Love is something that cannot be measured with a ruler or any other measuring device. The magnitude can only be determined by the individual and how important it is to them in their own personal lives. Love is universal and travels through time. Were people in love in the fifteen century the same way people are in love now? The answer is a very simple yes.
There are many types of love. For example, there exists the love between a mother and child. This type of love is endless. For it is sometimes said that the only person you can truly trust that will never want any harm to you is your mother. It doesn't mean it is applicable in all situations. There is exceptions to the exceptions.
Then there exists the love towards a companion. This is one of the key factors to living life to its fullest. It is without doubt important to understand the quality it adds to one's life.
Without love in our world it would sure be a cold one to live in!