耶鲁大学:“Truth and Light” 真理和光明
剑桥大学::“Here light and sacred draughts”剑桥——求知学习的理想之地
牛津大学:“The Lord Is My Illuminattion”上帝乃知识之神”
哈佛大学:“Truth” 让真理与你为友
斯坦福大学:“the wind of freedom blows”愿学术自由之风劲吹
普林斯顿大学:“In the Nation\'s Service and in the Service of All Nations”普林斯顿——为国家服务,为世界服务
Development of self in accordance with the celestial
principle of consistency;
Cultivation of amplitude in emulation of the earth's
benevolent support of man and nature
seek truth from facts
rigorous and steadfast
exert oneself being eager to make progress
open up and be creative
Study well, Teach Others. Be your Best, Set An Example