Room is the creation of a human living environment. Living room in addition to material practicality, there is the need to meet the people's spiritual life functions. As the people's living standards continued to improve awareness of their living environment demands increased, Apart from the need for more leeway, the United States also needs more space. Diverse needs of the living environment, has become a better learning work and life is a necessity. First, this paper from market research, to understand the real situation of the domestic market, domestic space through design, against modern young wage-earners to design a suitable home environment. Among the first part of the home-market analysis of the significance of their existence, home to the shape of space and the use of the principle types. The second part of what is the market situation at home and abroad, design style and the existence of the error. Against this, the third part of the investigation in accordance with the beginning of the design, selected creative, to be refined in-depth, Modeling again comes on the exaggerated effect of the design plans. Design plans for the result, the basic modern aesthetic point of view of young people, meet the design requirements. Keywords : space, sprightly, clear, vibrant, energetic