春节到了,家家户户都忙碌了起来。碗碰勺,锅碰碟,各种菜肴“哗啦哗啦”地下了锅。空气中到处充溢着浓浓的油香,人们全家团聚,举杯同庆,辞旧迎新。大街小巷张灯结彩,好不热闹。在这个少雪且日渐温暖的季节里,春节不知不觉掩埋了平淡的日子,迎面扑来。
春节到了,家家户户都忙碌了起来。碗碰勺,锅碰碟,各种菜肴“哗啦哗啦”地下了锅。空气中到处充溢着浓浓的油香,人们全家团聚,举杯同庆,辞旧迎新。大街小巷张灯结彩,好不热闹。在这个少雪且日渐温暖的季节里,春节不知不觉掩埋了平淡的日子,迎面扑来
Spring
has
arrived,
and
families
are
busy
again.
Spoon
bowl
touch,
touch
pot
dish,
a
variety
of
dishes,
"Raining
Cats"
underground
of
the
pot.
The
air
everywhere
overflowing
with
thick
oil
incense,
it
is
family
reunion,
Tongqing
toast,
New
Year.
Decorated
the
streets,
really
busy.
In
this
less
snow
and
warmer
growing
season,
the
Spring
Festival
unknowingly
buried
in
the
dull
days,
the
face