Mike:Hello!好久没有和你见面了,你在美国的日子过得好吗?For a long time have no and meet you,you of the day in the United States?我非常想念你.I miss you very much.
这些年,我们家乡阜宁的新面貌真可谓日新月异.Over the years,our hometown funing new look really is changing.过去,随处可见低矮的平房,而现在,一座座拔地而起、鳞次栉比的高楼大厦尽收眼底;In the past,everywhere the low bungalow,and now,a place have sprung up,rows of tall buildings,a panoramic view;以前,老县城自东向西只有一条坑洼不平、狭窄的泥泞道路,而现在,宽阔平整的水泥路一眼望不到尽头.Previously,old county from east to west is only a rough,there is certainly some pits narrow muddy road,and now,a wide flat by cement the eye can see an end.街道两旁商铺林立、人流如潮;Street were lined with shops,people such as tide;以前的阜宁县城仅在射阳河北,而现在的县城以射阳河为中心,两岸对称发展.The previous funing county in hebei province only reflected,and now with the county SheYangHe as the center,the development of symmetry.河上还建起了五座现代化的大桥,两岸居民安居乐业,在这里幸福地生活着.The river has built five a modern bridge,people on both sides of the Taiwan straits and prosperous life,here live happily.
“十里射阳河,十里风光带”."SheYangHe miles,li sight".风景如画的阜宁城里最具特色的便是美丽的射阳河外滩.The picturesque funing the city's most distinctive is the beautiful SheYangHe bund.一年四季,这里花儿争奇斗艳,芳香四溢.Throughout the year,there are flowers,scent 4 excessive.春天,金黄金黄的迎春花争奇斗艳;Spring,golden golden contend the jasminum nudiflorum;夏天,红白相间的喇叭花竞相开放;Summer,red-and-white morning glory blossom;秋天,绚丽多彩的菊花芳香四溢;Autumn,colorful chrysanthemum fragrant four;冬天,不畏严寒的腊梅凌寒独放……Winter,defying cold contending ling2 only put...构成了一幅幅五彩缤纷的图画.Constitute the colorful pictures of a constant.蜿蜒流动的小径、平整碧绿的草坪、光滑干净的栏杆、造型各异的花池、巧夺天工的雕塑、怪石嶙峋的假山,奇花异木、亭台轩榭、广场游廊……Winding path,level off the flow of the green lawn,smooth clean railings,with different shapes of the lotus pond,wonderful artical excelling nature of the sculpture,the strange rugged rockery,wonderful flower rare wood,pavilions,square pavilions porch veranda.万千景点,静中有动、同中有异、无不融自然天工之奇趣.Myriad attractions,in a static dynamic,with a different,all without exception in melts natural characterized by fantasy.每当夜色降临,两岸河沿上的灯光鲜明地勾勒出射阳河光滑柔美的线条.When the night comes,the lights on the riverside clearly draw the outline of SheYangHe smooth gently beautiful line.倒映在河水中的灯光,宛如一条条游动的银蛇.The light reflected in the river,like a swimming measures.与万家灯火交相辉映,浑然一体.And the lamplights of families in photograph reflect,one integrated mass.这时,如果你在外滩上走一走,看一看,怎能不心旷神怡呢?At this time,if you take a walk on the bund,take a look,you can not relaxed and happy?
我们阜宁还有许多特产.We funing and many speciality.俗话说“家有玉带,幸福万代”.Common saying says "the home has jade belt,happiness,and the ten thousand generations".玉带糕是畅销全国的产品,具有白如雪、薄如纸、软如绵、甜如蜜等特点,它的制作原料样样可都是精挑细选的哦!Jade belt linked to the products sell well in the whole country is cake,with white as snow,and thin as paper,soft like sheep and sweet as honey and other characteristics,its make raw materials are all carefully selected oh!硕集的卜页已经“走出家门”,而且驰名中外,具有色泽金黄、柔嫩细腻、薄明如纸等特点,吃起来鲜嫩可口.The following set by page has the "out of the house,and known at home and abroad,has the golden in color,soft,delicate,BoMingRu paper and other characteristics,eat up fresh and tender.马荡大青蟹体肥个大,肉质鲜嫩,蟹黄丰腴,还有“黄毛金钩蟹”的雅称呢!The horse swing big green crab body fat a big meat is,creamy well-developed,and "yellow MaoJin hook crab" confusing!除此之外,还有沟墩对虾、益林酱油、“歪子”茶干……In addition,there are ditch pier prawns,benefit Lin soy sauce,"slanting son" tea to do...你是否已经垂涎三尺了呢?Whether you have licked?等你来了,我要让你大饱口福!Waiting for you,I'm going to let you full the luck to eat STH delicious!
听了我的介绍,你是不是心动了?I listened,did you move?心动不如行动,赶快登上飞机,来到阜宁,我等着你大驾光临!Echocardiography action,hurry to get on the plane and came to funing,I was waiting for you to me!
I wish your family happy life!