首先我觉得从中文句子的语气上推测,你可能是与你上级的人面谈,那就是委婉点,客气点:Looking forward to talking to you in person.或者是Looking forward to talking/meeting you face to face.这两句对于上下级都可以。
如果就是下级的话,才可以用interview,指很具体的面试,而不是仅仅是面谈了!千万不要弄错了!如果是很重要的人,你说要给他面试,吓跑人家了,还不礼貌。Lookinf forward to having an interview with you.对待面试对象或者下级。
I am looking forward to the pleasure of an interview
look forwards to have an interview with you.
I am looking forward to meet you in person.
See you there.
I am expecting a personal interview with you.