be moved
心动的相关 短语心动过速 tachycardia ;
令人心动 prickeln
心动 故事 Snap Judgment
心动描记 cardiographs
心动情缘 Mysitc Mind
心动的英语例句1. Sinus bradycardia occurs when the heart rate falls below 60.
2. Tachycardia may result from pain, apprehension, hypoventilation, or hypovolemia.
心动过速可由于疼痛 、 恐惧 、 通气不足或低血容量引起.
3. The patient has dyspnea, tachycardia, and cyanosis.
病人呼吸困难, 心动过数及发绀.
4. Bradycardia, if persistent, should be controlled by the insertion of a pacemaker as soon as possible.
如果持续出现心动过缓, 应尽快使用起搏器.
5. Excessive sympathetic drive is by far the most common cause of sinus tachycardia.
6. Some patients develop premonitory signs and symptoms, such as nervousness, sweating, and tachycardia.
病人可有先兆性症状, 例如易于激动, 出汗和心动过速.
7. He's tachycardic! Wide - complex looks like v - tach!
心动过速! 波形宽而多变像是室性心动过速!
8. We act just because we want to; we act because we must!
想要只能让我们心动, 必须要才能让我们行动!
9. A total of 109 patients underwent physical examination, electrocardiogram and echo cardiography.
总计109个病人做了体格检查, 心电图,超生心动图.
10. An echocardiogram is the most useful test for diagnosing MVP.
11. The pulmonary valve functioned well without significantly regurgitation on echocardiography.
12. Conclusin Transesophageal echocardiography an useful means for the evaluation of coronary artery.
13. Transthoracic ( tranz ik ) echocardiography is the most common type of echocardiogram test.
经胸超声波 心动 图是最为常见的一种超声波心动图检查.
14. Than cardiac operations a rush to experience the passion Oh!
15. A fetal echocardiography is used to look an unborn baby's heart.
关于心动相关用法:你对他心动了吗1. Do you have chemistry with him? 你对他心动了吗?
初恋是一种青涩的感觉,那时候还分不清爱和喜欢,但是“有好感”的确是存在的。当发现你傻笑、魂不守舍你的好姐妹也许会问你:Do you have chemistry with him?Chemistry是名词,表示“化学”。这句话字面上是在问你对他起化学反应了吗?这是美国人常用的口语,表示对某人来电,短语表达是have chemistry with sb.对某人心动。
2. I'm sure he has taken a shine to you. 我敢肯定他对你有好感。
Shine在这个 句子 中是名词,含义是“光泽,光辉,阳光”,take a shine to sb.字面意思是“给某人一些阳光”,实际含义是对某人印象好,有好感,就像我们说“青睐某人,喜欢某人”。I'm sure he has taken a shine to you. 我敢肯定他对你有好感。
3. I've always had a real soft spot for him.我一向对他挺有好感。
我们要学习的第三个表达是比好感稍深一点的感情,特殊的好感,说到这里也许很多人会想起special feelings,这个短语的确可以表示“特殊的感情”,但这种表达是很蹩脚的,地道的表达是have a soft spot,soft spot指感情上的弱点,我们经常说某事物某人触动了我们心中最柔软的角落、最敏感的那根弦,也就是have a soft spot。要注意,have a soft spot 不仅用于男女之间的好感,还可以指其他任何你有特殊感情的事物或人,比如:I have a soft spot in my heart for my old school. 我对我的母校特别有感情。
1. flipped怦然心动英文简介
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