一共四幕 分节回答
- the first act --
Narrator: Beijing people, holy graph princess will marry the royal lineage with prince, he must guess princess the three riddles, and if all the questions, the princess will marry him, if guess Boston, head landing. Prince of Persia for guessing fails, tonight the moon came out in executed. (prince of Persia be executioner stake, with maid.) graph
Colourful, if if morogor with frost. Ask an infortune childe enterprise Ming huang view picture liquor-saturated, Amy if crazy. Single woman iron hearted, three puzzle bridegroom, a butcher's knife examination vulgar shem! (turned to prince of Persia) your head will hang up my GongQiang, last recall team in the desert, your god will ring with you to his place.
Narrator: the moon yet to come, she'll have to wait and go to sleep, he dared graph stars in the sky accept praise (jasmine tune sounded)
Graph: the princess to back to his palace and rest. You good prayers, clouds will cover the moon the unanimous. Unless you can let the moon lost her memory, or the Persian prince - you perish.
Prince of Persia: the garden, the mighty Babylon the horizon of the desert oases spring, let me say goodbye to you again, god, don't let my blood fuzzy his eye, also don't let the tears blank I heard my mother's face
Narrator: princess, please put the graph, the prince of god and we are not willing to believe that our princess so cold.
Graph: what? Put him in the JieBang, he didn't see? Every to marry the princess of graph, the three questions to right the princess, otherwise the butcher's knife is his final resting place. The princess royal expensive is the chicken, Ann can eat them. The moon came out, such as his head necessary landing!
Graph: I have long in deep palace graph, the most hated man muddy thing. (turn toward tower.) As beautiful as I should marry, GaoLiang in toff? (tower.) Now set problem, ready to see who butcher knife, deterrent to propose, dare to bite off more than you can chew. (kiss xiu, table)
Hostess: : QiBing princess! (from one before, to princess stood smartly.) Rev. Justice Lord, existing JieBang proposing marriage, a temple of admirers HouZhi outside.
Graph: I have not afraid dead people. His first mission in.
Hostess: : is! (step to seat.) Xuan desert strangers on the temple! (retreat to the princess side.)
Maid: (despise looked it.) Childe, with me in. (desert strangers into.)
Desert strangers: see the princess. Payable to steal depending on the graph)
Maid: (drink) bow!
Graph: where are you from?
Desert strangers: silk road!
Graph: you dare to lift the Stonehenge?
Desert strangers: easy. (hands hold up Stonehenge, lap, three laugh.)
Graph: hum, I'm afraid limbs developed, simple-minded.
Desert strangers: silk road spirit, everyone is as a wise and courageous man.
Graph: you dare and princess I onlooker?
Desert strangers: happy to come the end, please prudently!
Graph: you hear certain, I sat on the throne, see you use any way, can let me go on.
Strangers: the desert...
Maid: do you understand, as you all KengMeng abducted, play trick, so long as can cheat him down, calculate you scored the second difficult problem.
Desert strangers: this problem is too difficult, let me think.
Graph: no delay, I give you a column sweet time, time arrives, you also can not transfer me down, hum, you will die in this second problem under!
Desert strangers (thinking for a moment) : oh, the princess, please you first, change the position, then to intellectual combat.
Maid: why want to change position?
Desert strangers: since the ancient times, the male for dry, female for dry in the gentlemancarries the next kun. Please change the position, to princess first catches on, then start onlooker is, I'll take you soar.
Graph: of the rational, first change said orientation.
Desert strangers: (satisfiedly) ha ha, I give her cheat (see graph.) still, no surprise
Graph: you play is the warring states sun bin fraud guiguzi count, princess wars, I knew how gonna take your bait?
Maid: hour has come, tie! (inward beckoned.) (two guards tied desert.) strangers
Desert strangers (struggle) : gosh, woman heartless!
Graph: (cold ao) blame only blame you like KuaHaiKou.
LZ, 所有的歌剧都是用意大利文来表演的, 是没有用英文来演出的, 要找也只有英文版的简介这出歌剧是从来都没有英文剧本的!附上英文版的简介!
Act I
In front of the imperial palace.
A Mandarin announces the law of the land ( Popolo di Pekino! - "Any man who desires to wed Turandot must first answer her three riddles. If he fails, he will be beheaded" ). The Prince of Persia has failed and is to be beheaded at moonrise. As the crowd surges towards the gates of the palace, the imperial guards brutally repulse them, a blind old man is pushed to the ground. His slave-girl, Liù, cries for help. A young man hears her cry and recognizes the old man as his long-lost father, Timur, the deposed king of Tartary. The young Prince of Tartary is overjoyed seeing his father alive but urges him not to speak his name because he fears the Chinese rulers who have conquered Tartary. Timur tells his son that of all his servants, only Liù has remained faithful to him. When the Prince asks her why, she tells him that once, long ago in the palace, he smiled upon her (The crowd, Liù, Prince of Tartary, Timur: Indietro, cani! ).
The moon rises, and the crowd's cries for blood turn into silence. The doomed Prince of Persia is led before the crowd on his way to execution. The young Prince is so handsome that the crowd, the Prince of Tartary too is moved to compassion and calls Turandot to spare his life (The crowd, Prince of Tartary : O giovinetto! ). She appears, and with a single imperious gesture orders the execution to continue. The Prince of Tartary, who has never seen Turandot before, falls immediately in love. As he cries out her name with joy, the crowd screams in horror: The Prince of Persia has been beheaded.
The Prince of Tartary is dazzled by Turandot's beauty. He is about to rush towards the gong and strike it three times; the symbolic gesture of whoever wishes to marry Turandot when the ministers Ping, Pong, and Pang appear and urge him cynically ( Fermo, che fai? ) not to lose his head for Turandot but to go back to his own country.
Timur urges his son to desist, and Liù, who is secretly in love with the Prince, pleads with him in her acclaimed ( Signore, ascolta! ) not to attempt the riddles. Liu's words touch his heart. The Prince tells Liu to make exile more bearable and never to abandon his father if the Prince fails to answer the riddles ( Non piangere, Liù - "Don't cry, Liù" ) . The three ministers, Timur and Liù try one last time to hold the Prince ( Ah! Per l'ultima volta! ) but he refuses to listen.
He utters Turandot's name three times and rushes to the gong that hangs in front of the palace. He strikes the gong three times declaring himself a suitor. From the palace balcony, Turandot accepts the challenge.
[edit] Act II
[edit] Scene 1
A pavilion in the imperial palace. Before sunrise.
Ping, grand chancellor (Baritone), Pang, grand purveyor (Tenor), and Pong, grand cook (Tenor) from Act 2 Scene 1. This is from the 2002 coproduction of the Mariinsky Theatre, St. Petersburg and the Festspielhaus Baden-Baden.Ping, Pang, and Pong lament their place as ministers, poring over palace documents and presiding over endless rituals. They prepare themselves for either a wedding or a funeral (Ping, Pang, Pong: Ola, Pang! ) . Ping suddenly longs for his country house in Honan, with its small lake surrounded by bamboo. Pong remembers his grove of forests near Tsiang, and Pang recalls his gardens near Kiu. The three share fond memories of life away from the palace (Ping, Pang, Pong: Ho una casa nell'Honan ) but are shaken back to the realities of Turandot's bloody reign. They continually accompany young men to death and recall their ghastly fate.
As the palace trumpet sounds, the ministers ready themselves for another spectacle as they await the entrance of the Emperor.
[edit] Scene 2
The courtyard of the palace. Sunrise.
Screenshot from the same production, Act 2 Scene 2.The Emperor Altoum, father of Turandot, sits on his grand throne in his palace. He urges the Prince to withdraw his challenge but the Prince refuses (Altoum, the Prince: Un giuramento atroce ). Turandot enters and explains ( In questa reggia ) that her ancestor of millennia past, Princess Lo-u-Ling, was ravished and murdered by a foreigner, and now out of revenge she has sworn to never let any man possess her. She warns the Prince to withdraw, but again he refuses.
The Princess presents her first riddle ( Straniero, ascolta! ) "What is born each night and dies each dawn?" The Prince correctly replies, "Hope."
The Princess, unnerved, presents her second riddle ( Guizza al pari di fiamma ) "What flickers red and warm like a flame, but is not fire?" The Prince thinks for a moment before replying, "Blood". Turandot is shaken. The crowd cheers the Prince, provoking Turandot's anger.
She presents her third riddle ( Gelo che ti da foco ) "What is like ice, but burns like fire?" As the prince thinks, Turandot taunts him. Suddenly he cries out victory and announces, "Turandot!"
The crowd cheers for the triumphant Prince. Turandot throws herself at her father's feet and pleads with him not to leave her to the Prince's mercy. The Emperor insists that an oath is sacred, and it is Turandot's duty to wed the Prince (Turandot, Altoum, the Prince: Figlio del cielo ). As she cries out in anger, the Prince stops her, saying that he has a proposal for her. "You do not know my name. Bring me my name before sunrise, and at sunrise, I will die" ( Tre enigmi m'hai proposto ). Turandot accepts. The Emperor declares that he hopes to call the Prince his son come sunrise.
[edit] Act III
[edit] Scene 1
The palace gardens. Night.
In the distance, heralds call out Turandot's command ( Cosi comanda Turandot - "This night, none shall sleep in Peking! The penalty for all will be death if the Prince's name is not discovered by morning" ). The Prince waits for dawn and anticipates his victory by singing "Nobody shall sleep!... Nobody shall sleep! Even you, O Princess" ( Nessun dorma ).
Ping, Pong, and Pang appear and offer the Prince women and riches if he will only give up Turandot ( Tu che guardi le stelle ), but he refuses. A group of soldiers then drag in Timur and Liù. They have been seen speaking to the Prince, so they must know his name. Turandot enters and orders Timur and Liù to speak. The Prince feigns ignorance, saying they know nothing. Liù declares that she alone knows the Prince's name, but she will not reveal it. Ping demands the Prince's name, and when she refuses, she is tortured. Turandot is clearly taken by Liù's resolve and asks her who put so much strength in her heart. Liù answers "Princess, Love!". Turandot demands that Ping tear the Prince's name from Liù, and he orders her to be tortured. Liù counters Turandot ( Tu che di gel sei cinta ), saying that she too shall learn love. Having spoken, Liù seizes a dagger from a soldier's belt and stabs herself. As she staggers towards the Prince and falls dead, the crowd screams for her to speak the Prince's name. Since Timur is blind, he must be told about Liù's death, and he cries out in anguish. Timur warns that the gods will be offended by this outrage, and the crowd is subdued with shame and fear. The grieving Timur and the crowd follow Liù's body as it is carried away. Everybody departs leaving the Prince and Turandot. He reproaches Turandot for her cruelty (The Prince, Turandot: Principessa di morte ) and then takes her in his arms and kisses her in spite of her resistance.
Here Puccini's work ends. The remainder of the music was completed by Franco Alfano.
The Prince tries to convince Turandot to love him. At first she is disgusted, but after he kisses her, she feels herself turning towards passion. She asks him to ask for nothing more but leave, taking his mystery with him. The Prince however, reveals his name, "Calàf, son of Timur" and places his life in Turandot's hand. She can now destroy him if she wants (Turandot, Calàf: Del primo pianto ).
[edit] Scene 2
The courtyard of the palace. Dawn.
Turandot and Calàf approach the Emperor's throne. She declares that she knows the Prince's name: "It is ... love!" ( Diecimila anni al nostro Imperatore! ).
The crowd cheers and acclaims the two lovers ( O sole! Vita! Eternita ).
歌剧是一种音乐、戏剧、舞蹈综合的艺术形式。早在十六世纪末,意大利的佛罗伦萨城有一些受文艺复兴思想影响的、进步的知识分子,其中有诗人里努契尼,歌唱家兼作曲家培里和卡契 尼等,他们尝试着综合音乐和戏剧的特点,模仿古代希腊悲剧,创造出一种崭新的艺术形式,这就是歌剧。欧洲最早的一部歌剧是培里根据里努契尼的剧本创作的《达芙妮》,可惜这部歌剧的乐曲已无留存。现存最早的歌剧是他们创作的《犹丽狄茜》。那时的歌剧已有一种近于朗颂式的乐调,简单的剧情中穿插一些歌曲和合唱。伴奏乐器只有一架羽管键琴、一台七弦竖琴和几把诗 琴。歌唱家卡契尼在当时还提出了要以宏亮而能致远的声音演唱 歌剧的“美声唱法”的美学和技术的要求。
蒙特威尔第进一步使歌剧音乐戏剧化。在他写的歌剧中已出现了歌唱性的宣叙调和咏叹调似的乐调。他创用了弦乐器振音和拨弦的奏法,使伴奏乐队的表现力更为丰富。早先,歌剧都是在 宫廷和贵族的厅堂里演出,自从1637年蒙持威尔第在威尼斯城建立了世界上第一座歌剧院以后,歌剧艺术也开始向广大市民打开了大门。
A·斯卡拉蒂则发展了歌剧音乐的抒情性。在他写的歌剧中 已有一种由快、慢、快三段式组成的序曲。同时,歌剧中的宣叙调(一种近于朗颂、用以陈述剧情的乐调)和咏叹调(一种旋律 性和抒情性很强的歌调)已有较严格的区别。在他的歌剧中宣叙调又可分为“白话宣叙调”(用键盘乐器伴奏)和“带伴奏的宣叙调”(乐器合奏伴奏);咏叹调又有“性格咏叹调”、“抒情咏叹调”、“豪壮咏叹调”、“朗颂口语咏叹调”等种种不同类型。可以看到音乐在剧中的表情作用已大大加强。从A·斯卡拉蒂开始,意大利歌剧写法即已定型化,而这种歌剧就是通常所说 的正歌剧。
十九世纪最为引人瞩目的是瓦格纳(1813—1883)的乐剧。 在创作方面瓦格纳非常重视戏剧的作用,他的乐剧全部由自已撰 写脚本、配备舞台装置及照明等,这是为了使诗、剧、音乐和美术融为一体,完美地表达出戏剧的主题思想。
瓦格纳继承了莫扎特和威柏的创作传统,但他又是富于独创精神的。在他的乐剧中采用了具有特征的一些手法,这首先表现在运用主导动机的写法,亦即采取短小、富有表现力的乐句象征剧中的人或某一事物(如《莱茵的黄金》中,代表莱茵河水的动机、菜茵水仙的动机等),这些由管弦乐队奏出的主导动机贯穿全剧,交织在一起,描绘出剧情的发展。因而,在他的乐剧中,管 弦乐已不再处于伴奏地位,而成为与声乐平行的、整部歌剧的组成部分。
歌剧的形式从简到繁。现代歌剧一般由宣叙调、咏叹调贯穿始终。剧中往往要穿插重唱、合唱、舞曲。大的器乐段落则是序 曲——用以提示和概括剧情;幕间曲——在幕间演奏,起到烘托气氛的作用;终曲——带有总结全剧的意义。
1. 费加罗的婚礼 (Le Nozze di Figaro)四幕喜歌剧,据法国博马舍同名喜剧改编,莫扎特(Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)作曲,意大利洛伦佐.达.庞特作词,1786年5月1日首演于维也纳.
2. 魔笛 (Die Zauberfiote)两幕歌剧,莫扎特最后一部歌剧作品,德国埃马努埃尔.席坎内德尔作词,1791年9月30日首演于维也纳.全剧以德国民族歌剧"歌唱剧"(Singspied)形式谱写而成,由说白和带编号乐曲组成.
3. 赛维利亚的理发师 (Il Barbiere di Siviglia)二幕喜歌剧,据博马舍同名喜剧改编,罗西尼(Gioachino Antonio Rossini)作曲,切萨雷.斯特比尼作词,1816年2月20日首演于罗马阿金蒂纳剧院.
4. 弄臣 (Rigletto)三幕歌剧,据维克多.雨果剧本"逍遥王"改编,威尔第(Giuseppe Verdi)作曲,意大利弗兰切斯科.玛丽亚.皮亚维作词,1851年3月11日首演于威尼斯凤凰剧院.
5. 茶花女 (La Traviata)三幕歌剧,据小仲马同名剧本改编,威尔第作曲,皮亚维作词,1853年3月6日首演于威尼斯凤凰剧院.
6. 奥赛罗 (Osello)四幕歌剧,据莎士比亚同名戏剧改编,威尔第作曲,意大利阿里戈.博伊托作词,1872年2月首演于米兰.
7. 卡门 (Carmen)四幕歌剧,据普罗斯贝尔.梅里美同名小说改编,比才(Georges Bizet)作曲,法国亨利.梅拉克和吕多维克.阿列维作词,1875年3月3日首演于巴黎喜歌剧院.
8. 艺术家的生活 (La Boheme)亦称"波希米亚人","绣花女","落魄青年",四幕歌剧,据法国亨利.缪尔杰的小说"穷艺术家的生活情景"改编,由普契尼 (Giacomo Puccini)作曲,意大利朱赛佩.贾科萨,路易基.伊利卡作词,1896年2约1日由托斯卡尼尼指挥首演于意大利图林.
9. 托斯卡 (Tosca)三幕歌剧,据法国维多利安.萨尔杜剧本改编,普契尼作曲,伊利卡和贾科萨作词,1900年1月14日首演于罗马科斯坦齐剧院.
10.蝴蝶夫人 (Madama Butterfly)二幕歌剧,据美国约翰.郎的小说和大卫.贝拉斯科的话剧改编,普契尼作曲,伊利卡和贾科萨作词,1904年2月17日首演于米兰拉.斯卡拉剧院.