和平路胜利街中百商圈:附近主要有中百大厦、温州商贸、国安、V1广场、泰华、银座、佳世客、百大、步行街等等! 新华路佳乐家商圈: 主要有佳乐家、沃尔玛、中百等等!
I am in Jining, and what I see here.. it lack lively places.. We have busy streets with people, but not lively areas.. 1 good big shopping mall and that's all! We also need some improvement here. Weifang needs a bit more activity than Jining because you also have the sea and kites. I think you have very places there, but you feel you need more (Maybe like Qingdao??)
People go where the shops are!
Money is spent where the shops are.. Lively and busy Weifang!!