
2025-02-15 19:10:34

附录A Title: Meeting employeee requirements: Maslows hierarchy of needs is still a reliable guide to motivating staff.Material Source: Industrial Engineer Oct2011 Author:SADRIGOLNAZ BOWENR. CLARKE. Motivation relates to a range of psychological processes that guide an individualtoward a goal and cause that person to keep pursuing that goal. Motivation often isdescribed in terms of direction the choice of one activity over another intensityhow hard an employee tries and persistence how long an employee continues with abehavior even in the face of obstacles or adverse circumstances. Motivatedemployees work harder produce higher quality and greater quantities of work aremore likely to engage in organizational citizenship behaviors and are less likely toleave the organization in search of more fulfilling opportunities. Competition by companies to attract the most talented individuals has givenemployees the power to demand more than just a reasonable wage or salary and thereis evidence that companies are starting to listen. A recent survey showed that salaryhad only a 20 percent impact on job satisfaction. Employees need a range ofmotivators in order to remain engaged in their work. In response to this demandemployers are looking at how to satisfy their employees on both an extrinsic financiallevel as well as an intrinsic psychological level. Research conducted by the Employee Benefit Research Institute EBRI foundthat in 2004 92 percent of employer spending for total compensation was on wagesand salaries however the following year spending on wages fell to 81 percent. Inbalancing monetary extrinsic and nonmonetary intrinsic incentives companies usediverse motivators ranging from competitive monetary compensation and healthinsurance packages to concierge services and nap times. The continuous endeavor isto be creative in designing a benefits package that attracts and retains qualityemployees. The theory of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs can be used as a framework toidentify the various benefits organizations can offer to satisfy their employees’ needsand in turn increase revenues and reduce expenses. Psychology professor AbrahamMaslow’s theory proposed in 1943 identifies the five basic human needs thatunderlie all human activity. Fundamental behavior Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is one of the fundamental theories of personalmotivation. The theory can help organizations design programs to motivate theiremployees retain employee loyalty reduce turnover recruit quality individuals andultimately increase productivity and net income. A. Kinicki and R. Kreitner in theirbook Organizational Behavior identify and define the five basic human needs thatcomprise Maslow’s hierarchy. The five human needs presented in hierarchical orderfrom the most basic to the most advanced are physiological safety love/belongingesteem and self-actualization. According to Maslow each need has to be satisfied substantially in order for anindividual to progress to the next level. Managers are able to motivate their employeesby providing rewards that help satisfy the need that is operational and prevalent at anypoint in time. Once a need has been satisfied substantially it ceases to be a motivator.Then employees move to the next level in the need hierarchy and work on satisfyingthose needs. 1. Physiological needs Maslow defined the physiological need as the most basic. It includes the need forfood air water and shelter as well as the need to be active to rest and to sleep. Themost obvious motivational item in this category is monetary compensation whichincludes wages and salaries bonuses stock options and retirement plans. Wages andsalaries make up about 80 percent of what companies spend to compensate theiremployees. Many individuals would list salary as one of the most important factorswhen considering a job. Money is a vital part of employees’reward packages andhelps fulfill the bulk of their physiological needs. Food clothing and a place to livecan be obtained with the wage or salary a person earns. Providing a comfortable work environment also helps satisfy physiological needs.Clean and fresh air to breathe and an ergonomic workspace keyboard and mouse canhelp employees perform without distraction and keep them motivated. Other benefitsoffered to satisfy employees’ physiological needs are free or subsidized cafeteriasregular break times and break rooms stocked with drinks and food. Many companies provide free food for their employees so that they are satisfiedon this level and able to engage more fully in their workplace activities. For exampleA. Lashinsky in Fortune describes Google’s 11 gourmet cafeterias at its MountainView Calif. headquarters where employees can eat for free. Other free andsubsidized perks that companies provide include car washes laundry and drycleaning facilities onsite gyms exercise classes massages and discounts on companyproducts. Providing perks for free or at a subsidy helps reduce employees’expenseswhich indirectly gives them more discretionary income to purchase other necessaryitems that help satisfy basic physiological needs and beyond. Another employee benefit that is becoming more important for companies toprovide is a healthy work-life balance. Work-life balance is considered aphysiological need since one needs to engage in enough nonwork activity and rest tohave a healthy lifestyle. Increasingly employees are considering work-life balance asan important goal and factor the potential for this into their decision of whether towork for a company. It is not uncommon for a job candidate to reject a job offerbecause it did not include a good work-life balance. Most recruiters say work-lifebalance considerations are more important now than they were five or 10 years ago. In order to accommodate the work-life balance needs of potential employees andattract the best possible applicants companies have developed greater levels offlexibility offering programs like telecommuting on-site fitness centers on-sitelaundry facilities flexible workweeks and hours and the ability to work from home afew days a week. In addition employees seek greater balance through vacation timeand extra days off during the holidays to help them enjoy life outside of work havemore balance in their lives and be more productive once they are back at theworkplace. 2. Safety need The safety need as defined by Maslow consists of the need to be safe fromphysical and psychological harm. As with physiological needs wages and salarieshelp to provide a safe place to live a basic need. Another factor that is as important asa safe place to live is a sense of security regarding an employee’s health bothphysical and mental. According to a study by J. MacDonald from EBRI corporateAmerica spent 596.5 billion on health benefits in 2005. In prior decades perhapsonly the employee received health insurance. Today it is expected that companiesextend health coverage to family members. In addition companies are providingdisability and life insurance which adds to the feeling of long-term safety andsecurity and helps build employee trust and loyalty. Another major component used to satisfy safety needs is the provision ofretirement plans. Employees derive an overall sense of long-term security with theknowledge that they are able to provide for themselves during their retirement years.The most popular and widely used employer-sponsored plan is the 401k in whichthe employer matches a portion of the employee’s contribution. Companies that donot provide a matching contribution find themselves at a disadvantage in attractinghiring and retaining the most qualified individuals. Finally as a way to help with emotional and mental wellbeing companiesare providing employee assistance programs and counseling services. These programsprovide psychological security through the use of qualified professionals who can beaccessed through a confidential helpline where employees call in to speak withtrained counselors to help them with problems ranging from conflict and stress at theworkplace to personality disorders and recovery from addiction or face-to-facemeetings with trained counselors who can help employees cope with their emotionaldifficulties. 3. love/belonging needs The desire to love and to be loved is the third tier in Maslow’s hierarchy andincludes the need for affection and belonging. Individuals who are looking to satisfytheir love/belonging needs are likely to join or continue working at a company basedon the relationships and social support mechanisms they have established orpotentially expect to establish there. Two important sources of social support foremployees include co-workers and bosses. Cohesive teams benefit employers as well as employees. Teams are able toproduce synergy output that is greater than the sum of all the individual parts. Thusa company can become more efficient and develop new and creative ideas byallowing employees to collaborate and work in teams. This is a win-win situation forthe company since it also will help satisfy the belonging needs of its employees. Otherprograms that companies have implemented to meet the belonging need of employeesare company luncheons banquets retreats company-sponsored sports teams clubsmentoring and programs that allow employees to bring children and pets to work. Inaddition open plan offices and break rooms where employees have opportunities tomeet and interact with one another help satisfy belonging needs. 4. esteem need Maslow’s esteem need includes the needs for responsibility reputationprestige recognition and respect from others. These in turn lead to self-confidenceand strengthen an employee’s motivation and productivity. Research has shown thatlack of recognition from their direct supervisor is one of the main reasons employeesleave their jobs. Receiving recognition and praise are fundamental motivators acrossall levels of employees. Recognition and praise help an individual know that peopleappreciate what that person has accomplished. Again self-confidence is strengthenedand motivation is created for continued hard work. A study conducted by G. Grahamat the Barton School of Business at Wichita State University found that 63 percent ofAmerican workers ranked recognition as a meaningful incentive. Research also shows that many individuals will join or stay with a companyto satisfy their esteem needs through a sense of accomplishment in their work.Employees like to feel that their work contributes to establishing a good reputation forthem. To help foster these feelings companies can implement many simple and scost-effective programs. Providing business cards with the employee’ name and titleproduces an emotional appeal a sense of connection and pride in the organization.Many companies have started creating societies or prestigious groups that include thebest technical professionals in order to keep their employees motivated. Ambitious employees want to feel challenged and have opportunities toadvance. They want a defined work role with distinct career possibilities. For theseemployees titles and promotions are important. In small companies if there is novertical ladder to climb then companies need to delegate responsibilities to help theiremployees with career development and keep them engaged. 5. Self-actualization need The fifth and final tier of Maslow’s hierarchy is the need for self-actualizationwhich is the need for self-fulfillment and to become the best one is capable ofbecoming. Employees who significantly have satisfied the four lower needs now arelooking to better themselves those around them and the world as a whole. There is asense that once these needs are engaged they likely will become stronger as they arefed and satisfied. Therefore this layer within the hierarchy is used to inspireemployees and to help them perform at their highest levels. One of the basic ways in which companies can help their employees begin tosatisfy this need is to offer tuition-reimbursement programs and encourage enrollmentin classes and courses related to their job responsibilities. Education assistance planshelp employees keep pace with the ever-changing work environment as well asprovide valuable opportunities for personal and professional growth and development.Further-more employees will bring new skills back into the workplace that will addvalue to the company. Another benefit is allowing a paid sabbatical typically ranging from a few weeksto a few months in which the employee can participate in a humanitarian cause orwork toward a lifelong goal. R. Levering and M. Moskowitz in Fortune detail REI’spractice of allowing a four-week sabbatical after 15 years of service. Employees usethe time to tackle an outdoor goal such as climbing Mount Everest. Sabbaticals alsoare offered by most educational institutions to support faculty in developing researchagendas while taking a break from teaching classes. The result of a sabbatical ismental and physical renewal which brings with it a renewed energy for theemployee’s work resulting in greater productivity upon a return to the workplace. This is a great opportunity to get out of the office and partner with co-workers todo charity work which also helps meet employee needs for love and belonging.Another way to help satisfy the need for self-actualization and motivate employees isto match dollar for dollar or a percentage of employees’ contributions to acharitable organization. This also helps build company loyalty. 附录B 标题: 会议员工要求:马斯洛需求层次仍然是一个可靠的指导鼓励员工的理论。 资料来源:工业工程师2011年10月 作者:SADRI GOLNAZ BOWEN R.CLARKE. 动机与一系列的心理过程是引导个人向一个目标及引起的那个人继续追求这一目标的过程。动机常被形容为方向选择一个活动超过另一个强度雇员如何努力尝试和毅力职员能继续一个行为多久,即使面临障碍或逆境。激励员工努力工作创造更高品质和更大量的工作使其更多地从事组织公民行为而不会离开该组织寻找更好的机会。 公司间的竞争中最吸引人才的方式是给予员工的权利不再仅仅是一份合理的工资、薪金更有证据表明公司开始倾听员工需求。最近的一项调查表明工资只占影响工作满意度的20的。为了保持全身心投入工作员工需要一系列的激励因素。针对这一需求雇主都在思考如何满足雇员外在的金融水平以及内在的心理的水平。 研究表示,2004年员工福利研究所EBRI发现92的雇主的总薪酬开支在工资、薪金上然而接下来一年的工资开支降到81。在平衡货币外在和非货币内在的奖励中公司使用不同的激励因素从竞争货币补偿和健康保险到礼宾服务和午睡时间。不断的努力是创造性设计一种福利待遇从而吸引并保持有质量的雇员。 马斯洛的需求层次理论可以作为一个框架来确定各种能够提供满足员工需求的利益团体,从而反过来增加收入减少费用。心理学教授亚伯拉罕马斯洛1943年提出的理论中,确定了5个基本的需求促成了人类的一切活动。 基本行为 马斯洛的需求层次的基本理论之一是个人的动机。这个理论可以帮助组织设计程序来激励员工保持员工忠诚度减少营业额招聘有质量的员工和最终提高生产率和纯收入。A. Kinicki and R. Kreitner他们的书中提到组织行为学中识别并定义了马斯洛的层次构成的5个基本的人类需求。五个人类的需求提出了从最基本到最先进的等级秩序生理、安全、爱/归属感、尊重和自我实现的。 根据马斯洛每个人渴望发展到一个新的层次的这种需求需要被大大满足。经理通过提供奖励的形式能在任何一个点的操作和普及激励他们的员工。本质上一旦需要已经满足它就不再是一种动力。然后,对于满足这些需求,员工就转移到下一个水平层次和工作的需要上。 生理需求 马斯洛的生理需要定义是最基本的。它包括食物、空气、水和住所以及需要积极、休息和睡眠。在这一范畴的提出的最明显的动机项目是货币补偿包括工资、薪金、奖金、股票期权和退休计划。公司所花工资、薪金所得的约80来补偿他们自己的员工。许多人在考虑一份工作的时候会列出薪水最重要的因素之一。金钱是一个重要的部分,员工的奖励,解决了大半的生理需求。一个人赚的的工资、薪金可以获得食.



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