Generally a teacher is adjudged as good or bad according to the temperament of the students. But a teacher must have some basic qualities that will enthuse the pupils to pay their attention towards him. A good teacher is one who knows how to teach, what to teach arid whom to teach. Any boy desirous of studying must like the teacher who helps him in his studies.
Our teacher Madhusudan Mishra is a good teacher who is very popular in our school. He commands respect from most of the students with the exception of a few wicked and idle boys. He is widely acclaimed as a good teacher
We enjoy his teachings and he makes his classes very interesting by citing examples from day to day happenings and from books outside our courses. He stimulates us to make our activities greater. He is always loving and affectionate and never a tyrant or a hard hearted one.
As regards his extracurricular activities he is ahead of others in our school. He is a fluent speaker and a good story writer. We are full of praise for his worthiness. The skill in teaching has made him a lovable teacher for us in the school.
Nowadays, when all are more or less educated, almost everybody reads some daily paper or other. A man who never reads a newspaper cannot keep in touch with the times. We have to know something of what is going on in the world, not only for our own satisfaction but also to be able to converse intelligently with our fellows.
And there are, in every country, plenty of newspapers of all kinds to satisfy the most omnivorous reader. In fact, the danger is, not that people should not read the newspapers, but lest they should spend more time in newspaper reading than it is worth.
As its name implies, the primary business of a newspaper is to give us news. That is what we look for first in our morning paper. What is the news of that day? What has been happening at home? What has been happening in other countries? In the paper we find the latest news of political doings and movements; or, if we are interested in sport, the results of cricket, football, hockey and tennis matches; and of the popular horse races, motor races, cycle races, and so on.
Some have a taste for police news, and read the accounts of crimes, the capture of criminals and law-court trials. In these days, too, we turn eagerly to the news about foreign powers and the present international situation, and debate on the urgent questions of peace and war. Film fans read the news about their favorite film stars, and the latest pictures to be produced. People with different tastes look for different kinds of news in their newspapers.
But a good newspaper gives us much more than mere news. We read it on political, social and other matters. And here we must be careful. Reading the news is one thing; but reading a paper's comments on the news, and its opinions on political and social questions, is another. We must not accept all it says as gospel, but must sift it for ourselves.
The great majority of newspaper readers are uncritical. Only a few think for themselves, and form their own opinions. This is a great mistake. We must learn to think and criticize, and refuse to take our opinions ready made from our favorite newspaper. As Bacon says: "Read not to contradict and confute, nor to believe and take for granted, but to weigh and consider."
"Why, all men strive and who succeeds?" asks Browning. Every man wants to have success in life, but few are able to achieve it. Those who fail are in the habit of attributing their failure to bad luck, to unfavorable circumstances, to the hostility of enemies, to everything except their own defects and shortcomings. Yet if we study our own lives impartially, we will have to admit that our failures are mostly due to our personal defects and seldom to external circumstances. The age-old doctrine is that if we are able to know our own merits and demerits we should be able to correct our defects.
Self-confidence is essential for success "Self-trust", said Emersion, "is the first secret of success". We must have confidence in our capacity to triumph over all obstacles. Timidity and nervousness lead to hesitancy.
Another quality that goes hand in hand with self-confidence is the possession of a strong will and determination. If we have will, we will find the way to do a thing. We must summon all our powers, physical and mental, and bring them to bear on the performance of a work. It there is this single-minded devotion, success is bound to come.
Of course, success can come in those fields of life in which one's aptitudes find sufficient scope and one's ambition is related to one's powers and parts. Therefore, we must know how to choose our vocation, according to our taste and temperament, our capability. We must have pleasure in our work. Often failures in life come through a mistaken choice of life's vocation. If we are able to choose our career according to our natural inclinations, the chances of success are very bright.
Another important quality is to know and seize an opportunity when it comes our way. If we let opportunity pass, another may not come for years.
Man is the architect of his own destiny. A study of the lives of great men bears this out. Those who talk about destiny and the stare are only allowing external forces to get the better of us. The fact often is that most of us have not determination enough; the lives of most of us are full of hours spent in indolence, of opportunities wasted. Let us, therefore, if we want to succeed in life, fight with all our might against doctrines, which make us, lose self-confidence and destroy our initiative.
It is no use trying for the impossible. 'One must not hitch one's wagon to a star.' The impracticable is undesirable. Everything in the world is worth attempting, if it lies outside the reach of a man.
Whether life is more full of joys than of sorrows, or the reverse, depends on the mental attitude. The burden of sufferings would be unbearable, if they were not constantly relieved by joys. In his heart of hearts, every man believes that sorrow is transient and might even be overcome. The triumphs of socialism and modern science and making the chances for a happier state of life brighter than ever. Not escape but struggle must be our watchword. Above all, we must go all out, with courage and faith, to meet challenge of circumstances — "to have faith in God, keeping our powder dry." Let us learn the great lesson — "joy cannot come unless it be earned." Sorrow, therefore, is the price that we have to pay in order to earn happiness. Let us recall Shelley who sounded the clarion-call—if winter comes, can spring be far behind?
Of course, in the last analysis, most of our sufferings are due to the social conditions in which we live, where the interests of the majority are sacrificed for the few. Had there been equitable distribution of national wealth, three-fourths of the ills of life, poverty and want, non-education and unemployment, starvation and disease would have been eliminated. Hence, the crying need of the society is the social justice.
The period of youth is the spring time of our life when the mind and body is at its very best. The age from 15 to 25 years is of paramount importance because it lays down the foundation and determines the path of our life.
Studies, career choices and job opportunities are hotly-debated issues during this period.
It is high time students realise that pending time in noble pursuits will enrich them from within and without while wasting time in ignoble pursuits will impoverish them from within and without.
Some people always complain that they have no time to do the things they always wanted to do. The weariness, the fever and the fret, consume all their time, money and energy. You will never get time for doing something, you will have to find time; change your priorities and adjust your schedule. All the dreams and plans can be actualised with proper time management because as Gandhiji said: "The days of miracle are not gone.Life unfolds itself like a procession in front of us. The innocent child has sublime pleasures and he rejoices in the kings and princesses of the fairy tales while the excited youth seeks for the princess in his real life and loves the challenge. The adult has more mature commitments while old age looks across the memory lane with tears either of satisfaction or regrets.
so, why don't you write them yourself? It is still plagiarism!