1234 select * from (select colD,colE,dense_rank() over(order by colG desc) as rk from tableb) where rk between 10 and 20 --当然面试的话这里可以注明 dense_rank 和 rank区别等等。
12345 select count(*) as cnt from tableB where colA in (select colA from tableA start with colA = 传入idconnect by prior colA = colB)
with tableA as (select 1 as colA,0 as colB,'北京' as colC from dualunion allselect 2 as colA,0 as colB,'上海' from dual),tableB as(select 1 as colD,'人员1' as colE,1 as colA,2000 as colG,0 as colH from dualunion allselect 2,'人员2',1,2000,0 from dualunion allselect 3,'人员3',1,2000,0 from dualunion allselect 4,'人员4',1,2000,0 from dualunion allselect 5,'人员5',1,2000,1 from dualunion allselect 6,'人员6',2,2000,1 from dualunion allselect 7,'人员7',1,2000,1 from dual)--查询sql select decode(t.colH,0,'女','男') as gender,max(decode(t.colC,'北京',t.cnt,0)) as 北京,max(decode(t.colC,'上海',t.cnt,0)) as 上海 from (select a.colC,b.colH,count(*) as cnt from tableB bleft join tableA a on a.colA = b.colAgroup by colC,colH) t group by t.colH