This version fixes a bug related to periodic spontaneous stopping of the DS License Service in previous (v10042014) version of DSLS (by SSQ)
1. Install CATIA V5R21 SP3 (or higher), V5-6R2012 (any SP), V5-6R2013 (any SP) or V5-6R2014 (any SP)
2. Install DS License Server 14042014 (by SSQ)
ATTENTION! For more info about DSLS Administration see DSLS.pdf
2.1. Uninstall previous versions of DSLS (if exist)
2.2. Run "DSLS_SSQ_Installer_14042014.exe" as Administrator
2.3. After end of setup run "DS License Server Administration" will start automatically. If not run Start > Programs > DS License
Server > DS License Server Administration
2.4. On "Server Definitions" tab double click default server "localhost"
2.5. In "Server Configuration" window copy to clipboard "Computer ID" value
2.6. Close "Server Configuration" window
2.7. Run "DSLS.LicGen.v1.5.SSQ.exe" as Administrator
2.8. Input your computer name to "Server Name" field (computer name mast be English letters, digits and - _ symbols only!)
2.9. Past from clipboard value of Computer ID to "Server ID" field
2.10. In drop-down field "Generate License For" select "CATIA V5R21-R22-V23-V24.SSQ"
2.11. Change the number of licenses (optional) and/or deselect undesirable licenses (optional)
2.12. Click "Generate!" and confirm to save *.licz file. Wait for warning "All done! Enjoy!", click OK and close LicGen
2.12. Go to window of "License Administration Tool". On tub "Server Definitions" connect to existing server and click License > Enroll
2.13. Browse to saved *.licz file and click Open
2.14. In "License Enrollment" window wait for warning that all licenses to be received and click OK. Be sure that there are no warnings about not valid licenses!
2.15. Close "License Administration Tool"
2.16. Copy folder "Licenses" from crack to C:\ProgramData\DassaultSystemes\ and overwrite original one
For CATIA V5-6R2013 SP3 Win32 (and higher)
copy file ..client\Win32\netapi32.dll to
For CATIA V5-6R2013 SP3 Win64 (and higher)
copy file ..client\Win64\netapi32.dll to
For CATIA V5-6R2014 Win32
copy file ..client\Win32\netapi32.dll to
For CATIA V5-6R2014 Win64
copy file ..client\Win64\netapi32.dll to
2.18. Start CATIA, run "Tools > Options > General > Licensing" and select licenses for desired configurations and products
2.19. Enjoy :)
Cracked by Team SolidSQUAD-SSQ