I think we can not be more familiar with the word “housewife”. Some think that the life of a housewife is comfortable and carefree. Actually, it is not. Instead, it is totally tiring. A housewife has to take good care of the old, look after the children, cook the meals and do the housework; at the same time, she has to learn some household knowledge about healthcare and tea-making, or about how to greet the guests. To top it off, she ought to take care of her family and friends physically and mentally. We must study in our life and we need constant progress and study to perfect ourselves, so does a housewife. I come here today to tell you that a housewife deserves our respect.
I’ve got out of the life of a housewife and returned to the campus life l’ve been yearning for. The atmosphere here refreshes me every day. My dear teachers and friendly classmates help push me forward in my study all the time and they also make me happy.
Here at the university, time never visits your mind because it is occupied by study. I think only with hard work can we repay our family and friends. I love my life as a housewife and the life on the campus.