
2025-01-19 07:14:36

The original habitat is area South America Peru, natural food is thegreen grass, plant's root as well as the fruit seed, is the absolutevegetarianism. The wild guinea pig is slim the movement to be nimble,likes many crowding in the same place, can mutually link up throughthe slight cry. Main characteristic: The guinea pig ear big slightlyproceeds to collapse, on the ear has very many slight blood vessels touse for the radiation, the hearing is good. Eye field of vision good,may look is very clear. The nose sense of smell keen, dry is soft.Some 20 toeet, front the mouth department about respectively has twolong toeet (front tooth), the length approximately has about 1centimeter, the main use for nips takes/interruption food to use, alsofor fights the time aggressive weapon. Behind about the mouthdepartment * nearly two cheeks place have each 8 molars, the main usefor chews food to use. Guinea pig tooth end its life can continue togrow, therefore must frequently * gnaw food fiber high food to preventthe tooth the over growth. (When tooth excessively is long, guinea pigcan because be unable to eat food to starve to death). The first foothas four toes, the foot bottom does not have the wool. The guinea pigfront foot structure and the general rodentia are different, is nimblyunable nimbly to take takes the goods to deliver in the entrance, alsois vertically unable vertically to climb up. Because of the grass foodalso food quantity more reasons, the belly is bigger. The latter foothas three toes, the foot bottom does not have the wool.