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2024-12-08 11:30:52

曼施坦因、隆美尔和古德里安被后人并称为第二次世界大战期间纳粹德国的三大名将,著名陆军战术“闪电战”创始人。当然,从政治角度来说,他们绝对是助纣为虐的法西斯帮凶,对别国犯下了不可饶恕的战争罪行,是希特勒祸害天下的杀手。 而从军事角度来看,他们过人的军事素质,出色的军事指挥艺术,对世界军事历史产生了重大影响,确实值得后人研究。与那些制造屠杀的纳粹德国政客们和党卫军首脑相比,身为正规的德国国防军优秀将领的他们还算清白,他们虽在希特勒的战争中策划指挥,却反对纳粹的屠杀和灭绝政策,更没有参与屠杀暴行。也许正因为这点,加上他们令人惊叹的军事造诣,使他们赢得了敌国的尊敬和历史学家,军事学家的客观评价。 Manstein, Rommel and Guderian was later known as the Nazi Germany during World War II, the three star, the famous Army Tactical "lightning war" founder. Of course, from a political point of view, they absolutely do evil fascist accomplices, on the other countries committed unforgivable war crime, the scourge of the world of Hitler's killer. From the military point of view, they are extraordinary military qualities, excellent command of the military art, military history, the world has had a major influence, generations of true worth. Massacres and those of Nazi Germany and the SS leaders than politicians, as a regular Wehrmacht generals for their outstanding fairly clean, though they planned the war in Hitler's command, but against the Nazi policy of genocide and extermination, also not involved in atrocities. Perhaps because of this, coupled with their stunning military skills to enable them to win the enemy's respect and historian, Junshixuejia objective evaluation. 海因茨·威廉·古德里安(Heinz Wilhelm Guderian,1888.6.17~1954.5.15),德国陆军一级上将(1888-1954),杰出的军事家、军事理论家、统帅,装甲战的倡导者。 海因茨威廉 Guderian (Heinz Wilhelm Guderian, 1888.6.17 ~ 1954.5.15), the German Army a General (1888-1954), an outstanding strategist, military theorist, commander of the armored war advocacy persons. 1888年6月17日生于维斯瓦河边的库尔姆 1894年在阿尔萨斯州科尔马尔入学读书 1901—1902年卡尔斯鲁厄军校肄业 1903—1907年柏林中央军校肄业 1907年2月28日入第十轻步兵营任见习官 1907年4—12月入梅斯战争学校受训 1908年1月27日任少尉职 1909年10月1日调驻汉诺威省 1912—1913年在第三通信兵营服务 1913年—一次大战爆发在柏林陆军大学服务 第一次世界大战期间 1914年8月2日—1915年4月任无线电台长,首先在西线战场第五骑兵师中工作,后又调到佛兰德战场第四军中服务 1914年10月升任中尉 1915年4月—1916年1月担任第四军的助理通信官 1915年12月升任上尉 1916年1月—8月担任第五军的助理通信官及在该军各附属单位中服务 1916年8月—1917年4月担任第四军的通信官 1917年4月转任第四步兵师的参谋官 1917年5月暂代第五十二预备师的参谋长 1917年7月暂调第十预备兵团服务 1917年8月重回第四步兵师服务 1917年9月任第十四步兵团第二营营长 1917年10月在C军区任参谋官 1918年1—2月在色当受参谋军官训练 1918年2月28日调陆军参谋本部服务 1918年5月调任第三十八预备兵团军需官 1918年10月调任德国在意大利占领区军事管治局行政科长 边防军时代 1918年11月在柏林普鲁士军政部东部边防总局中服务 1919年1月在布里斯劳南区边防指挥部服务 1919年3月在巴登司坦北区边防指挥部服务 1919年5月在“铁师”参谋处服务 1919年10月在国防军第十旅服务 1920—1922年任第三轻步兵营第十一连连长 两次大战之间 1922年1—3月在慕尼黑第七摩托化运输营实习 1922年4月1日调国防部摩托化司服务 1924年10月1日调第二师师部服务 1927年2月1日升任少校 1927年10月1日调回国防部任职于陆军参谋本部中的运输处 1928年10月1日兼任柏林摩托化运输兵训练处的战术武官 1931年2月1日任第三摩托化运输营的营长 1931年2月1日升任中校 1931年10月1日调回国防部任摩托化兵总监部的参谋长 1933年4月1日升任上校 1934年7月1日任装甲兵司令部的参谋长 1935年10月15日任第二装甲师的师长 1936年8月1日升任少将 1938年2月4日升任中将同时接任第十六军的军长 1938年3月10日占领奥地利 1938年10月2日占领苏台德地区 1938年11月20日升任二级上将并接任机动兵总监 第二次世界大战 1939年8月任第十九军的司令 1939年9月波兰战役 1940年5—6月西线战场之役 1940年6月1日任古德里安装甲兵团总司令 1940年7月19日升任一级上将 1940年11月任第二装甲兵团总司令 1941年10月任第二装甲军团总司令 1941年12月退为预备役 1943年3月1日任装甲兵总监 1944年7月21日兼任陆军参谋总长 1945年3月28日被迫去职 第二次世界大战之后 1952年释放后在美国防部任高级顾问 1954年逝世 June 17, 1888 Born in Vistula side of Kulm 1894 State Collmar attend school in Alsace 1901-1902 graduated from military academy in Karlsruhe 1903-1907 graduated from the Central Military Academy in Berlin February 28, 1907 into the 10th Light Infantry Battalion as a probationary officer From April to December 1907, the school trained war Rumei Si January 27, 1908 Ren Shaowei post October 1, 1909 in Hanover Province transferred 1912-1913 barracks in the third communication services 1913 - World War I broke out the army in Berlin, the University of services During World War I August 2, 1914 -1,915 radio station in April of any length, first in the western front the Fifth Cavalry to work and later transferred to the Fourth Army in Flanders battlefield service In October 1914 rose Ren Zhongyu April 1915 -1,916 Fourth Army in January as the assistant communications officer December 1915 was promoted to Captain In January 1916 as the Fifth Army -8 assistant on communications officer and the military services of the subsidiary units August 1916 -1917 years in April as the communications officer of the Fourth Army April 1917 transferred to the 4th Infantry Division staff officer May 1917 temporarily 52nd Division's chief of staff prepared July 1917 temporarily transfer the 10th Corps service preparation August 1917 back to the 4th Infantry Division Service September 1917 appointed the 14th Infantry Regiment, Second Battalion October 1917 military chief of staff officers at the C January-February 1918 by staff officers in training Sedan February 28, 1918 stressed the Army General Staff Headquarters Services May 1918 was transferred to the 38th Corps quartermaster preparation In October 1918 transferred to German military rule in the occupied territories Italy Bureau Chief Chief Border guards of the times In November 1918 in Berlin, the Prussian military and the Department of General Administration in the eastern border services In January 1919 in the border area command services 布里斯劳南 In March 1919 in North Baden Tanzania border headquarters Services Division In May 1919 in the "Iron Division" Staff Services Department In October 1919 the 10th Brigade in the IDF service 1920-1922, he became the 3rd Light Infantry Battalion 11th Company Commander Between the two world wars January-March 1922, the seventh in Munich motorized transport business practice April 1, 1922 motorized adjustment Defense Secretary Service October 1, 1924 Second Division Headquarters of services transferred February 1, 1927 he was promoted to Major October 1, 1927 transferred back to serve in the Army General Staff Department of Defense's Transportation Department October 1, 1928 concurrently Bailinmotuo Department of Transportation tactical military training military attache February 1, 1931 motorized transportation of any third commander of the battalion February 1, 1931 he was promoted to lieutenant colonel October 1, 1931 transferred back to the Ministry of Defence director of any motorized forces chief of staff of the Department of April 1, 1933 he was promoted to Colonel July 1st, 1934 armored command's chief of staff of any October 15, 1935 the second armored division commander appointed August 1, 1936 he was promoted to Major General February 4, 1938 he was promoted to Lieutenant the same time take over the 16th Army commander March 10, 1938 occupation of Austria October 2, 1938 occupation of the Sudetenland November 20, 1938 he was promoted to General and took over two motorized troops Director Second World War August 1939 appointed commander of 19th Army Battle of Poland in September 1939 May-June 1940 Battle of the Western Front June 1, 1940 armored corps commander appointed Guderian July 19, 1940 he was promoted to a general November 1940 appointed commander of the 2nd Armoured Corps In October 1941 appointed commander of the 2nd Armoured Regiment In December 1941 for the reserve retirement March 1, 1943 any armored Director July 21, 1944 part-time Army Chief of Staff March 28, 1945 was forced to resigned After World War II After the 1952 release of a senior consultant in the United States Department of Defense 1954 deaths