工、有感情翻的,翻译器我看了蛋疼-.-... 给这么一篇感情丰富的文翻译如果还用翻译器也太差劲了。语句都是通顺的,你可以看看。

Today is finally the last day.
It really is very depressing. Everything I help the kids with today will be the last time ever.
I believe the learning experience this time will become a very precious memory for me in the future.

This morning, because my teacher had to go out with children from other classes until noon, we had a substitute teacher who came in to help take care of the children.
This morning was slightly busy because the substitute teacher was not very familiar with the children in our class, which is why I needed to help my other teacher out with many things. For example, when we dress the children up with jackets and snow pants, I needed to make sure that children who had already dressed up to sit still at the side instead of running around. After we dressed up everyone, we brought them to a walk in the park. Because we came out earlier today, we had lots of time, so we spent more time walking and staying in the park.

As it was about time, we headed back to the kindergarten.
Then, when we were preparing for lunch, my teacher and the other children who went out all came back. I can only say that this really was a very busy morning.

When we woke the children up in the afternoon, we were ready to give them snacks. What I wasn't expecting, was that the teacher made a cake himself (他=男老师?如果是女老师请把himself改成herself), with wishes for me on the top, to have the children greet me farewell and help me celebrate this last day of my internship. I was so surprised and touched. Many thanks to the teachers who had specially taken time to make the cake for me.

The children were all very happy that they have cakes to eat because they haven't had cakes in a long time. At this spare time, I took the chance to tell everything I wanted to say and thank the teachers for to the teachers. They were all very happy and wished me blessings.

With their consents, I also took a photo with the children together for memory. I think I will really miss these children very much in the future. Today is really a wonderful day. My teachers gave me a perfect ending to my last day of internship.

。。。我看得出来哦不是文里的一部分吧-0-不过你如果这句话也需要翻的话:我看得出来哦 = I can tell!
