Architectures are the appearances of the cities, the cultures, and the times. Architectures of various times load various appearances necessarily. The most difference among present western architectures, traditional architectures, and modern architectures is that the appearances of these architectures have run out their scopes of visual aesthetic and spatial aesthetic just like CCTV New Headquarter, which is the humanization, symbolization, and allegorization of the architectures, and transmission container of the architects. Architectures sway between modeling and signification. Adapt to this,architects also swim between irony and game. Therefore, present western architectures show a specialty being fully different from those at any other times in aesthetic and a new spirit:通过故作高深的哲理表述而传达出来的激进的怀疑和批判精神,the new aesthetic spirit in present western architectures declare the changing of the aesthetic style of modern architectures through . 人们更清楚地意识到,construction的魅力并不一定在于完整和完美,有时也存在于零碎和狂怪甚至丑陋之中;CCTV Headquarter也就完全承接了这一点。
Architectural art is a cubic art style, 是通过construction群体组织、architectures的shape, layout arrangement, 立面形式、内外空间组织、结构造型,亦即architectures的构图、ratios, scales, colors, substantial feelings, and spatial feelings,以及architectures的ornament , painting, carving、花纹、庭园、家具陈设等多方面的考虑和处理所形成的一种integrated art. 从而可知,Architectural art 与other plastic Arts 一样,它主要通过视觉给人以美的感受。CCTV Old Headquarter艺术形象具有反映了特殊的社会生活、精神面貌和经济基础。历代Architectural arts与它所处的历史时代、地理气候、民族文化和生活习俗密切相关,同时受到材料、结构、施工技术的制约。
Architectural art 与Architectural technology 是一对统一的整体,二者永不分离,只有建立在Architectural technology基础上的Architectural art才能体现Architectural art 的真正特色。
Modern Architectures 随着时代的发展,Aesthetic View也在变化。What’s architectural aesthetic? Aesthetic means an acknowledgement of optimum information. Things being felt as optimum information are aesthetic. Health is an aesthetic compared with weakness, diligence is an aesthetic compared with lazy, honesty is an aesthetic compared with mendacity, and goodness is an aesthetic compared with evil. In summary, all the feelings and situations being expressed optimum information as are aesthetics. Therefore, from this significance, 我们是强调建构的美学观 ,立美就是创造优化结构。我们在哪里创造了优化结构 ,它就是立美。Our mansion is to find optimum information and to establish optimum structure, so does it in pure art field, design field, as well as in architectural environment and space field. Sometimes an artwork may have art performance without aesthetic,and this can also occur in architectural artworks, for architectural art intends to express the internal connotations of a given architecture, but architectural aesthetic intends to express the harmony of its shape. 二者可以统一,有时也会分离,前面已经分析了Architectural art的特性,知道了construction艺术与美的关系,但是我们又怎样来体会construction美的表达呢?因此,要使一座Architecture 获得美感,首先要注意到它的integration, that is to say,不仅仅从functional and structural angels来考虑,而且要从Architectures 所能产生的各种visual effects来考虑。不论construction审美的目的如何,construction都应该让人领悟其部分的和谐与整体特征。
The building is the facial expression of the city, is also a cultural facial expression, more the facial expression of the that time generation.Not coetaneous building, will load a different facial expression by all means.The contemporary west building and traditional building is as for the modern constructs the biggest dissimilarity to lie in, building of the facial expression has already surmounted the scope of its sense of vision esthetics and the space esthetics, being like a new mansion of cctv similar, it is building the text turns originally, symbolizing to turn, the parable turn, making the container that it becomes informing the architect esthetics and philosophy thought.The building sways between the shape and the form righteousness.Wenting with and this should, the architect also swims 弋 in ironic and of the game.Therefore, the contemporary west building expresses on the esthetics a kind of differ from any ages only opposite sex, a kind of new spirit:Pass past make high and deep philosophy to express but the radical doubt for inform and criticize spirit, contemporary west building in this kind of new esthetics spirit, announce contemporary the building appreciate beauty the change of[with] way.People are aware of more clearly, building of the magic power not necessarily lies in an integrity also with perfect, sometimes also is exist in odd pieces with wildly strange even ugly in;The cctv mansion also accepted this completely.
Construct an art, is a kind of stereoscopic art form.BE the body,the flat surface decoration that passes the building community organization,building,sign a noodles form,inside outside space organization,the structure shape, that is the composition,comparison,dimensions,color,texture and the space feeling for construct, and building of the adornment,painting,carvings,wood grain,home garden,furniture display etc. a kind of comprehensive sex art become by the various consideration and processing.Can know thus, the building art and other plastic arts are similar, it mainly passes sense of vision to the person to feel beautifully.The art image of the old cctv mansion had to reflect the special social activities,the spirit feature and economic foundation.The in the past constructs an art and it is closely related the history ages,geography weather,the race culture and living custom of the place, be subjected to a technical check and supervision of material,structure,construction in the meantime.
Construct the art and the building technique is a rightness of to unify of whole, the twos separate never, only building up in constructing the technique foundation of building art then can the body construct the real special features of[with] art now.
Contemporary building along with the development of the ages, esthetic sense also Be change.Building of beautiful is what? The beautiful is to excellent turn an information of feeling 悟 .What things it is feel for a kind of excellent information for turn, it is beautiful.For crack-up but speech, the 康健 is beautiful;for lazy but speech, the hard-working is beautiful;for false but speech, the sincerity is beautiful;for brutish but speech, the docile is beautiful.In fine, the whole performances are excellent for information to turn of the feeling and 态 is all beautiful.Therefore speak from this meaning, we are the esthetics views that emphasizes a construction or purchase, sign beautiful be create excellent turn structure.We where create excellent turn structure, it is to sign beautiful.Discover excellent turn an information, establish excellent turn structure, this is our mission, such in pure art realm, such in the design the realm, the same is such in the building the environment space realm.Sometimes an art work may have the art performance dint very much, but not beautiful, the building art work same would also appear this kind of circumstance, because building the art want to express to be a certain to construct of inside connotation, and building of beautiful then express a body of harmonious fine, two can unify, sometimes would also separate, have already analyzed building the characteristic of[with] art before, know the art and beautiful relation of building, but how do we realize a beautiful expression of building again?Therefore make a building acquire pleasant impression, wanting to take notice of its integrity first, be say, not only only consider from the angle of the function and the structure, and wanted various visual effect that canned produce from the building to consider.Construct to appreciate beauty in spite of of how purpose is, construct should let the harmonious and whole characteristic that the person comprehends its part.
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