原句翻译:During the time I worked part-time in the banquet department of Westin Hotel in Financial Street,I learned how to get on with others and tempered my will after I solved customers` questions,and because of these I got manager`s praise.
所以可把“ tempered my will after I solved coutomers` questions”换成“got the fun from servicing that made me pay more attendtion to it while I was solving customers` questions ”,后面再接“and because of these I got manager`s praise.”
In Financial Street Wenstin hotel banquet part-time learned how to communicate with people, patient problem solving exercise will praise from manager
I ever took a part-time job in banquet Dpt. of Westin Hotel. During the period, I have learned how to communicate with others, solve clients' problems with pacience so as to steel my will and my ability improvements are appreciated by my manager.
In theFinancial Street Wenstin hotel banquet part-time .I learned how to communicate with people, patient solving problem exercised myself.And got praise from manager
In the financial street westin hotel banquet department part-time learned how to communicate with people, patience, solve problems guest exercise will praise the manager