
2024-12-08 04:41:53

The 2012 "jack Jackson (John cusack) took the children to Yellowstone holiday, but found that have good memories of the lakes have dried up, and this area has become a box. Full of doubts in the camp near Yellowstone, he accidentally met Charlie. Charlie told him because of natural environment and resources, the human predatory its balance system has faced collapse, human faces unprecedented natural disasters. Charlie says some countries have developed and built in secret can escape this disaster ark. Jackson thinks he is a madman is a smile and walk away.
The disaster occurred. A strong earthquake with large meteor crashed, let the home becomes a familiar sight human purgatory. In other parts of the earth, and all kinds of natural disasters are on an unprecedented scale. Jackson and many families live on the road. Facing the global natural disasters, don't know where he suddenly remembered Charlie mentioned in the ark and map, then decided to ark base for the chance of survival.
In the search for the base and the ark, Jackson after disaster after death trial arrived ark base. However has made the ark number from around the world can't satisfy the crowd in affected.
Who to who has become a challenge the whole human moral choice. The face of disaster, the mankind from different countries made the most important decision: "everyone is equal, have equal chances of survival!" Finally FangZhouZhong in human finally had a global disaster, continue to multiply and development of hope.



The 2012 "jack Jackson (John cusack) took the children to Yellowstone holiday, but found that have good memories of the lakes have dried up, and this area has become a box. Full of doubts in the camp near Yellowstone, he accidentally met Charlie. Charlie told him because of natural environment and resources, the human predatory its balance system has faced collapse, human faces unprecedented natural disasters. Charlie says some countries have developed and built in secret can escape this disaster ark. Jackson thinks he is a madman is a smile and walk away.
The disaster occurred. A strong earthquake with large meteor crashed, let the home becomes a familiar sight human purgatory. In other parts of the earth, and all kinds of natural disasters are on an unprecedented scale. Jackson and many families live on the road. Facing the global natural disasters, don't know where he suddenly remembered Charlie mentioned in the ark and map, then decided to ark base for the chance of survival.
In the search for the base and the ark, Jackson after disaster after death trial arrived ark base. However has made the ark number from around the world can't satisfy the crowd in affected.
Who to who has become a challenge the whole human moral choice. The face of disaster, the mankind from different countries made the most important decision: "everyone is equal, have equal chances of survival!" Finally FangZhouZhong in human finally had a global disaster, continue to multiply and development of hope.


Plot Summary

Genres: Action, Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Tagline: It's Closer Than You Think.
Plot Outline When an asteroid the size of Texas is headed for Earth the world's best deep core drilling team is sent to nuke the rock from the inside.
Plot Synopsis: Due to a shuttle's unfortunate demise in outer space, NASA becomes aware of a doomsday asteroid that is on a collision course with Earth. It seems that the only way to knock it off course is to drill into its surface and detonate a nuclear weapon. But as NASA's under-funded yet resourceful team train the world's best drillers for the job, the social order of the world begins to break down as the information reaches the public and hysteria results. As high-ranking officials play politics with the effort, the drilling team all faces deep personal issues which may jeopardize humanity's last chance...

Actors: Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thornton, Ben Affleck, Liv Tyler, Will Patton

Production Company: Touchstone Pictures, Jerry Bruckheimer Films, Valhalla Motion Pictures
USA Box Office: $202 Million
Worldwide Box Office: $555 Million
Budget Estimate: $140 Million

Michael Bay - Director, Robert Roy Pool - Writer (Story), Jonathan Hensleigh - Writer (Story), Tony Gilroy - Writer (Adaptation), Shane Salerno - Writer (Adaptation), Jonathan Hensleigh - Writer (Screenplay), J.J. Abrams - Writer (Screenplay), Kenny Bates - Producer (associate producer), Michael Bay - Producer (producer), Jerry Bruckheimer - Producer (producer), Jonathan Hensleigh - Producer (executive producer), Gale Anne Hurd - Producer (producer), Chad Oman - Producer (executive producer), Pat Sandston