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Just a random idea that popped into my head! Enjoy! "Everyone out of bed! Let's move!" Lieutenant Urlich called out into the barracks. He rushed into the room with a hose, squirting several sleeping figures that quickly jumped up at the touch of the freezing water. "MOVE IT!"The barracks exploded into action, multiple soldiers who had just finished basic training were now moving at a fast pace putting on pants, shirts and helmets."If you move that slow in basic training, you'll never survive in this army. LET'S GO!" Urlich loved yelling out profanities and insults to the rookies. It made them move even faster.In less than twenty minutes, all soldiers were performing drills, shooting rifles at targets before moving on to pushups and sit ups. Little did they know that they had an audience that is until they made themselves known on the training field of the fort."Ladies and gents," Urlich called out at the end of the drill run that morning. "Meet the leader of one of the most elite and revered company in this army. Major Erial, leader of Charlie Company. Make it through her tryouts and you could get a spot in there. That's why she's here."Erial stepped forward, her green uniform was clean and free of wrinkles. Adorning it were awards, not as many as the generals, but a fair number. She stared at the crowd with scrutinizing hazel eyes. "You call yourselves soldiers?" She finally asked looking at the gathered crowds there.No one answered but several people fidgeted in their places. A quick order from Lieutenant Ulrich stilled the ranks. Erial smirked and resumed, "I am going to separate the real men from the frauds in my company. This is only the beginning for some of you. The lucky few who will gain honor in my ranks, the rest of you will learn all too quickly that you are not men, but pussies."Several people winced at that statement. Erial gave orders to the two people standing by her, they quickly snapped to attention and ran off the platform they were standing on. Erial turned back to the newbies, "Time to show your worth,ugg boots sale," her smile set off waves of unease in the ranks.The two soldiers Erial had gave orders to appeared behind the group of rookies, and one of them, who was a woman shouted out, "Come on ya noobs, time for a bus ride."The ranks parted and with out any further ado, they marched aboard the busses. Major Erial got into a dark sedan and led the train of vehicles on to the main road.The atmosphere on the bus was heavy, many soldiers were apprehensive of what was going to happen, several whispered conversations erupted between the rookies."What do ya think'll happen to us?" Private Bern asked the man sitting next to him on the bus. His companion shrugged, implying that he didn't know, or care for that matter.The bus was entering a wilderness area,UGG Boots 5119 Kinghtsbridge, and it finally parked in a clearing, a sergeant stormed onto the bus and yelled out, "You have less than three seconds to get off of this bus,piumini moncler! Do you understand?"Everyone shouted out, "Sir yes sir!"The bus was emptied in a flurry of activity, no one had a chance to get any of their belongings out of the fort, so it was not much of an issue to get off the bus. In the clearing, several ranks had been formed five soldiers across, ten soldiers deep. There were two-hundred soldiers in all. Erial looked them over and muttered to Captain Talik, the woman who had ordered the soldiers onto the bus, "Most of them look fit and strong, too bad only fifty will make it through tryouts."The captain nodded and stated, "Only the strongest will be fit to join us."Erial smiled and then shouted out to the gathered personnel, "Welcome to the first day of tryouts,Moncler Accessories, let's see what those basic training sergeants taught you!"Several soldiers from Erial's company ran out from the woods holding bundles of cloth, they handed everyone standing in rank a bundle and then ran to the front of the gathered soldiers and stood at attention.Erial gave orders to the gathering, "Those with bundles may open them."There was the sound of cloth being ripped open,Chaussures Femme, and many of the privates looked on in confusion as they looked at the sheath knife he or she now held in his or her hands."You will survive out in this wilderness for a month, if you have not died, or given up by then, you will go on to the next stage." Erial said. "Captain Talik, First Lieutenant Gyro, Second Lieutenant Kilp, and several other sergeants will lead you into the woods and deposit you somewhere in this wilderness. Your task, and it's only this task, is to survive for a month. You will not find your way out unless you get an airdropped message signed by me authorizing you to. Do you understand?""Yes ma'am!" the soldiers chorused in unison.Erial nodded to the soldiers who gave the rookies knives and also to her captain and lieutenants. The area was a flurry of activity. The sergeants brought out several ATVs and mounted them, they had trailers attached and they started to point out to several soldiers, "You four! Get on the trailer!" and soon all the trailers were filled.Erial had one last thing to say to the newbies before they left. "One last bit of advice to you all," Erial said smirking, "What ever happens to you, do not lose that knife." And with that, the ATVs roared off into the wilderness with several frightened rookies in tow.Topics related articles:
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